To express support for rescuing Charles Li and the historic heroic undertaking of suing Jiang in a U.S. federal court, Falun Gong practitioners in Korea have, one after another, stepped out into the streets and clarified the truth to the public.
A practitioner decorated his car with the three characters, "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance," on the front of the car, and with "Falun Dafa Cultivation Practice" and contact phone numbers on both sides. In his car, there are always materials clarifying the truth about Falun Gong in various languages. No matter where he went, such as gas stations, road maintenance fee stations and other spots, he always politely handed a sheet of truth-clarifying material to whomever he met. Every time a big truth-clarifying activity took place, this practitioner always drove his car to help.
To clarify the truth to the public in a more effective way utilizing audiovisual equipment, another practitioner bought a big-screen projector. Starting out at 5:00 am, he and other fellow practitioners would drive to construction sites, employment agencies, subway stations, streets in Chinatown and other Chinese neighborhoods to play video tapes, hand out flyers and demonstrate the Falun Gong exercises in the morning before people started work. In the afternoon after work, they quickly ate a light meal and started out again. The practitioners found that many Chinese people were now starting to understand Falun Gong in a positive way. Furthermore, on the streets of Chinatown, where we had visited before, there were many people who needed truth-clarifying materials, and some of them wanted to learn to practice Falun Gong.
After seeing how we clarified the truth, a practitioner who came here from Mainland China not long ago was touched and encouraged. From then on, he always went with us to do the exercises and pass out flyers before work in the morning and after work in the afternoon.
One night, a Chinese gentleman became very upset after watching our videotape "Witness." With tears glittering in his eyes, he said in anger, "I had heard before that the Chinese government was persecuting Falun Gong, but I didn't take it seriously. I could not have imagined that it is so cruel. Too cruel! It is too cruel!" He continued full of emotion, "Who would not be touched in the heart after seeing the persecution?" He also told us that he has a relative working at a police station in China, and he was going to tell her never to get involved in persecuting Falun Gong and doing anything to commit offenses against Heaven no matter what the reason. Before leaving us, he took some truth-clarifying materials and DVDs in order to tell his relatives and friends the facts about Falun Gong.
After coming to know the truth, a Korean citizen said angrily, "Such a good practice and people love it! People outside of China can enjoy the freedom to practice it. Why should the Chinese government suppress it? It is incredible! It must be horrific to be in a country without human rights."
Previously, Sundays were reserved for our collective Fa-study. After sharing experiences, practitioners in Seoul realized that we always set aside some time for calm-hearted Fa-study everyday, while it is a rare chance for us to get together on Sundays. During this key period while Jiang is being sued, we'd better go out on Sundays to clarify the truth to the public. Because we are in the time of validating the Fa, our purpose for studying the Fa and obtaining the Fa is to help Teacher to rectify the Fa and save sentient beings. From that time on, practitioners in Seoul, together with practitioners from other areas, have been going to the major tourist spots to practice the Falun Gong exercises, introduce Dafa, and clarify the truth every Sunday. Whenever we set up our poster boards, hang up our big banner about the lawsuit against Jiang and do the exercises together, we always attract a lot of people. Then, our practitioners waste no time telling the tourists about the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China, and the Jiang regime's illegal detention and abuse of American citizen Charles Li. Many kind people signed one after another on the signature collection sheets to show their support for rescuing Charles Li and for suing Jiang.
Now, every true practitioner doesn't wait or rely on others. Everyone is validating the Fa in his or her own way. At the same time, many practitioners have continued to improve themselves. As they continuously correct their mistakes, they are able to clearly sense and identify the problems existing among practitioners as a whole. They may sometimes give some suggestions to others with a kind heart, or just silently supplement what fellow practitioners are already doing. Their purpose is for our practitioners as a whole to catch up with the process of Fa-rectification, and we can fully utilize the strength of our practitioners as a whole.
Being short of time, some practitioners have made use of their mornings and nights to clarify the truth. In order to save more time for Fa-study, many practitioners bought a portable tape recorder to make it convenient to listen to Teacher's Fa lectures when taking a bus or walking. At the same time, everybody knows that he must find some time everyday to sit down and study the Fa with a calm heart. This is because, as Teacher told us,
"No matter how busy you are or how many things you have to do, you can't neglect your own Fa study and cultivation. It's the fundamental guarantee that you will be able to do things related to validating the Fa well. It's also a guarantee that you'll be able to make it to the last step" (Lecturing on and Explaining the Fa at the Metropolitan New York Fa Conference).
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