(Clearwisdom.net) On August 9th 2003, practitioners gathered in Solihull to demonstrate the peaceful meditative exercises of Falun Dafa. We took it in turns to perform the five simple sets of exercises under the shade of a tree. This offered some welcome protection from the unusually hot UK weather. Amazed at how peaceful the exercises looked, many people took information about free classes around the UK and learned more about the brutal persecution that has now been happening in China for over four years. Many people I spoke to were astonished that such a peaceful practice could be so viciously persecuted.

As I was giving out flyers, a group of young men came over and asked me what one of the other practitioners was doing. I told them that she was meditating in tranquility. At this point one of them turned around and said he could feel a warm type of energy radiating from the meditating practitioner. I didn't have to say anything more about the exercises because the young men seemed to naturally understand why she practiced Falun Gong.

Being busy with other ways of letting people know more about the abuses of human rights that are occurring against practitioners in China, it has been quite a while since I took part in an activity like this. I had forgotten what an amazing experience it is to do these peaceful exercises in a busy public setting. It left me with a deep sense of satisfaction.

Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200308/14439.html