(Clearwisdom.net) On 29th July 2003, a UK practitioner delivered petition letters to local authorities in different areas of Ireland. The letters contained details of the efforts to rescue UK practitioners' persecuted family members and similar rescue efforts that are happening in Ireland. UK Dafa practitioners' Summer SOS Tour to let people know the truth about Falun Gong, rescue persecuted friends and family members and deliver petition letters to the MPs and the media around the country is coming to an end. However, Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom that has been largely ignored by UK practitioners because it is separated from England by the sea. Irish practitioners have also not made great efforts to promote Falun Dafa in Northern Ireland because it does not come under the jurisdiction of the Irish government. As a result, Irish practitioners and UK practitioners have only intorduced Dafa in the capital city of Belfast on a few occasions over the past few years.


This time, UK practitioners really felt that they should make a larger and more determined effort to let more people in Northern Ireland know the truth about Dafa and Jiang's brutal persecution. After communicating with Irish practitioners, a UK practitioner arranged to meet them in Northern Ireland and stage three days of activities to tell people about the campaign to rescue the persecuted friends and family members of UK and Irish Dafa practitioners.

Over three days, the UK practitioner and some Irish practitioners went to three of the biggest cities in Ireland - the capital Dublin, Galway, and Limerick - and three important cities in Northern Ireland - the capital Belfast, Lisburn, and Newtown. We gave petition letters and details of the family rescue cases to local councillors and the media. The UK cases were Yongjie Zhu, fiancée of UMIST alumnus Dr Xie Weiguo, Zhu Baolian, sister of Londoner Mr. Zhu Baosheng, and the detained academic who was previously at Liverpool University, Zheng Xujun. The family rescue cases from Ireland were Yang Fang, Liu Feng and his wife Zhang Xiaona. For more information on European efforts to rescue practitioners' persecuted friends and family members, please click here.

Source: http://www.clearharmony.net/articles/200308/14458.html