City of Bell Gardens
California Falun Dafa Month
August 2003
Whereas, I am delighted to honor and recognize the first annual celebration of California Falun Dafa Month, a historic event that will help to create awareness about the many unique traditions and diverse cultures that exist in the Garden State; and
Whereas, Falun Dafa is a special program of exercises and meditation that improve energy circulation in the body and emphasize the cultivation of moral character through understanding the universe's benevolent characteristics of truthfulness, compassion and forbearance; and since its introduction to the general public by Mr. Li Hongzhi in 1992, it has been practiced by more than 100 million people in over 60 countries worldwide; and
Whereas, this special exercise program has helped people around the world, including many in California, to improve their health, calmed their minds, uplift their spirit, and deepen their understanding of life and humanity; and
Whereas, since 1995, when Falun Dafa was introduced in this state, many Californians have come to share and embrace the related exercises and teachings, and numerous workshops and classes are offered at various community locations throughout California.
Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved that I, Pedro Aceituno, Mayor and the City Council of the City of Bell Gardens, do hereby acknowledge the culturally significant celebration of California Falun Dafa Month and I encourage all Bell Gardens' residents to join me to do so.
Date: August 11, 2003
Pedro Aceituno, Mayor

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