(Clearwisdom.net, August 26, 2003) Bath in England is a world famous scenic spot. Many tourists visit the city each year. In order for more tourists from Europe, Asia, and America to deeply understand the truth about Dafa, fellow practitioners in England applied for a site in the central city to spread the Fa and to clarify the truth together.
On August 16, the sun shone brightly and the weather was fine. Practitioners from London, Birmingham, Oxford, Leicester, Nottingham, Cardiff, gathered in the King's Parade in Bath to demonstrate the five sets of Falun Gong exercises, to display the information about Dafa, teach the Falun Gong exercises, collect signatures, and distribute various kinds of truth clarifying materials to passersby.
The number of tourists was particularly large on the day of the activity, some of whom were Chinese students that came to study in other cities around England. Dafa is very popular in Bath. Dafa practitioners constantly shuttled between the site to spread the Fa and to distribute Dafa materials. There were also a number of people coming close to look at our display board and to ask for materials so that they could come to understand the truth of the persecution.
The site to introduce Dafa is located next to the Roman baths, a popular spot for tourists in Bath. Many tourists saw the eye-catching exercise demonstration. When they took photos, Dafa practitioners handed them materials and told of the persecution of Falun Gong.
A lot of tourists were deeply attracted by Dafa practitioners' group exercise demonstration. Many of them stopped to watch and were unwilling to leave for a long time. Some even said that they'd go back to get their families. A few residents expressed great interest and continually came to ask whether there were classes to learn the exercises. When one woman left, she said that she was really eager to learn the exercises as the movements were so graceful and peaceful. A couple of residents agreed that the Dafa exercise music was the most graceful and touching that they had ever heard.
The signature collection activity attracted a lot of tourists. These tourists came to express their support for human rights and freedom of belief, their admiration for Dafa, and their condemnation of Jiang's persecution.
When there are so many people eager to walk into Dafa, so eager to understand Dafa, and so eager to know the truth, Dafa practitioners know more clearly about their responsibilities and their mission. We all ought to clarify the truth more comprehensively so that more people can come to realize the facts.
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Category: April 25 Events