January 13, 2004
(Clearwisdom.net) Sticking to my cultivation practice of Falun Dafa, I have suffered frequent harassment from the local police station. One day, a police car came and stopped in front of my house. I held up my palm and started sending forth righteous thoughts. At that moment, four policemen who already walked into my yard suddenly turned back to their car and drove away.
Another time, the police came to my house and started harassing me. I kept clarifying the truth to them. I also listed a few examples of policemen who had received retribution for persecuting Falun Gong. The head of the police station became very angry and exasperated. He said, "I would not die even if you died!" I told him peacefully, "I didn't mean to curse you. I just want you to know the truth. Treating Falun Gong with kindness will bring you a good future. Good will be rewarded with good and evil with evil." He seemed to understand a bit and said, "It is not that retribution or fortune will not come, it is just that the time has not arrived yet." [This is the second line of the common Chinese saying "good will be rewarded with good and evil with evil."]
As an aged practitioner, I usually promote Dafa to the 700 or 800 families living in my village. I have often spoken out about the truth to them. In the beginning, although I worked very hard on clarifying the truth, because many of their being deeply affected by the state media's twisted propaganda, the outcome was not good. Later on I invited them to my home or other families who had VCD players to watch truth-clarifying VCDs. People gradually understood the truth and generated positive thoughts about Falun Gong. Some said, "Jiang is extremely bad." Others said, "It would be wonderful if all those government officials could learn Falun Gong!"
My village officials observed that all Falun Gong practitioners always paid their taxes first each autumn and some even borrowed money to pay taxes. Some of the officials talked about this phenomenon privately: "This is really unimaginable! Why not have all the residents learn Falun Gong?"
After 4 years of clarifying the truth in my village, all the residents have learned that Falun Gong is great. In the past, even though I wanted to give them flyers, nobody was willing to accept them. Now whenever I am among them, they all ask me for truth-clarifying materials. Because of the power of Dafa, moral standards have been improving in my community. For example, a young man found 50 yuan in front of a store and tried hard to give the money back to the owner. When he was asked why he did this good deed, he said, "I am learning from Falun Gong."
One day, I met a township official who came to my village to settle accounts from the autumn harvest. Because he did not understand the truth, he had joined in persecuting Falun Gong. I said to him, "Falun Dafa is great!" He said, "How dare you say Falun Gong is great?" I told him that Falun Gong is truly good and of course I dared to say it. I asked him about the progress of the settlement of accounts. He said his work went very smoothly. I said to him, "Do you know why your work went so smoothly in my village? It's all because of the spread of Falun Dafa here!"
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