- [Tanghe County, Henan Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Yuan Zehuan Appeals Her 8-Year Prison Sentence
- [Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province] Tianhe District Court Illegally Tries Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Li Yongjun
- [Jilin City, Jilin Province] Practitioner Ms. Liu Guiru Secretly Arrested and Again Sent to Heizuizi Forced Labor Camp
- [Dezhou City, Shandong Province] Previously Persecuted Practitioner Mr. Yu Dongxian Is Now Missing
- [Shandong Province] Laizhou City "610 Office" Arrests Dafa Practitioners Prior to China's National Day
- [Wuming County, Guangxi Province] Local "610 Office" Unlawfully Arrests Practitioner Mr. Mou Linfeng and Threatens His Family
- [Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province] Practitioner Mr. Zhang Guoliang Blindfolded and Abducted
- [Heilongjiang Province] Practitioner Ms. Li Chunhong Unduly Arrested
- [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Hanyang District "610 Office" Teamed With Unlawful Official to Seize Ms. Chen Guifang
- [Henan Province] Pingding Mountain's Bakuang Coal Washing Plant Helps Thugs to Persecute Practitioner Employee
- [Chongqing City, Sichuan Province] Yubei District Police Break in to Arrest Practitioner Mr. Chen Mingxi and Break Practitioner Ms. Wang Xiaoxia's Arm
- [Xianning City, Hubei Province] Two Falun Gong Practitioners Illegally Arrested
- [Huadian City, Jilin Province] Local "610 Office" Abducts Practitioner Ms. Li Shixin
- [Tanghe County, Henan Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Yuan Zehuan
Appeals Her 8-Year Prison Sentence
Practitioner Ms. Yuan Zehuan was unlawfully sentenced to 8 years in prison. She is now appealing to Henan Nanyang City's high court.
Tanghe County Detention Center Directors: Zhang Zishun, Qiao Zhenlong, Liu Ping, 86-13782097388 (Cell)
- [Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province] Tianhe District Court Illegally Tries
Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Li Yongjun
Tianhe public security police unjustly arrested Guangzhou practitioner Mr. Li Yongjun, approximately 30, in May 2004. He has been subjected to torture ever since. Mr. Li was scheduled to be tried in Tianhe District Court at 8:30 a.m. on September 21, 2004.
- [Jilin City, Jilin Province] Practitioner Ms. Liu Guiru Secretly Arrested
and Again Sent to Heizuizi Forced Labor Camp
At about 5 a.m. on September 8, 2004, Longtan police officer Lu Dong and others broke into the home at No. 4-5-91 Longjiang Alley in the Longtan District of Residence14, Section 20, Jilin City. They forced Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Guiru into a car and transferred her to Changchun City's Heizuizi Forced Labor Camp.
Relevant Telephone Numbers:
Jilin City Public Security Bureau Headquarters: 86-432-2409221
Bureau Chief: 86-432-2409110, 86-432-2488110, 86-432-2454682 (Office)
Jilin City Longtan District Public Security Branch Head: 86-432-3037105 (Office), 86-13904404438 (Cellular)
Longtan Police Station: 86-431-3039773
- [Dezhou City, Shandong Province] Previously Persecuted Practitioner Mr. Yu
Dongxian Is Now Missing
A 45-year-old Shandong Province practitioner, Mr. Yu Dongxian, used to work at the Dezhou City Recycling Company. Because he would not stop his practice of Falun Dafa, Mr. Yu was removed from his job, his house was illegally searched, and his personal property was confiscated many times. Because he went to Beijing three times to appeal for the right to practice his beliefs, he was arrested and unlawfully sentenced to three years in Wangcun Forced Labor Camp in Zibo City, Shandong Province. Mr. Yu was tortured and went on a hunger strike to protest his treatment. He is now extremely weak. The labor camp tried to avoid responsibility for his condition by releasing him one year before his sentence was up. In April 2003, Mr. Yu was sent home. He disappeared in May, and his whereabouts are still unknown.
- [Shandong Province] Laizhou City "610 Office" Arrests Falun Gong
Practitioners Prior To China's National Day
Prior to the October 1st National Day, the Shandong Province Laizhou City Politics & Law Commission teamed up with the National Security Brigade and started organizing all units and police stations as early as mid-September. The plan was to seize practitioners and force them into the Brainwashing Center, where they would be tormented. The following practitioners have been illegally arrested: Mr. Liu Zhenduo and Ms. Lu Meifang (both from Banjia Village, Guojiadian Town, Lizhou City), Mr. Wu (the accountant of Guojiazhuangzi Village, Zuocun Town), as well as Ms. Mao Jinli and six others from Laizhou City in Shentang Town.
- [Wuming County, Guangxi Province] Local "610 Office" Unlawfully Arrests
Practitioner Mr. Mou Linfeng and Threatens His Family
On September 14, 2004, just after 6 a.m., Liu Zhenxun and others from the Guangxi Wuming County "610 Office," along with county police, broke into practitioner Mr. Mou Linfeng's house in the Power Plant for Nanning Overseas Chinese Investment District. They searched the house and used force to take Mr. Mou away.
- [Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province] Practitioner Mr. Zhang Guoliang
Blindfolded and Abducted
On August 12 at 4 p.m., the local public security police blindfolded and abducted Guangzhou practitioner Mr. Zhang Guoliang, possibly to detain him at the city's Haizhu District Brainwashing Center (Telephone 86-20-84219584). Later they searched Mr. Zhang's dorm residence and confiscated his personal property, including a laptop computer, a CD burner, an inkjet printer, and a small VCD player.
- [Heilongjiang Province] Practitioner Ms. Li Chunhong Unjustly Arrested
Daqing City Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li Chunhong worked in the Furniture Department at Longfeng Market Co. Inc. Someone told the local authorities of her clarifying the truth about the persecution of Falun Gong. On September 14, 2004, officers from the Xiangyang Police Station and the Longfeng Branch Office of Daqing City's Public Security Bureau arrested her.
- [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Hanyang District "610 Office" Teamed With
Unlawful Official to Seize Ms. Chen Guifang
On September 10, 2004, Hanyang district "610 Office" and an official from Qingchuan Street went to practitioner Ms. Chen Guifang's home and abducted her to the local Taojialing Brainwashing Center for brainwashing.
- [Henan Province] Pingding Mountain Bakuang Coal Washing Plant Helps Thugs
to Persecute Practitioner Employee
Throughout May and June of this year, the Branch Party Secretary General and security personnel of Pingding Mountain Bakuang Coal Washing Plant assisted the local "610 Office" to detain an employee, Ms. Wang Xiuqin, for distributing Falun Gong flyers to coworkers. In early July, Ms. Wang was transferred to Zhengzhou City Shibalihe Female Forced Labor Camp.
Related Telephone Numbers at Bakuang Coal Washing Plant:
Branch Party Secretary General, Li Yuancheng: 86-375-2738146
Plant Director: 86-375-2738848
Plant Deputy Director: 86-375-2738682
Plant Security Li Bingwen: 86-375-2738846
- [Chongqing City, Sichuan Province] Yubei District Police Break in to
Arrest Practitioner Mr. Chen Mingxi and Break Practitioner Ms. Wang Xiaoxia's
On August 19, 2004, at 8 p.m. police instructor Hua Lun from the Chongqing City Yubei District Shuanglong Police Station, police officer Yang Guangrong, and 10 or so other officers surrounded the house of practitioners Ms. Wang Xiaoxia and Mr. Chen Mingxi. At 10 p.m., they tried to force the door open. Early the next day, Yubei district public security branch National Protection Team leader Liu Hongwei broke into Ms. Wang's room to search the house. He used such rough treatment that Ms. Wang Xiaoxia's left arm was broken. He dragged Mr. Chen Mingxi away to be detained.
- [Xianning City, Hubei Province] Two Falun Gong Practitioners Illegally
On the morning of September 13, 2004, Xianan police arrested Hubei Xianning practitioner Ms. Li Ping for distributing Falun Gong materials in front of the Wushangliang Hotel.
Another local practitioner Mr. Zhang Jian, a Chemistry teacher at Yongan Middle School, was deceived into leaving his home by the school security officer Zhang Wei on September 2, 2004. The Xianan "610 Office," the Politics and Law Commissioner, and the area's Public Security Bureau arrested Mr. Zhang.
- [Huadian City, Jilin Province] Local "610 Office" Abducts Practitioner Ms. Li Shixin
On September 20 just after 10 a.m., six "610 Office" officers broke into Ms. Li Shixin's house when her husband and child were gone. They used force to take her away. Currently Ms. Li is being detained at the Huadian City Detention Center.
Relevant Telephone Numbers:
Local 610 Office Chief Zhou Jian: 86-432-6220610, 86-432-6226288
Deputy Chief Yang Baolin: 86-432-6220610, 86-432-6278191, 86-13704348883 (Cell)
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