(Clearwisdom.net) Ms. Zhang Jiuhui, 26, is a resident of Yilan County, Heilongjiang Province. On February 20, 2000, she was practicing the Falun Gong exercises outdoors when she was illegally arrested. At that time, she was 21 years old. She related the story about how three young policewomen tortured her. "This kind of persecution caused me to feel both painful and itchy at that time. They also used an electric baton to shock me. Finally the torture caused my whole body to twitch, and I found it difficult to open my eyes. My heart felt extremely uncomfortable. Later my skin turned black and blue, and for more than two weeks I could not turn over in bed. This was not merely a persecution of my body, it was also an insult to my dignity."
1. Scraping the ribs
Zhang Jiuhui demonstrates the torture method "scraping the ribs." After this torture, her skin became black and blue, and for more than two weeks she could not turn over in bed.
2. Bending fingers
In this torture method, the handcuff is clamped on the joint and forced into
the flesh. When pressed against the bone, it was excruciatingly painful. When
the police carelessly bend the fingers forward and backward, the person being
tortured experiences unbearable pain. The scar is still visible on Zhang
Jiuhui's fingers.
October 13, 2004
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