(Clearwisdom.net) Mrs. Xiong Wei, who studied in Germany and went back to China to work, was finally released and returned to Germany after being imprisoned in a forced labor camp for more than two years because she distributed flyers about the Chinese government's persecution of Falun Gong. The release was made possible by the joint efforts of German human right organizations, the German government and Falun Gong practitioners. The following is based on a report by RFA's correspondent in Germany:
Mrs Xiong Wei, who worked in the Beijing branch office of a German company after completing her study in Germany was arrested in January 2001 and imprisoned for two years because she was against China's persecution of Falun Gong. During the past two years, the petitions made by German human rights organizations and Falun Gong practitioners in Germany and Israel, where Xiong's brother lives, and many other Falun Gong practitioners and organizations in other European countries has made Xiong's case a very important human rights issue in the European community. On Wednesday, September 29th, 2004, Mrs Xiong Wei finally returned to Frankfurt Germany with the help of German human rights organizations, the German government and Falun Gong practitioners. At noon on Thursday, the International Society for Human Rights held a press conference in Frankfurt for Xiong's release.
The spokesman of the International Society for Human Rights presided at the press conference, which began with a brief introduction to the development of Xiong Wei's situation during the past two years. An appeal was made to the German government and other European countries to continue paying attention to the human rights violations and persecution of Falun Gong in China. The press conference urged the European community to take joint actions in asking China to honor and obey the UN's Human Rights Charter so that the persecution of Falun Gong in China can be put to an immediate end.
Mrs Xiong Wei answered questions about why she was arrested two years ago, what persecution she had suffered during her imprisonment and how her elderly parents were physically and spiritually impacted by her case. She also voiced a sincere appreciation for the help provided by numerous German citizens, international human rights associations and the German government. She said that it is their help that had forced the persecutors to restrain their brutality and eventually enabled her to gain her release.
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