(Clearwisdom.net) My name is Yu Xiufu. I am a farmer who is nearly 50 years old. I was strong and capable. However, in September 2003, misfortune struck me. One day when I was driving a three-wheeled vehicle on my way to deliver goods, when I was halfway there I suddenly passed out and fell to the ground. The hospital finally accepted me after my family gave them a "gift." I was hospitalized for days. My life was finally saved, but I could not move the right side of my body, and I could not speak. The hospital examination found that all my cerebral blood vessels were sclerosed, and the doctors could not do anything about it. All I could do was to leave the hospital and go home. How could my family live on!
My wife's older cousin learned that I was sick, and she came to my home. She introduced Falun Gong to me. I could not speak and I could not move, so how could I learn and practice Falun Gong? She then asked my wife to read Zhuan Falun to me. Within half a month after my wife started to read the book to me, all of my wife's illnesses went away, and I was able to speak and ride the bicycle to go to the market. Only one of my hands was still not agile.
Because my wife had an anxious temperament, she thought that my recovery was too slow and she went to ask for help, doing something involving possessive animal spirits. After that, when I went back home, I suddenly fell to the ground and lost consciousness. My wife was frightened and she sent me to the hospital. Several veteran fellow Falun Gong practitioners said that I was swindled when we asked for help from the people who did things involving animal spirits. The doctor gave me CT scan and the result was "cerebral blood vessel massive thrombosis." After I returned to the emergency room, I could move my legs. The doctors and the nurses were all quite surprised. They said, "How could he recover so fast!" After we finished the hospitalization procedure and went to my hospital ward, I was able to say some simple words and walk a few steps. I was also able to hold things with my hands. On the second morning, my wife went back home early and cleaned away all the bad things she had asked for. She ripped them up, smashed them, and discarded them. She then faced the Falun Gong books and Master Li's picture and cried. She said from the bottom of her heart, "I was wrong. Please punish me, Master Li!" But how could Master Li punish her, being so merciful! On the third morning I was released from the hospital. My wife's older cousin also clarified the truth about Falun Gong to two doctors there.
As soon as we got home, my wife read me one paragraph from the section "Spirit or Animal Possession" in Zhuan Falun. Master Li said,
"There is another principle in our universe: If you pursue or want something, others are not willing to interfere." "The master takes you through the entrance, and it is up to you to practice cultivation." (Zhuan Falun)
After she finished reading, she pressed her hands together in front of her chest and said, "Master Li, thank you! I will not do such stupid things again."
From then on, I listened to Master Li's lectures every day. I soon could walk, and my hands stopped trembling.
My wife Yu Ailian is 46 years old. She attained the Fa when she read Zhuan Falun to me. Several dozen days after she started reading the Fa, her back pain, headache, and acrophobia all disappeared, and she became healthy and energetic. She even did all the house work for our whole family of five by herself.
During the wheat harvest season, my oldest daughter, who was out of work, came back home. One day she went to pull wheat stalks with her mother. She was driving a three-wheeled vehicle with her mother sitting in the front. Suddenly a gust of wind blew off her mother's hat, and she asked her daughter to stop so she could stop and pick up her hat. But my daughter did not hear her, and my wife was knocked down. One of the vehicle's trailing wheels ran over her her back, hip and upper leg. My daughter looked back and was shocked. After the vehicle stopped, my wife got up from the ground and said, "I am all right, let's go." My daughter told me about the incident after they returned home. I was frightened, but my wife said, "I was fortunate that I am protected by Master Li. I have eliminated a large amount of karma. Isn't that a good thing?"
My youngest daughter is seven years old this year. She attained the Fa last winter when she recited the Fa for me. She can recite some short articles and "Lunyu." She can do the Falun Gong exercises and sit in the double lotus position. Because I was not diligent, she frequently teased me with a smile, "You don't read the book by yourself and you totally depend on others. You don't act like a Falun Gong practitioner." As soon as she comes back from school, she works on her homework. At night she learns the Fa and does the exercises together with me. Her mother sometimes asked her, "Did you learn the characters in the book from school?" She would reply with a smile, "Actually, by learning the Fa, I can also learn the characters."
My second eldest brother is 60 years old this year. He suffered cerebral thrombus eight or nine years ago. He could do some work before he started to practice Falun Gong but his illness did not heal completely. He walked somewhat lamely, and he usually fell several times when he rode his bicycle. His hand did not have the strength to hold things, and he had tracheitis and other illnesses. In April of this year, he saw that our whole family was benefiting from practicing Falun Gong, so he also learned Falun Gong from a veteran practitioner. Within one week he saw the effects, and about twenty days later all of his symptoms went away. His temperament became better, and his xinxing (mind or heart nature, moral character) was also elevated.
Previously, our two families did not have a good relationship, and when we saw each other we behaved like we were strangers. Now we have a harmonious relationship and we do everything together with happiness. My elder sister saw that we all benefited from practicing Falun Gong, so she also wanted my wife to teach her the practice. My 91-year-old mother-in-law went to Falun Gong practitioners' home last year to listen to Master Li's lecture tapes and to watch the video tapes. She also recited Master Li's scriptures. At night, she recited "Truthfulness-Benevolence-Tolerance is good" and "Falun Dafa is good" in her bed. As a result, her back straightened out, her injured leg recovered (she had fallen and dislocated her hipbone twice), and she no longer needed her walking stick. She can even wash her clothes and cook by herself.
Finally let us use Master Li's new scripture to encourage each other:
On Reading Weathering the Storm
Born into a sphere of suffering
Man struggles just to survive
One day, behold, the Great Law gained
Cease not your steps on the path of return
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