(Clearwisdom.net) On October 30, 2004, Falun Gong practitioners staged an anti-torture exhibition and photo exhibition in Chongshan Park, Pingdong City. The exhibition exposed the cruel tortures suffered by Falun Gong practitioners in Mainland China. The torture reenactments were very realistic and the cruelty of the persecution shocked the audience. Many people had tears in their eyes.
![]() ![]() Many people come to the Anti-torture Exhibition |
"Is it real? It's so merciless!"
One couple listened attentively to the practitioners' introduction to Falun Gong and the brutal persecution in China. The wife couldn't bear to see the pictures describing the tortures. The most common reactions we heard were, "Is it real? It's so merciless!" "You should promote this exhibition widely and let more people know about this," "Will you continue the anti-torture exhibition tomorrow? I want to bring more people here to see it," and "Such brutality definitely ought to be exposed."
An elementary school student from Taipei who was on vacation in the south, listened carefully to the introduction. Later he asked the practitioner for some printed materials. He said, "I want to bring some to my teachers in Taipei." A boy of about 4 or 5 years old and his granny received a flyer about the anti-torture exhibition when they were walking in the park in the morning. They came to the exhibition in the afternoon. The grandmother was at first worried that the boy might be afraid to see the brutal scenes. But the boy was brave, and said, "I am not scared."
A man from Holland said he was a human rights advocate. He knew that many media outlets are blocked in China and their content filtered. He said, "You are doing the right thing. You should let more people know the truth."
A woman pushing a baby stroller stopped by the exhibition. She watched the torture reenactment but still looked confused. It became apparent that this woman was hearing-challenged. She said she didn't know a lot of Chinese characters so she couldn't fully understand the introductions on the display boards. So a Falun Gong practitioner spoke slowly to her and let her read "lip language." From reading the practitioner's lips, the woman understood the truth. When she heard that the exhibition was only for one day, she said she regretted that she hadn't brought a camera, as her family is in another county. But about one hour later she appeared back at the site with a camera, and stayed until the exhibition ended.
A man with a strong smell of alcohol watched the exhibition silently. A practitioner approached him to clarify the truth to him. His expression gradually changed from being a little drunk to becoming fully aware. In the end he said, "I have been to Fuzhou [the capital city of Fujian Province in China]. I am very clear about the situation you describe. It is true." Then he said, "While watching this anti-torture exhibition, I feel pain in my heart."
![]() ![]() People listen attentively to the truth | ![]() ![]() People are sobered and moved upon learning of the persecution | ![]() ![]() Signature collection to support Falun Gong and to call for an end to the persecution |
News of the Anti-Torture Exhibition Spreads Among the People
During the afternoon, visiting crowds came one after one. Many of them heard the practitioners' truth-clarification and immediately took out their cell phones to call their friends and relatives, urging them to come to the exhibition. One foreign visitor read the display boards in the morning while out doing exercises. He talked to the practitioners and learned the truth about Falun Gong and the persecution. In the afternoon, he came back with two children. He explained the pictures to the children one by one, giving them a solid introduction to human rights education.
The people going to a nearby department store came to the anti-torture exhibition. Throughout the exhibition, the Falun Gong practitioners had no time to rest. They continually clarified the truth to the visitors, because the more people that learn the truth and speak out for justice, the sooner the persecution will be ended.
As evening approached, the event was about to end. When the practitioners cleaned up the site, they only two pieces of truth-clarification materials were found discarded on the ground in the whole park. We feel sure that the people who learned the truth know to treasure it.
Let Us Together Stop the Persecution, With Justice and Conscience
It has been five years since July 20, 1999, when Jiang and his faction started the persecution of Falun Gong and blocked the channels of truth to the people. In the face of the brutal persecution and the information blockade, the Falun Gong practitioners stepped up and clarified the truth to the world. Every practitioner being persecuted is firm evidence of the atrocities taking place in China. When people ask, "What can we do to help you?" the answer is, "Let more people know the truth and together stop the persecution with justice and conscience."
![]() ![]() Clarifying the truth on the street | ![]() ![]() Promoting the anti-torture exhibition on the street |
![]() ![]() Torture reenactment: hanging practitioners up by their arms | ![]() ![]() Torture reenactment: Tiger Bench | ![]() ![]() Torture reenactment: punishment by tying up tightly |
![]() ![]() Torture reenactment: burning with red-hot iron rod | ![]() ![]() Torture reenactment: piercing bamboo sticks into fingernails | ![]() ![]() Torture reenactment: force-feeding |
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Category: April 25 Events