As the great current of Fa-rectification unceasingly advances, more and more Falun Dafa practitioners are giving up their attachments and coming out to join in the mission of clarifying the truth to save the sentient beings. No matter which way they choose, whether it is mailing truth-clarifying material, handing out flyers in public, or face-to-face truth clarification, everything that practitioners do is inspiring and touching.
Every practitioner is paving his own road and constantly cultivating himself and giving up human attachments, and in the process is building up his own mighty virtue so as to complete the most sacred mission with a pure heart under the well-ordered arrangement of Master's Fashen.
Hurry up! Please tell me how I can find you? I want to learn Falun Gong.
While riding the bus one day, practitioner A felt a sudden urge to give a truth-clarifying flyer to the passenger sitting across from him. When the passenger who took the flyer was about to get off the bus he thanked practitioner A repeatedly. Encouraged by this, practitioner A decided to hand out flyers to each pedestrian he came across on the street. The person who took his last flyer read it on the spot and then followed after practitioner A. The pedestrian asked practitioner A: "Please tell me right away, how can I find you? I want to learn Falun Gong."
We distributed truth-clarifying material together today.
Practitioner B decided to distribute truth-clarifying material from a taxi. He spoke with the driver, who agreed to make frequent stops. "Stop, stop!" he would say to the taxi driver, and then he would jump out of the taxi to give flyers to people who were walking by. After seeing practitioner B do this several times, the taxi driver realized what he was doing and then asked immediately:, "Leave a copy for me, too, please." When people who took the flyers asked what kind of material they got, the driver always replied: "It is the most precious thing. Please cherish it." When the driver finally got his own copy he said with excitement, "We distributed this material together today."
People tear down banners which are hung up secretly, but nobody can touch banners that are hung up openly
Practitioner C handed out truth-clarifying flyers and hung up truth-clarifying banners all the time. He found out that the banners he hung up on public buildings or placed with great effort were soon torn down. He was wondering how he could keep them untouched. He realized that he was doing the most righteous thing and nothing should ever interfere with or damage it.
He then hung banners all over his own vending cart. People who saw the banners stopped to discuss the messages. Some were in favor and some others came to try to cause trouble about them. With his pure-hearted righteousness, the practitioner matter-of-factly explained the reasons why people say that Falun Dafa is good. Faced with the truth, the troublemakers could not continue their harassment and left. The banners have been displayed on the vending cart ever since.
These are just a few true stories of how practitioners rectify the Fa and save the sentient beings. Every practitioner is in the process of rectifying the Fa according to his own cultivation level and every story is an example of how an individual practitioner clarified the truth to save sentient beings.
They all share a common understanding that if their hearts are pure and their xinxing high enough, no evil can affect them and everything will be aided by Master.
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