(Clearwisdom.net) In March of 2001, because I refused to stop practicing Falun Dafa, I was transferred to the Jiutai Forced Labor Camp in Jilin City, Jilin Province. Practitioners who are detained there are forced to perform extremely heavy labor. If we refused to do as we were told, the police would order cellmates to brutally beat us. In March and April of 2002, the labor camp authorities, closely following orders from the former President of China Jiang Zemin and his regime, intensified their persecution of Falun Gong, trying to force those who practice to give up by subjecting them to barbaric tortures.
The following pictures, taken and demonstrated by the author and other practitioners, illustrate the torture the author experienced in the Jiutai Forced Labor Camp.
![]() ![]() Picture 1 | ![]() ![]() Picture 2 |
![]() ![]() Picture 3 | ![]() ![]() Picture 4 |
In order to "transform" me into renouncing Falun Gong, the police used some extremely cruel methods of torture. They simultaneously shocked me with multiple electric batons, brutally beat me, burned me with cigarettes, and thrust hard objects into my thighs. Policeman Zhao Fengshan, Tang Bo from the Second Brigade, and a few trainees from a police school forced me to sit on the ground, cuffed my hands behind my back and tied my feet together. Then they used four or five electric batons simultaneously to shock my head, neck, back and chest (see Photos 1 and 2).
That afternoon, after they had recharged the electric batons, they tortured me the same way. When they realized that their tortures wouldn't make me yield, policeman Zhao Fengshan beat my face with the bottom of a shoe while the police trainees violently kicked me in the upper abdomen (see Photo 3).
To protest my illegal imprisonment and the torture I was being subjected to, I staged a hunger strike in November 2001. One day at the beginning of December 2001, Chief Director Wang of the Jiutai Forced Labor Camp Clinic ordered some cellmates to force me down onto a bed where he proceeded to violently rub my mouth with towels and rough toilet paper because I refused to undergo force-feeding. Afterwards my mouth was seriously swollen and there was a lot of bruising and bleeding inside my mouth. He then wet a towel in a spittoon and squeezed it into my month (see Photo 4).
Highlighted above are just those tortures that I was personally subjected to. They are just the tip of the iceberg when compared to the many methods of torture suffered by all the Falun Gong practitioners that have been detained in the Jiutai Forced Labor Camp.
Such cruel persecution is still taking place today, and I sincerely hope that all kind-hearted people can come to see the true reasons behind the persecution and help stop this violence.
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