(Clearwisdom.com) Dafa practitioners held at the Jilin Women's Prison (Heizuizi Prison) have gone on a general strike (Please note that this is not a "hunger strike"), to protest the persecution and being held in slavery.
We hope that practitioners send righteous thoughts to support their actions after reading this announcement. We also request that practitioners who have first hand knowledge of any facts of the persecution they receive will provide timely information and disclose the truth about the persecution.
The Chinese prisons and labor camps keep detainees in virtual slavery, forcing them to work for exhaustive labor hours and earning vast profits for the authorities. The international community has already condemned the slave labor practices that exist in China's forced labor camp system. Such enslavement of Dafa practitioners is even more heinous because Falun Dafa practitioners are being persecuted and held in prisons and labor camps simply because they live as upright and virtuous people and for following the principle of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance in their daily lives. Falun Dafa practitioners are also persecuted because they exercise their rights given to them by China's constitution, which includes freedom of belief, freedom of speech and freedom to appeal. The persecution against Falun Dafa in itself is unacceptable, even without the addition of practitioners being forced into slave labor.
We hope that all Dafa practitioners will not only resist the enslavement occurring in forced labor camps but all other persecution they experience by the authorities. We ask those with any sense of justice to please be active in exposing the cruel slavery the detained practitioners have to suffer in prisons and labor camps. We also sincerely hope that the international society will pay greater attention to the ongoing violence occurring in Chinese prisons and labor camps, which is contrary to all human rights pronouncements to which China are signatory to.
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