(Clearwisdom.net, February 8, 2004) On February the 5th 2004, the
French Falun Gong Association organized a press conference to announce that they
would file a complaint against the arrest of Falun Gong practitioners by the
French police, which occurred under tremendous pressure from Chinese officials
during the Chinese New Year. The lawyer representing Falun Gong, Mr. L.L.
Forster, is famous in France for dealing with the Armenian genocide. As a token
of support for Falun Gong, the lawyer wore a yellow scarf during the press
conference, one of the scarves that practitioners wear to convey the peaceful
message of Falun Gong and that one of the police's primary reasons for arresting
practitioners in Paris, who were told "Yellow is illegal today".
The press conference was attended by five major national and international
media organizations. They asked questions about the complaint. The Association
answered that there was absolutely no reason to treat practitioners roughly
during the Chinese President's visit and that it was the result of heavy
pressure from the Chinese officials. They hoped the French government would
apologize for this incident, which does not present a positive image of France
in the field of human rights. By filing a complaint, the French Falun Dafa
Association intends to ask for an investigation into the origin of these
unjustified acts and hopes to encourage the French authorities to return to
upholding the values and interests of France, represented in the 3 French
statutes of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity.
A Falun Gong practitioner from the United Kingdom revealed how she was arrested
during the Chinese New Year festivities in Paris. She read a joint statement
written together with others who had been arrested. By conveying a peaceful but
firm message, she called on the French authorities to rectify the situation and
uphold the democratic and righteous qualities that are dear to the hearts of
French people and their government.
Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200402/17706.html
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Category: April 25 Events