(Clearwisdom.net) On March 19, 2004, Falun Gong practitioners from Bochum, Germany were invited to Albert Einstein Middle School to teach the students the Falun Gong exercises.

There were more than twenty students aged about fourteen who learned every part of the five exercises. After that, practitioners spent about half an hour telling the students about the principles of Falun Gong and how Falun Gong is being suppressed in China. They also distributed leaflets that provided more information.
The students could not imagine how a peaceful and wonderful practice such as Falun Gong could be banned in China and they asked many questions. After the class, many students came to the practitioners to say thanks. They all enjoyed practising the exercises. One of the students thought that the movements of the exercises were so beautiful, and asked our practitioners if they could give another lesson in the afternoon. When they were learning the fifth exercise, many students could cross both legs in the double lotus position and sat there doing the practice very peacefully. When they were leaving, a Chinese girl said to one of the practitioners, "All of you are very brave!" She must have known about the persecution in mainland China.
The teacher felt that demonstrating the practice was really good and as a result he invited our practitioners to teach the exercise to the students again a week later.
Source: http://www.clearharmony.net/articles/200404/18888.html
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Category: April 25 Events