(Clearwisdom.net) On April 25, 2004, Falun Gong practitioners in Melbourne, Australia held a series of activities to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the Zhongnanhai appeal. The events were held at the Royal Exhibition Building, South Bank, Yarra River Bridge and in front of the Chinese Consulate. The practitioners introduced Falun Dafa to the public and also allowed them to see clearly the evil nature of the ongoing persecution in China. They exposed Jiang's group's malicious intentions and brutal persecution of Falun Gong.
| ![]() ![]() Demonstrating the five sets of the exercises at the Royal Exhibition Building in Melbourne |
| ![]() ![]() On the Yarra River Bridge |
| ![]() ![]() Young practitioners in Minghui School |
| ![]() ![]() "In Memory" |
| ![]() ![]() During the night of April 25, a solemn candlelight vigil is being held in front of the Chinese Consulate |
At 10:00am, some practitioners arrived at the Royal Exhibition Building in the Brunswick District to attend the first Athletic Sports Exhibition. The aim of the exhibition is to display ways to keep fit and improve health.
As soon as visitors entered the exhibition, they could see the Falun Dafa exercises performance in the grand hall. The practitioners, in bright yellow exercises clothes, demonstrated the five sets of the exercises to the peaceful music.
While some practitioners introduced Falun Dafa at the exhibition, another group of practitioners set up a booth near the busiest streets on South Bank to introduce Falun Dafa and explain the facts to people passing by. Many children were attracted by "paper lotuses" at the booth. Practitioners were teaching them to fold, and told them a real story behind the paper lotus flower and the story of little Fadu behind the "petal of peace."
At 3:30pm, more than 60 practitioners walked on the Yarra River (across downtown Melbourne) Bridge. At the west side of the bridge, practitioners unfurled large banners, some held display boards with words, "Stop the persecution," some set up a long board with photos, some held wreathes with photos of those practitioners who have died as a result of the persecution. Some practitioners passed Dafa brochures and truth clarification material to people passing by who slowed down by such a solemn scene. Some people quietly looked at the photos, some silently read the words on the display boards, some seriously accepted truth-clarifying materials from practitioners, some walked up to practitioners to ask questions, and some took pictures.
Western practitioner Kate explained to people the history of "April 25," -- more than 10,000 people peacefully appealed at Zhongnanhai in Beijing, how Falun Dafa has flourished around the world, and about the persecution in China. She used examples, figures and research results to expose Jiang and his followers' evil deeds of brutally suppressing Falun Gong. Pan Yu and Zhang Dong, who live in exile in Australia, spoke of their experiences several years ago when they were illegally detained at a detention center and labor camp and suffered brutal torture just because they said fair words for Falun Gong. They said what they experienced is happening on many more Falun Gong practitioners in China. They also called on people to see clearly all this and not be deceived by deceptive lies.
At 7:00pm, practitioners arrived outside the Chinese Consulate. They lit dozens of candles and displayed them in front of a lawn. The candles illuminated the banner opposite the front gate of the consulate that said, "Commemorate Falun Gong practitioners who have died as a result of the persecution." At 8:00pm, the practitioners sat in meditation to send forth righteous thoughts. Vehicles slowly passed as the people in them felt the special and solemn atmosphere of the candlelight vigil.
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Category: April 25 Events