(Clearwisdom.net, April 28, 2004) On April 24 and 25, Falun Gong practitioners in Northern Germany held events in the German Capital Berlin to commemorate the anniversary of the 4-25 peaceful appeal in China. On April 24, practitioners peacefully rallied at the Potsdam Square to appeal to the public, to explain the heroic feat of Falun Gong practitioners' 4-25 peaceful appeal and clarify the truth to tourists about Jiang Zemin's political campaign to persecute Falun Gong. On April 25, practitioners gathered at Chinese Embassy in Germany to send righteous thoughts.
Potsdam Square is a new famous tourist attraction in Berlin, large number of tourists from all over the world got a chance to see the peaceful Falun Gong exercises demonstration, and many of them took initiative to learn about the facts regarding the persecution of Falun Gong. A young man from Frankfurt started to learn the Falun Gong exercises right away. After seeing an Italian "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance" sign, two ladies from Italy exclaimed "This is exactly what we need and what we have been looking for." They hurried to ask where they could learn Falun Gong in Italy. An elderly tourist from Australia said, "Falun Dafa, I knew it when I was in Australia, you have done very well." A young guy from Mainland China said that he realized that it was a staged incident when he saw the video of the Tiananmen Square "Self-Immolation".

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Category: April 25 Events