(Clearwisdom.net) On March 11, 2004 about 200 Falun Dafa practitioners from Huanggang City attended the memorial service for Falun Dafa practitioner Zheng Zhong, who died as a result of persecution. After the ceremony, practitioners walked behind the car that carried Zheng Zhong's body. On the way, practitioners cried out from the sadness in their hearts: "Respect individual rights! End the persecution! Falun Dafa is good! Falun Dafa is the righteous Fa!" They distributed materials about Falun Dafa and clarified the truth of the persecution.
On March 13 some practitioners were arrested. It is known that Zhang Daohe and Wang Feng were among them. We also heard that Zheng Zhong's wife, Aunt He, and his son, Zheng Hong (practitioner), are likely to be arrested soon. A massive arrest is underway by the police.
The practitioners from Huanggang City consider the arrests part of a new round of persecution. Mr. Zheng Zhong was the target of the police before he died. After Zheng Zhong left home to avoid being arrested, he became life-threateningly sick. He was treated in the hospital. The head of the first division of the Huanggang Police City Bureau, Zhou Yuhua always contacted Zheng Zhong's family members and the practitioners who went to the hospital to see Zheng Zhong. Zhou Yuhua appeared to be kind and pretended to be regretful. He said that before he retires from his work he wants to solve the problem of practitioners being forced to live on the street. He wants them all back home and he won't arrest them any longer. He also said he would like to ask that practitioners not list his name on Clearwisdom.net.
In planning the memorial service of Zheng Zhong, Zhou even stepped out to "persuade" the work units of the practitioners to present a wreath for Zheng Zhong. He also said there would be no arrests this time. But the memorial service was barely over when police began arresting practitioners again. Could the arrests be coincidental? What role did Zhou Yuhua play in all of this? It seems apparent that it was more than coincidental. Practitioners wouldn't do anything against the law. They merely requested an end to the persecution openly and aboveboard and clarified the truth to the public. The misconduct of police was merely an ugly deception. If the police really wanted to repent of their crimes, they would no longer participate in any event that was planned to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners.
Falun Dafa practitioners did not commit any crimes by persisting in their beliefs, by clarifying the truth, or by requesting that their basic individual rights be honored in the face of unfair treatment. According to rumors from inside the police bureau, national security had participated in this event. The whole process of the memorial service had been videotaped and reported to the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party. They had planned a more intensive persecution from the start. We ask all the practitioners who read this news to send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate factors in other dimensions that are guiding the national security and police bureau to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners.
Telephone number for the City National Security Bureau: +86-713-8813719, +86-713-88142252004-3-14.
The director of City National Security Bureau is Wu Weimin.
March 19, 2004
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