(Clearwisdom.net) On May 1, a Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference was held in Hong Kong. A group of practitioners from Macau traveled to Hong Kong by boat. Some of them were denied entry, including three ladies (Ms. Chen Jinshao, 41, Ms. Cai Ruirong, 54, and Ms. Cai Xiaohui, 52) and one gentleman, Mr. Yu, who is 38 years old. The previous day, practitioner Lin Yiming was also denied entry.
Practitioners requested that customs officers give reasons for the denied entry and explain the applicable laws, if any. The officers were unable to give sound explanations. Later, practitioners asked to see the highest-ranking officer on duty that day, and he couldn't give a sufficient explanation either. In the end, he admitted, "You have done nothing wrong. You are right. But we have no choice but to obey orders from our superiors."
During the approximately one hour detention, the practitioners clarified the truth and shared their own cultivation experiences with the officers from different angles. At the same time, they also gave officers copies of truth-clarifying materials, VCDs, and even Zhuan Falun. They also advised officers to remember that Falun Dafa is good and realize that Jiang, out of his jealousy, is utilizing the state propaganda machine to fabricate lies to persecute Falun Gong. One officer repeated many times, "We know, we understand." One female officer was moved to tears.
Although practitioners were barred from entering Hong Kong, they used the opportunity to clarify the truth to customs officers. After returning to Macau, several media outlets interviewed the practitioners at the pier. Once again, practitioners exposed the evil nature of Jiang's regime and let people know how Jiang's regime instigated the Hong Kong government to violate human rights, and how it has damaged democracy and freedom in Hong Kong.
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