(Clearwisdom.net) In order to present the beauty of the Falun Gong exercises to the public, five to seven practitioners, including children, elderly practitioners in their 70s, homemakers and practitioners with careers, formed a group to display the exercises at different times and different places, so that people who are interested can find the practitioners and learn to practice the exercises, and also learn about Falun Dafa and to enter cultivation.
Practitioners can be seen demonstrating the five sets of exercises at places where there are a lot of people in Taipei County and City, such as metro stations, squares in front of shopping centers, and large intersections of traffic lights.
Passersby see the beauty of Falun Gong
On the busy streets, a banner with red Chinese characters that read, "Falun Dafa is Good" against a yellow background was very eye-catching. Small triangular flags reading "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance" and "Falun Dafa in Taiwan" fluttered in the wind and attracted much attention. When the serene exercise music began, people who were coming out from metro stations, getting off buses, hurriedly passing by, or waiting for buses all turned their heads to see our exercise demonstration. One or two practitioners passed out Falun Dafa introductory information, flyers, bookmarks and truth-clarification VCDs to people who were interested. They also shared with them about the benefits they obtained from Falun Dafa and the truth about the "Self-immolation in Tiananmen Square" that was staged by Jiang's group, as well as the brutal persecution Falun Gong practitioners in China are facing.
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Demonstrating the exercises at metro stations
Leaving no predestined people behind
We have demonstrated the exercises in over a dozen places. Wherever we went, many people stopped and watched us. Some people learned to practice the exercises on the spot. Some even raised many questions, such as, "The exercises are so simple and easy to learn, can I begin to practice it right now?" "Where can I learn?" "Can the elderly people and children practice?" The practitioners patiently answered each question and passed out materials to provide further information.
Once, when we practiced the exercises at Shipai Metro Station, an elderly couple saw young practitioners sitting in full lotus position. The couple was quite concerned and asked if the children's legs were in pain. When young practitioners answered that they did not feel any pain, the elderly couple was very surprised.
An elderly couple watches young practitioners demonstrate the exercises
At another time, when we practiced the exercises at a shopping area, some people who were busy with work and had been unable to find our practice sites saw us demonstrating the exercises and stopped to ask where they could learn them. Many people who returned home from work by metro saw us and asked if there were practice sites near their homes.
A shop owner and his wife who run a shop opposite Hsinpu Metro Station benefited from practicing Falun Gong. Whenever they saw us demonstrate the exercises, they would tell their customers, "They are practicing Falun Gong. We practice it too and we feel quite good. I used to have many illnesses, especially headaches. I saw many doctors, took many medicines, and practiced many types of qigong, but nothing worked. Not until I practiced Falun Gong did all my illnesses disappear."
One day, when a practitioner took a taxi and talked about the benefits of practicing Falun Gong, the driver immediately recalled seeing some children and adults practicing the exercises near a metro station. He imitated the movements and asked the practitioners if he was correct.
Reaching the people who have been deceived
A practitioner always brings her daughter and son to do outdoor practice near their home in their spare time. One afternoon, while they were practicing the exercises, a woman in her 40s watched them for a period of time. After they finished the exercises, the woman asked, "Are you practicing Falun Gong?" Before they could respond, she asked, "You practice at such a public place, aren't you afraid of being arrested? " The practitioner knew that this woman had been deceived by the media from Mainland China, so she immediately showed her some truth-clarification materials. She explained, "Falun Gong in Taiwan is open and legal and people in over 60 countries freely practice it. It is persecuted only in Mainland China, where Jiang's group suppresses Falun Gong and uses state-run media to fabricate lies and slander Falun Gong. They also brutally beat and torture Falun Gong practitioners and, as of today, more than 970 Falun Gong practitioners are verified to have died as a result of persecution. But in Taiwan, anyone can freely learn and practice Falun Gong. After practicing Falun Gong, I have become healthy both physically and mentally, and my family is harmonious and happy. Falun Gong teaches people to follow the principle of 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance,' to upgrade one's moral standard." The woman heard all this and said, "My friends have told me some facts about the persecution of Falun Gong, and now I really believe it!"
When we are practicing the exercises, many people can see the joy and peacefulness on our faces, and we are all healthy and energetic. Jiang's slander and lies will collapse by themselves.
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