(Clearwisdom.net) On June the 19, 2004, a group of Falun Gong practitioners held activities in Leeds city center introducing Falun Dafa and telling people about the campaign of genocide that is being waged against practitioners in China.
Practitioners displayed banners in Chinese and English reading "Falun Dafa," and "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance." The peaceful group exercise demonstration attracted many passersby. Many people inquired about Falun Gong, immediately wrote down the details of local practice sites, and expressed an interest in coming to learn the exercises. Also, after learning the truth, many people signed a petition condemning the persecution of Falun Dafa in mainland China. Some people even left their addresses for practitioners to send them more detailed information.
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During the few short hours of the activity in Leeds, practitioners ceaselessly took turns performing the exercises. The tranquil atmosphere touched a lot of visitors. An elderly lady stopped to watch practitioners doing the exercises, seemingly without blinking. Even when she was handed a leaflet, her eyes never left the demonstration. She finally left after a very long period of time. There was also a boy in his teens who watched the exercises for a while, then looked at the materials on the stand, and didn't want to leave.
In the past, because there were not many activities in Leeds to let people know about Falun Gong, pedestrians were not very willing to accept information, especially Chinese people. This time, even Chinese people accepted the materials we distributed, and some even asked for information about the free practice sites, as they wanted to come and learn the exercises. Practitioners also collected almost two hundred signatures. Because during this activity everyone cooperated so well, it was a breakthrough compared with similar previous activities.
Source: http://www.clearharmony.net/articles/200406/20418.html
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