Facts of the Persecution

On April 6, 2004, Falun Gong practitioners Liao Xiaoxia, Wang Fang, Chen Yunxia, Zheng Jinbo, Li Dongxue, Shen Jing'e, Sun Guizhi, Wang Fajuan, and Zheng Hongli, who were detained at the Heilongjiang Province Female Prison, were handcuffed to the upper level of the bunks in their wards. Both Liao Xiaoxia and Wang Fajuan were handcuffed in the "carrying a sword on the back" position. In this painful position, one of their hands is twisted behind their back, and the other hand is pulled over their shoulder and the two hands are shackled together. Both practitioners lost consciousness due to the pain. When Liao Xiaoxia came to, she felt that her tongue was stiff and her legs were weak, as if she were paralyzed. Another practitioner, Zheng Jinbo, suffered a heart attack induced by this torture. On April 7, Zheng Hongli, Li Dongxue, and Sun Guizhi were hung up again. On April 8, when Li Dongxue was released from this torture, her whole body would not function properly, causing her to have difficulty walking for several days. Zheng Hongli was not released from this position even after she lost consciousness. On April 9, Chen Yunxia was once again handcuffed and lost consciousness.

Falun Gong practitioners detained at the Harbin Female Drug Rehabilitation Center in Heilongjiang Province are constantly tortured. They are subjected to body searches, and normal communication with their families through letters is restricted. The persecutors try to force practitioners to renounce their belief in Falun Dafa. On November 12, 2003 a so-called "Overcome the Stubbornness Meeting" was held in the center to torture practitioners. The torture methods included forcing practitioners to squat; forcing them to sit in a basin full of water and then shocking them with electric batons; forcing them to drink brine; shaving their head; and instigating inmates to beat them. The screams of practitioners were constantly heard. In the Drug Rehabilitation Center, Falun Gong practitioners suffer extreme physical and mental pressures. Some of them were tortured so much that they suffered a mental collapse. One practitioner, Liu Tongling, had been physically abused often. The police ordered the common criminal inmates to beat and kick her regularly. Because of the constant attacks and viciousness of their beatings, Liu Tongling died in the Multi-Capability Hall of the center.

On July 23, 2003, Falun Gong practitioner Meng Qingmin from Shangzhi City, Heilongjiang Province, was illegally detained at the Heilongjiang Province Weihe Forestry Detention Center because of telling people about the persecution of Falun Gong. The police brutally beat Meng Qingmin. She went on a hunger strike to protest. The police handcuffed her to an iron net for over two hours when she was in an extremely weak condition, and did not release her until she lost consciousness and vomited multiple times. Later on, Meng Qingmin was sentenced to three years of forced labor and was sent to the Harbin Drug Rehabilitation Center in Heilongjiang Province.

A testimony from a Falun Gong practitioner: "My name is Liang Xisheng, and I am from Liangjiatun Village in Zhangying Town, Jiaozhou City, Shandong Province. In October 2000, I went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. I was abducted because of this and was sent to the police station, where I was tortured for three days straight. I was then sent to the Zhangjiatun Brainwashing Center. Later, they arrested my 18-year-old son. They tortured him until he became extremely weak and only released him after we paid 3,000 Yuan. At the Zhangjiatun Brainwashing Center, the vicious people forced me to stand with my legs bent. I was constantly tortured and beaten. Later, I was sent to the Zhangying Police Station where I was further persecuted. Then I was transferred again to the Zhangjiatun Brainwashing Center. I was sent back and forth like this four times and was tortured repeatedly. I was later sent to the Li Village Labor "Education" Center for a three-year term of forced labor. They tortured me in various ways. I lost over ten pounds in just a few days. I then requested a physical examination and was released on bail for medical treatment."

Lu Yi and his wife, Miao Yuxiang, are from the East China Institute of Design in Qingdao City, Shandong Province. They went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong and were arrested. The police violently beat Lu Yi. He had wounds all over his body and blood covered his mouth and nose. Later on he was sent to the mental hospital where he received harmful injections and medicines. Miao Yuxiang was held for some time at the detention center but released later. Later, Miao Yuxiang went to Beijing to appeal again. She was arrested, but she managed to escape using righteous thoughts. The vicious people carried out their revenge by pressuring her husband Lu Yi instead. Lu Yi and their child were forced to leave their home in order to avoid further persecution. Their current whereabouts are unknown. In the autumn of 2003, Miao Yuxiang was abducted again by the police and she is currently in a labor camp. Also from the Institute of Design, is an engineer named Ms. Qin who is in her sixties. Ms Qin was fined 20,000 Yuan for going to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong.

Practitioners Wang Guimei and Zhou Maoling are from Jiaozhou City, Shandong Province. They were persecuted for believing in Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance. Their homes were illegally searched and they were monitored by police around the clock. Wang Guimei was arrested and sent to the Zhangjiatun Brainwashing Center in the winter of 2001, where she was brutally tortured for two months. In July 2000, Zhou Maoling was detained for 15 days by the Jiaozhou City Public Security Bureau because of spreading Teacher's new articles. In 2001 he was twice sent to the Zhangjiatun Brainwashing Center. The police illegally searched him, monitored him, and beat and kicked him at will. For each meal he was given only a small bun and a small piece of marinated vegetable. He slept on the cold cement floor and was brutally force-fed with alcohol.

Wang Xiaoming is a civil servant from Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province. For five years he has suffered severe persecution. His home was illegally searched; he was illegally abducted, detained, and constantly harassed over the phone. On December 24, 2000, Wang Xiaoming went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong and was illegally arrested by plainclothes police. He was detained for one year and three months and was inhumanly tortured during that time. On March 20, 2002, Wang Xiaoming was again sentenced to a three-year prison term and was later transferred to Mancheng Prison in Baoding City, Hebei Province. Wang Xiaoming was often detained in a small ward and was monitored 24 hours a day. For 70 days he was continuously attacked, verbally abused, forced to stand and allowed only 2-3 hours of sleep a day. In addition, he was forbidden to use the restroom, and forbidden to bathe or brush his teeth during the hottest season of the year. If he changed his clothes, he was not allowed to sleep for 5 days and nights. Mr. Wang was in an extremely weak condition. However, Wang Xiaoming walked out of the vicious place with his firm and righteous belief in Master and Dafa.

Falun Gong practitioner Dong Xiuling from Wangzhuang Village, Hanzhuang Township, Beishi District, Baoding City, was once illegally sentenced to two years of forced labor for continuing to practice Falun Gong. She was released in May 2003. On the night of February 1, 2004, Dong Xiuling went to distribute materials explaining the truth of Falun Gong in Fengzhuang Village, a nearby town. She was abducted by the Fengzhuang Village Police Station and was detained there overnight. On the same night, several people from the Hanzhuang Township Police Station, the Beishi District Public Security Bureau and the Wangzhuang Village Party went to Ms. Dong's house and took away the Falun Gong books. Dong Xiuling was transferred to the Baoding City Detention Center on the afternoon of February 2. Her current whereabouts are unknown.

(1) The monthly income of an average Chinese worker is about 500 Yuan.