
Persecution Facts

1) My name is Ms. Wang Guihua. I'm a Falun Dafa practitioner and I have gone to Beijing twice to appeal after the persecution started in 1999. I was twice detained and imprisoned in a labor camp for one year. I was beaten multiple times by police and the prisoners at the Heizuizi Labor Camp in Changchun City, Jilin Province. On September 16, 2003, I was abducted again, held in a detention center for seven months, and sentenced to 10 years in prison. My parents are both in their eighties, and my father has had a stroke, heart problems, and high blood pressure. I am not sure if he is still alive after the shock he must have received when he heard about the persecution I have suffered. My husband was worried about the future of our child and felt he had no choice but to divorce me. My once happy family has been torn apart.

2) Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Jiao Lingyun is a resident of Shengchang Town, Jixian County, Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province. After July 20, 1999, because he firmly conducted himself according "Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance," he was fired by his employer, abducted many times, detained, sent to labor camp, force-fed, shocked with an electric baton, whipped with a leather belt, brutally beaten, and so on. His wife could not bear the mental pressure and divorced him.

3) My husband Zhang Rujun and I are both Falun Dafa practitioners in Chibi City, Hubei Province. We went through a huge amount of suffering after July 20, 1999, like countless practitioners' families in China. The local police and members of the "610 Office" (1) continuously harassed us. We were detained repeatedly. My husband was abducted again in November 2003, detained in the Chibi City Detention Center for one year, and sent to the Shayang Labor Camp afterwards with a sentence of three years.

4) Falun Dafa practitioners who are employees or are family members of employees of the Yangtze River Administration were tortured. Ms. Yao Hui was sentenced to seven years in prison, and has been jailed in the Wuhan City Women Prison in Baofenglu since April 12, 2004. Mr. Fang Longchao was sentenced to three years of forced labor, and put through both mental and physical abuse in the Shayang Labor Camp. Mr. Li Qingbo was dismissed from the Party and fired from his job four years ago. He was detained for a two and a half years under the instructions of the "610 Office," including one year of forced labor. Ms. Tang Bixiu and her daughter Wang Li went to Beijing to appeal. She was locked in brainwashing centers several times and her salary was withheld. Her daughter was sentenced to one year of forced labor. Her term was extended twice, and she was sent to the Jiang-an District Brainwashing Center directly from the labor camp.

(1) The "610 Office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems