Facts of the Persecution
Mr. Wang Dawu, a Falun Dafa practitioner from Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, was abducted on June 3, 2004. At first, the authorities tricked Mr. Wang's child into opening the door. Then they illegally searched his home and took away some goods. It is known that Mr. Wang was first detained at Genshanmen Police Station in Xiacheng District of Hangzhou City. Later, he was transferred to Laodongyue Detention Center, also in Hangzhou City. It is likely that he will continue to be illegally detained and inappropriately designated a "criminal."
My name is Ai Kexiu (female), and I am a 50-year-old villager from the First Team of Wangzhong Village in Zhuwa Town, Pengzhou City, Sichuan Province. Because I remained faithful to my belief in Dafa and appealed in Beijing for fair treatment of Falun Dafa practitioners, I was abducted and sentenced to work in a forced labor camp for one year. In Nanmusi Women's Forced Labor Camp in Zizhong, the guards and criminal inmates beat me, handcuffed me, shocked me with electric batons and deprived me of sleep. Every day they brainwashed me and compelled me to give up practicing Dafa. Deceived by their false kindness, I betrayed my belief. After returning back home in April 2003, I completely reawakened. Now I solemnly declare that anything I wrote or said during that period when my judgment was clouded after much persecution in the forced labor camp that is not in compliance with Dafa's principles, is hereby null and void. I will once again be steadfast on the path of Fa-rectification.
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Category: Accounts of Persecution