(Clearwisdom.net) According to Falun Gong practitioners released from Changsha Prison in Hunan Province, they were forced to perform slave labor for 13-14 hours every day. Being forced to work until 11:00 p.m., or until sunrise the next day, was not uncommon. In one detention center there was an accident after a criminal inmate was forced to work for five days and nights, under threat of the electric baton. Four fingers on his left hand were crushed by an iron gate. When Falun Gong practitioners requested the right to observe an 8-hour work day and have Sunday off, they were thrown into solitary confinement for up to 90 days. Many practitioners have been subjected to this treatment.
Recently the Changsha Prison was contracted to produce electronic products. The products were ordered by a Xinglong Electronic Factory in Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, for a company named "Taida" in Taiwan, which is a supplier for Sony.
We want to appeal to the international community, and overseas companies and enterprises to pay attention to the violations of human rights and the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. We offer this special warning to Sony and Taida: many of your products manufactured in China were made using forced labor with no human rights protections, and your investments may have been used by the Jiang regime to persecute Falun Gong. This is not something a person of conscience would like to see. Please do not supply capital to the regime. Let us expose the persecution and safeguard human rights.
Twelve practitioners are being jailed in Changsha Prison as of June 1. Initially, all Falun Gong practitioners were jailed in this prison. However, the practitioners continued to practice in prison and resisted the persecution. Many of them were called "diehards," and were thrown into solitary confinement, where some of them held hunger strikes for as long as 10 days to protest the ill treatment. In April 2003, the practitioners were transferred to the Changde Jinshi Farm.
Responsible Staff in Changsha Prison
Warden of the Prison: Geng Shaoyun (responsible for transforming inmates)
Director of Jail Administration: Cao Xinfei
Official at Educational Section: Huang Ying (responsible for Falun Gong issues)
Director of Educational Section: Yao Jiabin (responsible for Falun Gong issues)
Director of Lufeng Division: Wu Guixiang (does not know the truth, can be saved)
No. 1 Brigade of No. 1 Division, Official Tu
No. 2 Brigade of No. 1 Division, Guidance Gao Lisheng (relatively inexperienced,
refused to listen to the facts about the persecution of Falun Gong)
Captain of No. 1 Division, Huang Hao (hardliner, but still reasonable)
Guidance of Strict Class: Luo (responsible for solitary confinement)
Postal Code for Changsha Jail, Hunan Province: 410007
Switchboard of Hunan Province Ministry of Public Security, 86-731-4590600
Staff responsible for persecuting Falun Gong at the Ministry of Public Security:
Ministry of Justice, Hunan Province, 86-731-4586415
Forced Labor Camp Management Bureau, Hunan Province, 86-731-2275121
Prison Management Bureau: 86-731-4592688
Hunan Province Administration Website Contact number 86-731-2211410,
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