(Clearwisdom.net) On August 6, 2004 the Finnish newspaper Norra Posten, a newspaper that is freely distributed to all the Swedish speaking households on the Finnish west coast, published a full page article about Falun Dafa.
"I found myself through Falun Gong!"
Pia-Maria Sandas "found herself" and her life has become more harmonious since she started practicing Falun Gong. It has its roots in ancient China, where it is forbidden. Falun Gong is an ancient form of qigong and cultivation practice for body and soul. The discipline is based on Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance.
Falun Gong consists of four standing slow-moving exercises, and one sitting meditation. One starts with a relaxing exercise that opens up all blocked energy channels in the body. The next exercise is a standing static one that enhances one's energy level and awakens wisdom. The third exercise consists of gentle movements that purifies the body and renews energy. The fourth is a slow exercise with rounded movements that helps the energy to circulate widely.
"The fifth exercise consists of meditation", Pia-Maria Sandas says, "and one can do the exercises wherever you are in the world. No tools are needed, and one can do them alone. The best thing is of course to do all the exercises together, but when short of time one can do, for example, only the meditation. The exercises are easy to learn." Pia-Maria adds that everyone can do them, and there are no special requirements in terms of ones physical condition. The discipline is suitable for all ages. In some places people meet to do the exercises together.
"One should not think about anything while doing the exercises, and they should be done with a peaceful and pure mind. It is also easier to relax by listening to the exercise music. It is important to be clearly awake and conscious when practicing Falun Gong."
Cultivation Method
"Falun Gong is a cultivation practice. The body and soul is purified. Besides doing the five powerful and peaceful exercises, the emphasis is on cultivating one's mind and spirit and improving one's moral character by following and incorporating the three cornerstones of the practice: Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance into our daily lives," Pia-Maria explains. When one realizes its benefits, it is easy to set aside time for the practice. Pia-Maria, who constantly travels for her work, always tries to find time for the practice. Falun Gong is a cultivation process to be practiced daily.
"I came in contact with Falun Gong in 1998", Pia-Maria says. She found that the practice started to truly help her about one and a half years ago. She feels peaceful and harmonious. It is also so much easier dealing with and solving conflicts when one is at peace. Pia-Maria has also noted that both her health and energy level have improved.
No Threat
Falun Gong comes from China, where it is forbidden. The cultivation method is ancient, but was again introduced to the public by Master Li Hongzhi. In a few years it became the biggest and most popular qigong practice in China. In the beginning of 1999 over 70 million Chinese citizens were practicing Falun Gong. When China's former leader Jiang Zemin saw the popularity of Falun Gong, he perceived it as a threat to his personal position of power. He forbade Falun Gong. Hundreds of thousands of people have been incarcerated. Many have been tortured to death.
"It is horrible and so very tragic," Pia-Maria says. She knows many people who have family members that have been tortured to death in China. "With the details that I know it would be a crime to stay quiet."
Pia-Maria is convinced that the discipline is not a threat to Christianity or any other orthodox religion. For example the Pope has given his blessings to Falun Gong. Now seventeen countries, including Finland, have taken legal actions against the people responsible for the persecution of Falun Gong in China.
"Master Li Hongzhi has been given many proclamations and awards. For example in 1993 at the Oriental Health Expo in Beijing, Master Li was honored with 'The Award for Advancing Frontier Science'. In Houston Master Li Hongzhi was appointed an 'Honorary Citizen' and 'Goodwill Ambassador'," Pia-Maria says, and adds that the method is completely free. All activities are free from commercialism. There are no membership registers, and no fees are collected. In some of the bigger cities in Finland, groups meet to do the exercises together.
"Practitioners get together in Helsinki, Abo, Jyvaskyla, Uleaborg and Kemi. When I visit Jakobstad we also have a group there," Pia-Maria, was born and grew up in Jakobstad.
Out in the World
Pia-Maria went out in the world seventeen years ago, when a fashion modelling job brought her to Paris. When she got tired of the modelling industry she went to South America and Chile, where she started working for TV. In this industry Pia-Maria was also always obliged to think about her looks.
"It was quite a superficial world, and it became very hard in the long run. The inside of a human being is so much more important than the outside appearance," Pia-Maria says, as she pulls up her legs on the couch. She gives a calm and natural impression. Without make-up, she pulls her long hair back and starts talking about her life since she left her childhood home in Jakobstad. She enjoys being able to spend a couple of weeks of vacation with her family. Pia-Maria was living in Sweden for a while when she was offered a position as PR-manager for Isadora. First she worked in the US, and lately she has been working in Spain. This autumn Pia-Maria, who continues working for Isadora, will most likely be working in the US market again.
When working in Sweden, Pia-Maria came in contact with Falun Gong. "I was doing karate when I came in contact with practitioners of Falun Gong," she says, but adds that "karate and Falun Gong have nothing in common. I was immediately drawn to Falun Gong's five beautiful and peaceful exercises and the principles the practice is based on. One of the advantages of Falun Gong is that the practice is not complicated and can be practiced anywhere."
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Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200408/21561.html
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Category: Falun Dafa in the Media