(Clearwisdom.net) From August the 13th to August the 15th, 2004, many Spanish practitioners participated in three days of group Fa study, experience-sharing and activities in Barcelona to let people know about Falun Gong and the persecution.
In a harmonious and righteous atmosphere, practitioners made good use of these two days to study Zhuan Falun [Falun Dafa's main text] thoroughly. In addition, they also exchanged with each other the problems that they have encountered and the understanding that they have gained in the process of cultivation. During this gathering, Dafa allowed them to feel a strong connection between themselves. Practitioners felt the power of unity first hand and gained a deeper understanding of cultivation in the Fa-rectification period as well as showing their determination to study the Fa more diligently.
| ![]() ![]() Morning exercises |
| ![]() ![]() Morning exercises |
On Monday August the 16th, a reception was held in the Chinese Consulate in Barcelona. To help more precious Chinese people understand the facts about Dafa and with regard to the fact that the Chinese Consulate has interfered with practitioners' peaceful appeals several times recently, the practitioners decided to stage another peaceful appeal and explain the facts to people there.
When the practitioners arrived at the Consulate, several dozen Chinese people were already queueing outside. With practitioners' persistent explanation of the facts in front of the Consulate, most of these Chinese people's attitude towards Falun Gong was changed tremendously. At the sight of the practitioners, some greeted them as if they were close friends; others expressed that they had already read our leaflets or watched our VCDs. Others walked into the Consulate with our materials without any uneasiness. As to those who were still deceived by the lies and didn't understand the facts about Dafa, they also stopped to watch the demonstration of the exercises and have a look at the information posters on display, and even talk to the practitioners. During their conversations, practitioners' smiles and compassionate words gradually cleared away their doubts and misunderstanding about Falun Gong.
Practicing the Falun Gong exercises and clarifying the facts to Chinese people in front of the Chinese Consulate.
Two children who were brought up in Spain held the flyers and asked the practitioners, "Who is Jiang Zemin? Why has he been prosecuted?" Practitioners told the children, "For his own interests and power, Jiang Zemin has persecuted a group of kindhearted people who believe in "Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance." Numerous innocent people were tortured, imprisoned, and even lost their lives. Jiang Zemin seriously violates Chinese and International laws, therefore he has been prosecuted in many countries." After hearing the facts, the children looked at the flyers and said with a smile, "Jiang Zemin is really bad. He is a scoundrel! "
When they were about to leave, practitioners told them, "Be sure to bear in mind that Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance are good, and Falun Dafa is good!" The children nodded with a smile, and then said goodbye to the practitioners.
Children say, "Jiang Zemin is really evil!"
Many people who accepted information leaflets expressed their thanks to practitioners time and again. While seeing them off, I thought, "As more and more precious Chinese people are awakened by the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance and have the opportunity to understand the facts about Falun Dafa, I sincerely hope that they can have a brighter future."
As usual, the Chinese consulate personnel once again wanted to interfere with practitioners' peaceful appeal with the excuse that the appeal affected the Consulate's operations, and asked the practitioners to stay away from the Consulate. Obviously, this Consulate officer was deeply deceived by fabricated propaganda due to his work. With a view to the Chinese Consulate's recent unreasonable interferences with practitioners' appeals and their violent acts, the practitioners sternly told him, "In a free and democratic country, everyone has the freedom of belief, speech, practising exercises and to peacefully appeal. These basic human rights are legally protected, and nobody is allowed to abuse or interfere with them arbitrarily. But unfortunately, under the Jiang Zemin group's authoritarian rule, these basic human rights are violently abused and violated. People are illegally put in jail, sent to forced labour camps and even persecuted to death with cruel torture, simply because they believed in Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance, practising exercises or participating in peaceful appeals. What a deplorable fact! Therefore, as long as the illegal suppression against Falun Gong in China has not ended, we surely will not leave here. We will persist in coming here everyday to tell all the people in the world about the cruel persecution in China. We will also explain the facts to the general public and urge all the kindhearted people around the world to step forward to put an end to this persecution together."
"If Falun Gong practitioners' selfless peaceful sitting meditation could harm China' image, then what would you say about the rude acts of Chinese diplomats who represent the Chinese government overseas when they unreasonably interfere with others' peaceful appeal?"
Clarifying the facts to officials of the Chinese Consulate
At the same time, some Chinese people watching the appeal also expressed their support for us. One of them said, "Since they (referring to practitioners) are sitting still outside, how could they possibly affect your operations inside?" Another said, "I personally witnessed you using a water cannon against them the other day."
Practitioners' powerful righteous thoughts and the voices of the people who have come to know the facts finally made the official of the Chinese Consulate become speechless and walk back through the Consulate's gates quietly.
Group send forth righteous thoughts
Finally, we would like to advise all the personnel of the Chinese Consulate that everyone is the master of his own mind. Jiang Zemin does not represent the Chinese government, nor could he represent the Chinese people. Please don't blindly trust and follow this evil group headed by Jiang Zemin, who is being faced with international justice, morality and history. As diplomats stationed overseas, you are so lucky to have the predestined relationship to know about the facts behind the persecution of Falun Gong. I hope that you are able to respect and cherish this opportunity to think over carefully and make an intelligent and correct choice for your own future. If you really take China and Chinese people's future into consideration, I hope you are able to get a clear understanding of the facts, and bravely stand up for justice, so as to put an end to this cruel human tragedy altogether.
Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200408/21652.html
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Category: Clarifying the Truth