My husband is a practitioner who has been cultivating Falun Dafa with his supernormal capabilities unlocked. Recently, in his realm, he saw the evil envelope the island of Manhattan like a dark umbrella. He would like to share his understandings with New York practitioners.
Our Minds Must Be Righteous. The Force of Our Thoughts Needs To Be Focused
His personal understanding is that when we fight on a battlefield, we must be strong and powerful. What gives us strength is our pure, righteous minds. The purer and the more righteous, the more powerfully we'll be able to fight any battle. Practitioners who go to New York should be clear that they are going to the main battlefield to save people and eliminate the evil. Your mindset should be one that does not wait, does not rely on others, does not expect local practitioners' help, and does not complain about any insufficient coordination or other practitioners' character problems. On the battlefield, we should make our righteous thoughts become stronger and stronger and deeper and deeper. Our thoughts and attention need to be focused.
A Big Battle to Thoroughly Eradicate the Evil
We will definitely win and succeed in this big battle between the good and the evil. In the process, any Dafa practitioners' weakness in character or physical discomfort is an incorrect state that needs to be dealt with quickly. Fellow practitioners should remind each other so that we can improve ourselves together. We should steadily do well the three things and constantly strengthen our righteous thoughts. On the battlefield, any emotional thought or behavior is unrighteous and dangerous. Each practitioner should be able to work independently on the battlefield. When encountering any manifestation of interfering illusion on the main battlefield, every practitioner should be able to eliminate it in an open, dignified, compassionate, and calm manner.
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