(Clearwisdom.net) Falun Dafa practitioners A and B from Jilin City, Liaoning Province, full of righteous thoughts and righteous actions, are going forward in the journey for validating the Fa and saving sentient beings.
- Righteous beliefs, righteous thoughts and a steady, firm heart to save
sentient beings
Since July 20, 1999, practitioner A and other local practitioners have often distributed truth-clarification materials together. One time the local police station arrested practitioner A, but with righteous thoughts he managed to escape. Since then he has been on the "610 Office" wanted list. Once, the authorities from the "610 Office" sent two policemen to his work place to arrest him. As they passed each other on the stairs, the policemen asked practitioner A about the practitioner himself. He answered that he hadn't see that person and continued downstairs. With Teacher's protection, the policemen failed to arrest him. Later, the policemen went to his work place, to his home, to his parents' home and to his relatives' home, and they never found him. Practitioner A continued carrying out Fa-validation and truth-clarification.
In 2001, with support from his wife, he spent his savings to purchase computer equipment, VCD recording equipment, paper, glue and other supplies for making truth-clarification material. He put the material together with rubber cement, recorded truth-clarification material on VCD, and distributed and posted a batch of materials as soon as it was completed. Practitioner A also distributed Teacher's new lectures printed by another practitioner and the "Minghui Weekly Magazine" to other practitioners without missing a week's publication. The circulated truth-clarification material helped many people learn the truth about Falun Dafa.
When he learned that practitioners from other areas had hung up a "Falun Dafa Is Good" banner, he led the effort to hang up banners in our local area. First, he made some silkscreens for creating the banners. The two main ones read "Falun Dafa Is Good", "Falun Dafa Is Righteous". He silkscreened red paint on to the yellow polyester fabric, and then dried it. It was quite bright and beautiful. Other practitioners and I helped make the banners and hung them as soon as they were completed. When other areas had a great need for banners, we would manufacture large quantities of them, and working in two shifts we were able to send hundreds of them out. Practitioner A worked diligently, emphasizing quality. With strong righteous thoughts, he helped coordinate seven or eight practitioners to work together and form one body. Toward the latter part of the year, we'd hang banners on tree branches or electricity lines, so that shortly after we left the scene, the banners would spread open by themselves. When practitioner A was in a very good state of mind, every banner that was put out would unfold very quickly, so it was very difficult for the policemen to remove it, even with the help of machinery to reach it. If they removed it one day, it re-appeared the next day. When we started out at sun down with two teams, we could hang over eighty banners and paste truth clarifying materials over half of the city in about 3-4 hours. We'd manufacture a batch, then hang and paste it. We continued this process until spring of 2002. Later, our material site was destroyed, and practitioners were arrested one after another. When we looked within ourselves for the reason, we saw our lack of righteous thoughts and learned our lesson. With strong support by practitioners from other areas, we started again, making truth-clarification material with the rubber cement and posting it up when the batch was completed.
In 2003 we included the recording of truth-clarification VCDs in our work, which continues to this day. The VCDs are of high quality, with tasteful packaging. In the package we have a short message expressed in words of truth-clarification or a poem, like: "One kind thought toward Falun Dafa, Heaven bestows happiness and peace upon you". Truth-clarification pamphlets with good reading material, nice pictures and a big red character for the word "Blessing" were also included. The material included in the VCDs explored the persecution from different angles to help people to learn the facts.
One time practitioner A traveled to another area and learned about an actor who sang songs full of words slandering Falun Dafa. He went to talk to the actor privately. With righteous thoughts, he pointed out to the actor the lyrics in the songs that were lies, false charges fabricated against Falun Dafa, and poison that harmed people. The actor understood right away and gladly agreed to make corrections. Wherever practitioner A visited other areas, he'd always get in touch with local practitioners to study the Fa together, exchange ideas and deliver the truth-clarification VCDs to them.
Practitioner A is often very helpful to other practitioners and he is always open to recommendations from them. Practitioners help each other, working together to ensure good progress. We are determined to follow Teacher's instruction "Cease not your steps on the path of return" (from the lecture "Weathering the Storm") and constantly make diligent progress.
- Continue to work diligently on what should be done
Since July 20, 1999, practitioner B and some other practitioners have been distributing truth-clarification leaflets. She began by posting them near her house, and later expanded to include other locations. Sometimes she did it during the day, sometimes late at night. If there were difficulties and challenges, she endured and overcame whatever she encountered and never gave up.
Practitioner B's steps have covered the entire city district, multiple times in most areas, in order to deliver the leaflets and VCDs, and to put up truth-clarification materials. She knows the city by heart. She knows the surrounding environment of residential areas, the characteristics of buildings, the features of detached buildings, stairway locations, and she notices small differences in buildings. Thus, she can remember which household did not get certain truth-clarification material and what should still be delivered there. It is so clear to her that it is impossible for her to forget any household when it comes to delivering truth-clarification material.
While other practitioners hung banners, she'd glue the truth-clarification material on surfaces with rubber cement; when other practitioner made VCDs, she'd put the VCDs in envelopes and deliver them; if other practitioners wanted to print a banner, she'd help prepare the pattern and stretch the yellow fabric for printing; and when other practitioners were printing "Falun Dafa Is Good" or "Falun Dafa Is Righteous" characters on long colored paper, she'd apply glue on both sides. She works very well with other practitioners. She does not draw attention, but she is always there to help. Practitioners agree that she is an earnest, serious and responsible person.
One time, when practitioner B was delivering truth-clarification material to a residential area, she was chased by a person as soon as she stepped out of the door. This person wanted to take her to the police station, and she was frightened initially. But she quickly calmed down and talked to this person about the facts. After listening to her, this person left without saying anything.
When the officials destroyed the location where they made truth-clarification materials, she took the initiative to talk to her relatives, who were able to provide housing for practitioners, so that they could continue to make truth-clarification materials.
Although she is quiet while making informational materials with practitioners, her righteous thoughts and righteous belief in our Teacher are evident in her attitude. She does not talk much, but her unparalleled belief in Falun Dafa is clear from her actions. She experienced some severe tribulations, but she overcame them by studying the Fa and now she is walking the road toward maturity.
Many of practitioner B's friends and relatives are not Falun Dafa practitioners. She and her sister (a Falun Dafa practitioner) endured great pressure and great tribulations, but she persisted in clarifying the truth face-to-face and delivering truth-clarification materials, which helped many of them to learn the facts about Falun Dafa. Her husband was a very timid and fearful person, but he is not so timid any more, and even helps her in making truth-clarification material. When one has strong righteous thoughts, one can change the surrounding environment.
In order for practitioners to have an opportunity to read Teacher's new lectures sooner rather than later, and in order to let people learn the truth about Falun Dafa, her sister saved every penny for printing Teacher's new lectures, Minghui's articles and truth-clarification materials for distribution. The two sisters are resolved to help more people learn about the truth and therefore be saved.
For the past five years, practitioner B has been doing the things that she has resolved to do rain or shine, without any interruption. Her heart is totally with Dafa and she is on the steady path of saving sentient beings.
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