Industry Trade Union for Trade and Services
3001 Bern
Embassy of the People's Republic of China (PRC)
Your Honour
Kalcheggweg 10
3006 Bern
Bern, July 13th 2004.
Re: The situation of Falun Gong practitioners in Switzerland: Refusal of
passport extension or issue of passport
Your Excellency,
We approach you on behalf of the members of the Suisse Trade Union SMUV-unia, citizens of your country, the People's Republic of China (PRC). They are granted, as trade union members, under article 28 of the Federal Constitution, freedom of association.
We understand that our members have been denied for years the renewal of their passports or the issuing of a travel passport. Alleged reasons include technical difficulties. For all this time and up to today, no further clarification has been provided, nor can we find any indication that such difficulties were remedied.
Therefore, we conclude that there are in actuality not technical difficulties, but unprecedented actions against those who practise Falun Gong. These people are being intentionally discriminated against by their respective Embassy and thus must bear consequences and difficulties arising from such actions. Without a valid passport, they in effect have no right to take up permanent residency in Switzerland. Thus, they are dependent on exceptions and special approvals that depend on the goodwill of the respective Cantonal and Confederate States within Switzerland.
We understand from media releases that practitioners of Falun Gong have been persecuted and are detained for years in China's prisons. They are accused of violating PRC's security. Such accusations are far-fetched and unbelievable, given all information available to us. We therefore assume that the denial of a valid passport or such extension is another form of persecution and repression of Falun Gong. We take the opportunity to inform you that the PRC is violating international laws with such actions. In particular, China is violating United Nations Accords to which it is signatory, notably in the area of political, civil and human rights.
Herewith, we request that you inform your government of our concerns. We especially ask you to recognise all your citizens' rights, including those of Falun Gong practitioners, and to desist from any kind of repression, discrimination and harassment.
In this spirit, we request that you issue or extend the passport of all citizens of the PRC, male and females, no matter if they practise or do not practise Falun Gong.
We fight for the rights of male and female workers, for social and civil equity, including human and citizens' right worldwide. We believe that we are solidly united with your country in such strife.
We sincerely hope that the aforementioned problems are resolved as soon as possible. We want to see all members of our trade union enjoy all civil and citizens rights.
Trade Union SMUV-unia Region Bern
Ruedi Keller, Regional Secretary
- Foreign Ministry Department overseeing Foreign Relations, Bern
- Falun Gong, Bern
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