(Clearwisdom.net) I have been a widow since my husband, Liu Yufeng, a Falun Dafa practitioner, was tortured to death. I myself began practicing Falun Gong in April 1996. Prior to that, I suffered from various diseases, including lumbago, sciatica, cardiomyopathy and hematuria. After I started practicing Falun Gong, all of my diseases disappeared, and my mind was also purified. Teacher and Dafa have given me a new life.

Picture: Dafa practitioner Liu Yufeng who was tortured to death
In July 20, 1999, Jiang and his regime launched their senseless suppression of Falun Gong. My husband, Liu Yufeng, and I decided that as Teacher's disciples, we should go to Beijing to appeal and speak out for Teacher and Dafa.
For this reason, we went to Beijing on December 24, 1999. We were arrested at our hotel in Beijing on December 25, at 9:30 p.m.. Police officer Li Yinglin from Wendeng took us to the Weihai Office in Beijing. He confiscated 2,000 yuan from us, and then began to torture us. The policeman beat us brutally, causing my husband's eyeballs to be dislodged from their sockets. On December 28, we were taken back to Wendeng and sent to a detention center. While we were detained, we were interrogated many times. The head of the detention center, Wang Conglun, and other prisoners forced Dafa practitioners to run continuously in the yard for six hours. Some of the practitioners' feet developed blisters. However, eventually we understood that we should not allow these corrupt people to mistreat us.
On January 1st, 2000, we were forced to stand outdoors in the rain for the whole day. We went on a hunger strike to protest this treatment, which effectively restrained our tormentors. After 15 days of detention, I was released and Xiang Hongping and Wang Jincheng from the Song Village Police Station came to my home and extorted 4,000 yuan from me in "fines." Since then, they have kept coming to our home to threaten us, and my family has not been able to live in peace. On one occasion, Xiang Hongping and Cong Shuxin, an official from the Political Security Section, told Liu Yufeng, "The CCP (Chinese Communist Party) allows everyone to do evil at will, but prohibits you from practicing Falun Gong."
On July 18, 2000, Dafa practitioners from Wendeng held a large-scale activity to introduce Falun Dafa to the public and practiced the exercises at Huilongshan in the East Village. Policemen from Weihai and Wendeng, who were greatly shocked by the practitioners' courage, surrounded Huilongshan and gathered between 200 and 300 participating practitioners in a courtyard in the West Village. They interrogated us and searched our bodies. Some practitioners were sent to a detention center. The other practitioners were taken back home by officers from their local police stations. I was pulled into the backyard. The policemen ordered my daughter to give them 2, 000 yuan. I was pushed out of the door by Xiang Hongping when I asked for a receipt.
The day after my husband had been sent to the detention center, Cong Shuxin called my daughter and asked her for 200 to 300 yuan to buy medication. When my daughter told me about it, I said, "We cannot give them the money. Dafa practitioners don't have any diseases." I never imagined that they had brutally tortured my husband to the point of needing medical treatment. On the fourth day, they called my son-in-law and asked him to come and get Liu Yufeng. My son-in-law carried Liu Yufeng on his back to a taxi and brought him home. When they arrived at home, I found that my husband was unconscious, and had wounds all over his body. It was heartrending to see him suffering like this! Liu Yufeng died at 6:30 a.m. the next day.
After Liu Yufeng died, Wendeng Justice Department notified my two sons and son-in-law to be present at the autopsy. The findings were:
1. A 3.5 x 4 cm cut on the side of his right eye;
2. Wounds and cuts to his face;
3. A 2 cm large bruise on his throat;
4. Various bruises on both arms;
5. A 35 x 34 cm bruise on his chest;
6. Various bruises on his legs. Peeling skin and soft tissue damage on his legs;
7. A large area of bruises on his back;
8. Bleeding and inflammation in the brain;
9. Broken ribs (the #2, #3, and #8 ribs were broken);
10. A broken breastbone;
His body was injured all over and there were blisters in more than ten areas.
The police officers from the Wendeng 610 Office tried to deny any responsibility for the torture and death of my husband. They said on many occasions that it was prisoners who beat him to death. However, everybody knows that the detention center is run by the police department. Even if Liu Yufeng was indeed beaten to death by the prisoners, it must have been at the instigation of the policemen. The policemen of the 610 Office are the real murderers behind the scene.
Since my husband was tortured to death, the police have come to my home many times to threaten me and to attempt to force me to give up practicing Falun Gong.
In order to validate Dafa, I went to Tiananmen Square once again on September 29, 2000. In September 2001, three officials from the Wendeng Police Department came to my home. My mother-in-law and I didn't open the door. My 80-year-old mother-in-law cried and asked them for her son back. The policemen knew that they had committed a crime and finally left.
(Mr. Liu Yufeng, who was 64 years old at the time of his death and a retired worker, was a resident in Xiaozetou Village, Songcun Town, Wendeng, Shandong Province. Liu Yufeng was commonly known as a righteous and good person. His Falun Dafa practice led to his recovery from various diseases. On July 18, 2000, in the morning, Liu Yufeng participated in the group practice in Huilongshan, and was then taken to the Wendeng Detention Center by police. At about 10 a.m. on July 22, Liu Yufeng was sent back home, where he died at 6:30 a.m. on July 23.)
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