(Clearwisdom.net) Comprehensive report from a Minghui correspondent: The Chinese Communist evil spirit has chosen to go against Falun Dafa, and it is doomed to be thoroughly eliminated before the Fa-rectification reaches the human world. In order to avoid bringing disaster upon themselves when the Party's end arrives, it is imperative for people who once joined the CCP or other organizations affiliated with the Party, and were thus branded with the mark of the beast, to take advantage of this opportunity to declare their withdrawal from the Party or the Youth League.

Number of people who have resigned from the Party accumulated monthly by the Epoch Times Tuidang [Withdraw from the Party] website (As of March 7, 2005)
In November 2004, the Epoch Times published the editorial series, "Nine Commentaries on the CCP," enabling the Chinese people who have been living under the CCP's lies and deceptions for a long period of time to clearly see the Communist Party's true nature. With the wide circulation of Jiuping or "Nine Commentaries" and people's gradual and deeper understanding of the Communist evil spirit, there has occurred an upsurge of resignation announcements. The resignations from the Party or the Youth League transferred through Minghui net have doubled recently. The announcements received on the morning of March 7, 2005 reached 2,000, including a group resignation from the Party or the Youth League with 199 signers. Another group declaration included 583 people. The announcements transferred through Minghui included Falun Dafa practitioners who have clearly recognized the evil nature of the Communist evil spirit, but it also included ordinary people who have gradually seen the CCP's brutal and evil nature through the atrocities it has committed in the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners who truly cultivate themselves to be kind people. Especially after reading the "Nine Commentaries on the CCP," these people felt that they could no longer be associated with the Party, and therefore they submitted their resignations from the Party, Youth League and Youth Vanguard League.
It has been reported that the CCP recently continued to apply strong measures to block all communication networks in a bid to prevent the "Nine Commentaries" from getting into China. The domestic media have all remained silent about the "Nine Commentaries." In January 2005, the CCP launched a "Maintain Advancement" correction movement inside the Party. Great pressure has been applied to people to join the party, while Party members have been gathered together to study the Party's constitution and history, retake the "oath" and so on. But it seems that it is becoming more and more difficult to stem the tide of the wave of resignations. Upon hearing that the Party's consolidation movement was caused by the "Nine Commentaries," the public has been more anxious to read the original treatise. It has been hard to ban the "Nine Commentaries" both publicly and inside the Party, and it has circulated rapidly. Many people have asked travel agencies to have "Nine Commentaries" brought back with tourists, and they have asked overseas family members or friends to resign from the Party for them.
As of March 7, 2005, the number of resignations from the Party or the Youth League announced on the Epoch Times Tuidang website has exceeded 160,000, and it has rapidly increased at the rate of 10,000 daily. Most resignations from the Party or Youth League are from Mainland China, covering almost all of the provinces, cities and areas in China, and including people from all professions and all walks of life: civil servants, engineering technicians, government officials, scholars and literati, teachers, professors, workers, farmers, police officers, soldiers, and so on.
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