(Clearwisdom.net) On the 26th of March, Dafa practitioners held an activity in a busy cross-section near the "Little Black River" tube station in St. Petersburg. Practitioners showed display boards and banners to let the people of St. Petersburg know about the practice of Falun Gong and its popularity all over the world, as well as the persecution currently taking place in China.
Photos exposing the human rights abuses that are happening to Falun Gong practitioners in China attracted the most attention and concern from the public. After seeing the inhumane forms of torture used in cruel attempts to force Falun Gong practitioners to renounce their beliefs, people were shocked and outraged. They showed great sympathy for Falun Gong practitioners being persecuted in China. Many people signed a petition supporting Falun Gong and condemning the persecution.
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People came in succession to learn about the truth of the ongoing persecution
Source http://clearharmony.net/articles/200504/25812.html
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Category: April 25 Events