(Clearwisdom.net) Every year during the Easter Holiday, the ancient Scottish city of Edinburgh attracts many tourists from around the world. The city council uses this opportunity to host various cultural activities to entertain the visitors, with the Easter Parade being the most prominent attraction since its inception two years ago. Falun Gong practitioners have been invited to participate in the parade both years.
Falun Gong practitioners in the Easter parade
Collecting signatures to rescue family members
Many Falun Gong practitioners from around the UK went to Edinburgh the day before the parade to prepare. They went to the city center to demonstrate the five sets of Falun Gong exercises to the tourists. They also collected petition signatures to call for the rescue of their family members who are being persecuted in China because of their belief in "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance."
During the activity, many students and tourists from China stopped to watch. One Chinese student said to practitioners, "In China the mention of 'Falun Gong' is not allowed, but in our hearts we know the truth, and we support you wholeheartedly. You are truly remarkable." Another Chinese person who works in the UK said, "Some of my colleagues and relatives practice Falun Gong. Although I don't have a clear knowledge about Falun Gong, I think Falun Gong practitioners should be respected as everyone else is." Within a few hours, even though it was raining, over three hundred people signed our petition.
![]() ![]() Group practice |
![]() ![]() Visitors watch the exercise demonstration |
Thousands of people watched the Easter Parade
On March 27th the rainy weather did not seem to affect people's eagerness to watch the parade. According to a report by Edinburgh's largest local newspaper, the Edinburgh Evening News, over 4,000 people participated in the parade. The gathered crowd numbered over 35,000. The newspaper also had a photo report entitled, "The Falun Gong Dancers," in its prime position, because Falun Gong was the only group in the parade representing traditional Chinese culture.
Led by large banners with the words, "Falun Gong," "The World Needs Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance," and "Falun Gong is spread in over sixty countries," fourteen Falun Gong practitioners wearing traditional Chinese dress performed a ribbon dance. Following them was a 20-member waist-drum group. Along the parade route, practitioners also gave out Falun Gong leaflets and homemade paper lotus flowers.
When the Falun Gong team passed the reviewing stand, the host introduced them through loudspeakers: "Falun Gong is an ancient cultivation method following the principles of 'Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance.' It originated in China and is now practiced in over sixty countries in the world. Falun Gong is a very peaceful group; today they are showing us traditional Chinese dance and waist-drumming." When the audience saw the ribbon dance, they all applauded loudly.
After the parade, Falun Gong practitioners organized a painting exhibition and demonstrated the five sets of exercises in the park, where it was crowded with visitors. The demonstration attracted many visitors, and a UK TV station filmed the event.
The story behind the story
In order to help visitors from around the world learn the facts about Falun Gong this Easter holiday, UK practitioners all used their own time and money to travel to Edinburgh. Some practitioners drove for a whole night and stayed in an Edinburgh youth hostel. At the end of the activity, a local practitioner went to the hostel to give the staff some Easter eggs and a thank-you card. The hostel management was very moved and said, "Falun Gong practitioners are all very kind and are welcome to come here again."
Source: http://www.clearharmony.net/articles/200504/25773.html
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