Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners Mentioned on a Special Program of BBC One TV
"Question Time" is the premier political debating program broadcast on the UK's BBC One TV station. On Thursday March 10, the program did a special broadcast live from Shanghai in China with a panel featuring former Hong Kong Governor and EU Commissioner Chris Patten and writer and broadcaster Isabel Hilton, as well as a Chinese Government representative. A studio audience made up of Shanghai residents and visitors put forward questions for discussion.
One Chinese man asked the question, "Do you endorse the description of the human rights situation in China made by the most recent U.S. annual human rights report." The host of the show quoted the U.S. report, saying it "accused China of serious human rights violations including the killing and torture of dissidents" and that "the authorities are quick to suppress religious, political and social groups."
The first speaker to address this issue was Isabel Hilton, who quickly agreed with the U.S. report, telling the Shanghai audience and millions of viewers that "there have been many deaths in custody of Falun Gong practitioners." Ms. Hilton went on to list other human rights abuses happening in China and pointed out that it is not only the U. S. State Department that is critical of China's human rights.
In response to this point, the host of the show quoted Amnesty International's recent report on China's human rights, which states that "a growing number of brave individuals in China...are facing arrest torture and even death," for standing up for their basic freedoms. Ms. Hilton again agreed with the statement and pointed out that in China, several hundred people have died of abuse in custody over the last few years.
Photo Report: Washington, DC Falun Gong Practitioners Clarify the Truth in Front of the U.S. Supreme Court
At noon on March 11, 2005, Washington, DC practitioners went to the U.S. Supreme Court and exposed Jiang Zemin's factions' crimes of genocide and brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China.
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Chinese version available at
Zhuan Falun Published in the Slovak Language
The main book of Falun Gong, Zhuan Falun, was published in Slovak in March 2005.
Zhuan Falun, written by Master Li Hongzhi, is the main text of the Falun Gong cultivation practice system. It was first published in China at the end of 1994 and became a bestseller in Beijing in 1996.
The book is easy to read but contains profound principles. It benefits practitioners in health improvements and upgrading both mind and body, and leads people to ascend to higher levels. The teachings in the book have changed millions of lives. Falun Gong practitioners in Slovakia hoped that the Slovak people would have the opportunity to read and experience the depth of this book, and thus translated this book into Slovak.
At the end of 2004, a poll was taken of some tens of thousands of readers in Australia, to determine the bestsellers among 5,000 books. When the Australia Broadcasting Corporation reported the top 100 bestsellers, the only book on cultivation from the East, Zhuan Falun, was listed as No. 14 among books mainly written by Western writers.
As of mid-February 2004, Zhuan Falun had been translated into 25 languages and published around the world. It was welcomed by people from all walks of life. At the end of February 2005, a new Hebrew edition of Zhuan Falun was published and made available to readers.
Zhuan Falun in Slovak (ISBN 80-88969-23-9), as well as the book, Falun Gong (ISBN 80-88969-16-6) can be ordered from CAD Press publishing house.
Chinese version available at
Continuous Concern from the Finnish Government About the Persecution of Falun Gong
Recently, Falun Gong practitioners in Finland submitted signatures of appeal to the Foreign Minister of Finland to help end the persecution of Falun Dafa in China. The official in charge of human rights affairs in Finland's Foreign Ministry sent the Falun Gong students a letter in response, which indicated the continuous concern by the Finnish government for the persecution of Falun Gong by the Chinese government.
The official in charge of human rights affairs expressed his appreciation for the letter sent in by the Falun Gong students. He also acknowledged that letters from other areas of Finland had been received, appealing on behalf of Falun Gong. He affirmed the ministry's awareness of the letters of appeals that Falun Gong practitioners gathered to stop the persecution in China, as well as the special report regarding the human rights violations against children.
The official indicated that, as part of the continuous concern for China's human rights situation, Falun Gong will receive more attention in the relationship between Finland and China as well as in the human rights dialogue between the European Union and China. He stated that he took human rights reports provided by non-governmental organizations very seriously, and said that he hoped to maintain constructive cooperation in the future.
Chinese version available at
Texas, U.S.A.: Student Organization Holds Event to Rescue Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Qu Yanlai
At noon on March 8, Student Peace Action Network (SPAN) at the University of Texas Arlington (UTA) held an event at the Central Library mall on campus to rescue Falun Gong practitioner Qu Yanlai and to let more kind-hearted people know about the plight of this excellent young scholar.
Several members of SPAN displayed posters and banners, and distributed informational material about Falun Dafa as well as information about the plight of Qu Yanlai. They also invited local Falun Gong practitioners to demonstrate the Falun Gong exercises.
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SPAN's event to rescue Falun Gong practitioner Qu Yanlai
University Student Organization Works to Rescue Falun Gong Practitioners
SPAN is a popular student organization which has chapters in many universities across the U.S. Its goal is to bring an end to violence in the U.S. and overseas. Mr. Zack Salo, the president of SPAN's Arlington Chapter, said, "The purpose for us to hold this event is to help Falun Gong practitioners. Through the practitioners' exercise demonstration and distributing fliers, we want to let more students on campus know what Falun Gong is and expose the ongoing human rights violations against Falun Gong in China. We hope that more people will pay close attention to this issue."
UTA engineering Professor Bei Gou is a graduate of Shanghai University of Transportation (SUT), and is also a member of the World Organization to Rescue Falun Gong Practitioners Persecuted in China, SUT Chapter. Professor Gou has participated in efforts to rescue Mr. Qu Yanlai before.
Dr. Gou said: "Qu Yanlai is outstanding; he graduated from the Department of Energy Engineering of SUT in 2000. He was a participant in the National Olympics Chemistry and Mathematics Competitions. He is also, however, widely respected more for his noble character. Since he started practicing Falun Gong, he strictly follows the principles of 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance,' giving priority to the needs of others and helping others unconditionally. He once donated his savings, clothes and bedding to classmates who were in great financial difficulty. Such an outstanding student, however, was secretly arrested and illegally sentenced to 5 years in prison for his unyielding belief in Falun Dafa."
Recently, [the Chinese version of] reported that Mr. Qu has been holding a hunger strike continuously for 780 days to protest the brutal persecution, while the authorities have on four occasions turned down his attorney's request to meet with him. Dr. Gou feels the responsibility to let more people know about the genocidal campaign against Falun Gong and to help end this persecution. He said, "As a fellow practitioner and alumnus of SUT, I admire the courage of Qu Yanlai and support him wholeheartedly."
Practitioners' Compassion has Received Increasing Respect from around the World
While the persecution launched and maintained by Jiang Zemin's regime and the Chinese Communist Party has lasted for nearly 6 years, millions of practitioners have never stopped their efforts to expose the evil nature of the persecution, and to expose the lies of the Chinese communist regime. Practitioners risk the danger of arrest, beatings, incarceration and even death, for their brave actions.
In the past 6 years, the Chinese Communist Party has never applied the rule of law towards Falun Gong practitioners. Therefore, there is enormous pressure and difficulty facing legal professionals, such as attorney Guo Guanting, who step forward to defend the rights of Falun Gong practitioners including Qu Yanlai. Dr. Gou said: "From this case, I see the noble character and the best of humanity in Attorney Guo. The righteous actions of Guo Guanting deserve international attention, support and respect."
In an open letter published by Attorney Guo on the Internet, Mr. Guo expressed how he was moved by practitioners' compassion and integrity, and he referred to Mr. Qu Yanlai as "my honorable client." Attorney Guo also described how Mr. Qu's mother called him twice concerning his own security without mentioning her son, while in fact her son was in critical condition and great pain because of persecution. Mr. Guo said: "I was so touched and realized that compassion is so powerful.''
This is the first-ever event of this kind organized by SPAN UTA chapter. The communication between practitioners and the organization was surely a process of truth clarification. In the end, SPAN decided to hold this event and have its members distribute Falun Gong materials. This reporter heard SPAN members telling passers-by: "Falun Gong is not a religion and it has nothing to do with politics. They believe in the principles of 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance'... and why is he [Qu Yanlai] being persecuted? Because he holds on to his belief firmly and never gives up."
Dr. Gou said: "Through the five-years-plus effort of truth clarification by practitioners, we now see more and more kind-hearted people who have learned the truth. Practitioners' noble actions have touched people and won their respect. I am so pleased to see the help offered by SPAN UTA chapter."
Rescue Effort Helps People Understand the Truth
Though it was the spring break at UTA, there were still many students passing by the library. Local practitioners were invited to demonstrate the Falun Gong exercises in front of the library. They also displayed posters reading, "Urgent! Rescue Falun Gong Practitioners," as well as other information and photos along the walkway.
One student carefully studied all the posters, and she expressed her sympathy to Qu Yanlai who was tortured simply for his belief. She said that she wanted to sign her name to support him. When she learned that practitioners hadn't prepared petition forms for this event, she said that she would write to her congressman to urge him to pay closer attention to the persecution in China. Moreover, this student was very interested in the exercises and said that she would contact local practitioners later to learn Falun Gong.
When practitioners were demonstrating the Falun Gong exercises, many people who were relaxing and enjoying the sunshine nearby were attracted by the serene and peaceful scene. A young man told a practitioner that he had been planning to learn Falun Gong for a long time and yet had never found time to contact local practitioners. He was very happy to see practitioners on campus. The practitioner told him about an upcoming Falun Gong workshop on March 20. There were also many others who asked for information about the workshop.
A gentleman who has a strong interest in China talked with a practitioner for a long time. For several years, he has been tracking news about the persecution of Falun Gong and other groups by the Chinese Communist Party. He was very happy to meet practitioners and he told a practitioner that he could feel the positive energy emitted by practitioners. He also suggested that practitioners work more with other international organizations such as Amnesty International, to help stop the persecution.
Chinese version available at
Book Release: Stories of Conscience
When the Chinese Government launched its persecution of Falun Gong in July 1999, it was looking for a quick kill - three months to be exact. Jiang Zemin, the main perpetrator of the persecution, claimed, "I just do not believe the Communist Party cannot conquer Falun Gong." The very fact that the persecution is still going on, however, sends an unmistakable message: Falun Gong is still standing in China, and Falun Gong practitioners are still going strong!
The sacrifices made by Falun Gong practitioners are tremendous. From what has leaked through the tight media control of the Chinese government, we know that over 1,400 Falun Gong practitioners have died at the hands of police.
What makes Falun Gong practitioners so resilient? What are they insisting on? A new book, Stories of Conscience, addresses the significance and nature of this historical event from the angle of human conscience. As stated in the book's preface:
"Why are Falun Gong practitioners so unyielding to coercion? Why are they so uncompromising in insisting on their conscience? If right and wrong can be compromised, why have right and wrong? If good can cave in to evil, what will values and principles be based on? Conscience, the innate knowing of goodness, is the very essence of humanity. Everything else, even our 'inalienable rights,' can be forcibly taken away. The alteration of our conscience, no matter how small, must be consented to from within. Conscience, thus, defines human nature, and the right to conscience is a human being's most fundamental right.
"No crime, therefore, is worse than the crime against conscience. The Chinese government's persecution of Falun Gong not only violates Falun Gong practitioners' right to conscience, but is also an assault aimed at the destruction of human nature."
Through eleven heart-touching stories, Stories of Conscience describes not only how barbaric the persecution is, but, much more importantly, it eloquently portrays practitioners' gallant defense of humanity and their conscious choice of goodness in resisting evil. The simple narration brings to life those who have lost their lives during the persecution, presents these real, kind and common people to the world, and gives a new meaning to peace, courage and conscience through their stories and experiences. The barbaric persecution will become a distant past in the near future when the evildoers are reduced to dust, but Falun Gong practitioner's conscience, courage, and sacrifice will forever remain humanity's most precious heritage.
Even though this book was published only one week ago, an abundance of positive feedback has been received. One reader, who formerly held a suspicious attitude towards Falun Gong, said after reading just a few pages of this book, "These stories are thought- provoking. What can I do [for these practitioners]?" When told this book does not require the reader to do anything, he said, "Well, that's true. But when you read a book like this, you naturally think about what you can do to help."
Another reader said, "It's unbelievable. Falun Gong has an incredible strength that enables its practitioners to endure one round of brutal torture after another." As a qigong lover, he has been exploring various kinds of qigong. But due to the misleading information provided by the media, he had been evading Falun Gong. Now he is very happy to read this book and thinks it will undoubtedly change his life. This person not only wants to learn Falun Gong himself, but he also wants his son to join him.
Stories of Conscience is published by the Falun Gong Human Rights Working Group ( Readers can download this book free of charge from
Chinese version available at
Germany: Participating in the Vietnamese New Year Festival in Bremen
By a German practitioner
On February 19th, Falun Gong practitioners in northern Germany were invited to participate in the Vietnamese New Year Celebration in Bremen. Vietnamese residents from Bremen and the surrounding districts celebrated the Vietnamese New Year. Every year for fifteen years, Bremen's Vietnamese community has come together for this event, which offers elaborate stage performances and delicious Vietnamese food.
Many long discussions were held at the information stall with interested visitors |
A short history of Falun Gong |
A small photo exhibition detailed the journey of Falun Dafa. The pictures started in 1992, when the practice was first brought to the public, and went on to show the numerous awards and recognitions that reflected Falun Gong's popularity among the Chinese people before the persecution began. For his own wicked interest, however, former Chinese president Jiang Zemin banned Falun Gong in July 1999 and thereafter launched a vicious campaign of genocide and suppression that has already resulted in the deaths of over 1,400 innocent people.
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Many children waited patiently in line to learn to fold lotus flowers. They watched and learned. Not surprisingly, many returned again and again. |
The highlight for the visitors was the "Dunhuang dance," performed on-stage by one of the Falun Gong practitioners. Dunhuang is cultural town in Northwestern China, where thousands of priceless ancient paintings and sculptures were discovered in the 19th Century. The dance was to depict the beautiful ancient Chinese culture. As soon as the first tones of the music for the "Dunhuang dance" were heard, the visitors gave the performer their undivided attention. The onlookers found the dance beautiful and charming. Immediately following the performance, the president of the Vietnamese Association presented the dancer with a bouquet of flowers. He expressed his appreciation for the stable and happy cooperative relationship between his association and Falun Gong practitioners.
A Dafa practitioner performs the graceful "Dunhuang dance" |
A bouquet of flowers from the Vietnamese Association's President, with thanks for the wonderful dance performance. |
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