
As a former police Officer from the Tianjin 610 Office, Mr. Hao Fengjun witnessed the brutal persecution of Sun Ti and her daughter. Hao Fengjun often dreams about the miserable scene he witnessed in which Sun suffered such cruel and excruciating torture, he lost sleep from it. Hao Fengjun said that this affair was a huge turning point in his mind and served to foreshadow his eventual escape from China and journey to Australia. Why did this innocent mother and daughter have to suffer from such cruel treatment? Do these miserable experiences happen to all Falun Gong practitioners in China? With these questions, we interviewed Mrs. Wang Yuzhi, a Falun Gong practitioner who knew Sun Ti and her daughter.

We found out that the excruciatingly cruel persecution suffered by Falun Gong practitioners exists universally in China.

Mrs. Wang Yuzhi recalled, "It was the time when I peacefully appealed for Falun Gong in Beijing that I first met Sun Ti. For two years we kept in contact with each other. After that, I was arrested by the police for the third time and we lost contact with each other. I remembered that she had been arrested by the police twice. Sun Ti has a daughter, and at that time, she was only about thirteen or fourteen years old. Her daughter escaped from Tianjin and arrived at Harbin later on. From her daughter, I learned that Sun Ti had been illegally arrested."

Sun Ti's daughter described the cruel persecution that her mother suffered. She said that her mother was emaciated since she had gone on a hunger strike for more than 20 days. As well her mother had been force fed, and there were many wounds and scars all over her mother's body.

When describing the cruel persecution of Sun Ti, Hao Fengjun said, "I rushed to work and drove with a female officer to the prison of the Nankai Branch of Tianjin Public Security Bureau. When we arrived at the prison located at Erwei Rd., Nankai District, I saw Sun Ti sitting on a table in an interrogation room. Sun's eyes were so swollen from the beating. The police who interrogated Sun was Mr. Mu Ruili, captain of the 2nd division of the 610 Office of the Bureau of State Security. Mu was holding a steel pipe (0.6 inch in diameter) with screw thread stained with blood. There was a hi-voltage electric baton sitting on the table." "Sun turned around and showed me her back. I was terribly shocked. Almost her entire back had turned black and there were two cuts about 8 inches long with blood coming out."

Hao Fengjun said: "A police officer has beaten her up with a one and a half meter steel pipe." After witnessing this miserable scene, I knew I could no longer continue to do my job.

Mrs. Wang Yuzhi recalled that it was in a small cubby near a certain food market in Tianjin that she met with Sun Ti for the last time, and at that time, along with other Falun Gong practitioners, Sun Ti was producing truth-clarifying materials and flyers. Mrs. Wang Yuzhi said, "What I saw was that the cubby they lived in was so simple and crude. There were only some pieces of paper, a little rice cooker and a bowl. At that time, what they ate was so limited and simple. They didn't even have vegetables."

Mrs. Wang Yuzhi showed her deep sympathy for Sun Ti's miserable experiences. She said that in China, it is a very common phenomenon that simply because Falun Gong practitioners refuse to give up their belief in "Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance" and peacefully call for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong and clarify the truth of Falun Gong to people, they are subjected to such cruel persecution. Mrs. Wang took herself as an example. She had been abducted into a Forced Labor Camp. In order to make her succumb, the police forcefully stripped her naked and forced her to sit on a metal chair. After she went on a hunger strike to protest these vicious crimes, they inserted a coarse tube into her oral cavity to force feed her. Even though Mrs. Wang Yuzhi suffocated several times, the police wouldn't stop. They even threatened her like this, "If you don't give in, there is only a road to destruction for you."

Who made Falun Gong practitioners separate from their family members, breaking up their families?

Mrs. Wang Yuzhi said the persecution of Falun Gong doesn't even exclude children. During the end of 2000 and the beginning of 2001, Mrs. Wang Yuzhi had seen Sun Ti's daughter, Xu Zi'ao, who was only 13 or 14 years old. One day, she was abruptly abducted during a class. In order to force her to reveal her mother's whereabouts, the police at a police substation implemented corporal punishment on her. They forced her to stand straight for half a day without any food and they even beat her but she never said a word about her mother's whereabouts. Later on, little Xu escaped to Harbin, she was thin and weak and wore only a few clothes on her at that time. It is said by Mrs. Wang that Sun Ti's daughter was unable to go to school in Harbin.

In the account of Hao Fengjun's own words, he said, "During my period of contact with Sun Ti, almost every day I heard Sun ask about her daughter's whereabouts and tell us how Falun Gong practitioners were good people, my heart was shattered into pieces. I cared about her daughter even more. A 13-year-old girl who lost her parents and couldn't even go to her relatives (all her relatives were monitored), how could she find food and a place to sleep? I regretted that I didn't stop this from happening. My heart became anxious and heavy and I cried."

Mrs. Wang Yuzhi said that the experience of Sun Ti's daughter was a common phenomenon. In China, if the officers of a610 Office knew a child who practiced Falun Gong, they would put the name of this child on a blacklist. When there were any activities to persecute Falun Gong practitioners, this child would be under close monitoring. If the parents or other relatives of this child practiced Falun Gong, and if the police couldn't find and arrest the adults, they would repeatedly harass the child. The officers of the 610 Office or the police would find the child and force him to tell them the whereabouts of their family members.

In 2004, in Chicago, Mrs. Wang Yuzhi demonstrating torture by force-feeding

Mrs. Wang Yuzhi calls for help from all kindhearted people to rescue the Falun Gong practitioners who are being persecuted in China including Sun Ti and her daughter. She also hopes that all those who have participated in the persecution could come to understand clearly the evil nature of the persecution, be independent of the control by CCP, forsake the darkness for light and do what Hao Fengjun has done.

June 14, 2005