(Clearwisdom.net) On November 18, 2005, Dafa disciple Ms. Yang Hong from Huludao City was illegally arrested by local police from the National Guard Brigade. She was detained for three weeks, during which time she suffered various tortures. However, Yang Hong persisted in not cooperating with the perpetrators, and finally was released from detention on December 9, 2005.
Within a short period of three weeks, Dafa disciple Yang Hong was tortured by police to the point of developing pneumonia in both lungs, as well as a cyst, tachycardia and other symptoms. Her throat was badly injured during brutal forced-feeding sessions, her teeth became loose and blackened due to her mouth being pried open by the detention center guards, and her body was covered with black and red bruises.
The following describes how the police of Huludao City persecuted Yang Hong.
On the morning of November 18, 2005, policemen Zhang Junsheng, Liu Shijun and Zhao Lianshuang from the National Guard Brigade, together with policeman Zhao Weiguo from the Shiyou Police Station and two other staff members from Dongmenshe District, confronted Yang Hong's daughter Yingying near the building where she lives. They forced her to give them the key to open Yang Hong's door and rushed into her home, confiscating her computer, Teacher's photo, the book Zhuan Falun, a tape recorder and tapes, among other things.
Yang Hong tried to clarify the truth to them, telling them not to take part in persecuting Falun Gong. Policeman Zhao Lianshuang, camera in hand, threw the book Zhuan Falun on the ground and yelled, "If there is karmic retribution, let me get it!"
Since Yang Hong refused to cooperate with the illegal arrest, the policemen dragged her barefoot down the stairs, with policeman Zhao Lianshuang beating her on the head with his fists as they went. Yang Hong refused to get in the car, and kept shouting loudly, "Falun Dafa is good." The policemen handcuffed her hands behind her back and wrestled her into the car. When Zhao Lianshuang slammed the car door, Yang Hong's left toe was caught, causing the whole toe to quickly turn black.
That night, Yang Hong was held in the detention center of Huludao City. She began a hunger strike to protest. In response, the detention center staff force-fed and tortured her. They tied her hands and feet to a tiger bench, tightened a broad cloth belt around her breasts and fixed her head in place. They had a criminal hold a plastic water bottle filled with corn meal paste, while several other criminals gripped her by both cheeks, forced a hand-made wooden wedge into her mouth, then used a piece of foot-scouring stone to prop her teeth open. The criminals then squeezed the plastic bottle, forcing corn meal paste down her throat. One of them used a wooden rectangular rod to force the corn meal paste down her throat. The process was both dangerous and cruel, as she could have easily choked.
Over the ensuing days, this force-feeding method was used again and again to persecute Yang Hong, causing serious injury to her mouth and throat. Both corners of her mouth were torn, and her mouth became full of ulcers. Her teeth became loose and blackened from being pried open. Ms. Yang developed a fever and began to cough.
Once in the process of force-feeding, detention center guard Wu Zhen snatched the plastic bottle full of corn meal paste from a criminal, and squeezed the bottle hard, forcing a sudden surge of paste down Yang Hong's throat. Immediately she vomited, and her lungs and heart seared with pain. The next day, Yang Hong was sent to the emergency ward of a hospital. Test results showed pneumonia in both lobes of her lungs, cyst, tachycardia (abnormally rapid heartbeat) and other symptoms.
When taken back to the detention center, Yang Hong was still forced to receive injections, but the jail doctor could not find her veins. The doctor's needle pierced her in many places except her veins, leaving numerous holes surrounded by black and dark red bruises. In the end, it was very difficult to even take a blood sample.
Yang Hong never cooperated with the unreasonable demands of her persecutors. She always pulled out the needle and shouted, "Falun Dafa is good." Once, while being sent back to the city hospital, a guard gathered a thin sliver of flesh on Yang Hong's arm and pressed it with all his might, painfully pinching her.
After returning from the city hospital, Yang Hong was force-fed twice each day, with a lot of paste being forced in each time. It wasn't long before her body rejected anything pushed into her mouth, causing her to vomit out everything she was fed. Seeing her condition, the guards had to send Yang Hong home on December 9, 2005.
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