(Clearwisdom.net) In its systematic, state-orchestrated crime of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), with its genocidal policies, has intimidated and lured with tremendous financial incentives the military, the police, the judiciary system, the medical community and all levels of governmental entities, many intermediary agencies, organ transplant patients and their families into taking part. During the process, the CCP not only brutally murders Falun Gong practitioners in a way that challenges the bottom line of the morality of mankind, but it also devours conscience and human nature and fundamentally destroys people. "A grotesque form of evil new to this planet" will forever remain a lesson for mankind.
Table of Contents
1. The Organ Transplant Industry in China Escalates Concurrently with the CCPs Persecution of Falun Gong
1.1 Huge Organ Donor Bank
1.2 The CCPs Definition of "Capital Prisoner"
1.3 Local Persecution Facilities against Falun Gong Practitioners are the Headquarters of CCPs "Live Organ Bank"
1.4 Geographic Distribution of Facilities Suspected of Involvement in Organ Harvesting of Living Falun Gong Practitioners
2. Horrifying Facts and Current Situation
2.1 Various Hospitals in China, Including Non-Specialty Hospitals and Private Hospitals, Perform a Great Deal of Organ Transplants
2.2 China Becomes World Organ Transplant Center
2.3 Some Horrifying "Records"
3. The CCP Directs the Harvesting of Organs from Living Falun Gong Practitioners Through the Military Means
3.1 The Military is the Core of the Administration System that Directs Harvesting of Organs from Living Falun Gong Practitioners
3.2 Important Role of Military Hospitals
3.3 Huge Number of Organ Transplants Performed in Military Hospitals
4. The CCP Regime Promotes Industrialization of the Organ Transplant Trade
4.1 CCP Invests Huge Amounts of Money in Promoting Development of Transplant Techniques and Clinical Practice
4.2 China's Medical System Promotes Organ Transplants
4.3 Department of Health Takes a Lead To Form Nationwide Organ Transplant and Distribution Network
4.4 Organ Transplants Covered by "Health Insurance"
Renowned Canadian human rights lawyer David Matas and former Canadian Secretary of State for the Asia-Pacific Region Mr. David Kilgour published their joint independent investigation report on July 6, 2006. The report confirms the allegations of the CCPs systematic and large-scale harvesting of living Falun Gong practitioners organs for profit. In the report they point out, "The government of China and its agencies in numerous parts of the country, in particular hospitals, but also detention centers and "peoples" courts, since 1999 have put to death a large but unknown number of Falun Gong prisoners of conscience. Their vital organs, including hearts, kidneys, livers and corneas, were virtually and simultaneously involuntarily seized for sale at high prices." These crimes are ongoing.
The Falun Dafa Association and the Minghui website (Chinese version of Clearwisdom.net) founded the Coalition to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (CIPFG) in March 2006, after exposure of the suspected massive harvesting of living Falun Gong practitioners organs and cremation of their bodies by the CCP. The purpose of the CIPFG is to unite the forces of justice throughout the world to thoroughly investigate and end the CCPs seven-year persecution of Falun Gong. Up until now, the CIPFG has received numerous investigation leads and reports from people inside and outside of China and has obtained evidence through follow-up investigations. All the pieces of information put together paint a picture one can call "an evil new to this planet," as attorney Matas has called it.
1. The Organ Transplant Industry in China Escalates Concurrently with the CCPs Persecution of Falun Gong
According to a June 10, 2006 report by the Wuhan branch of the Xinhua News Agency, Chen Shi, head commissioner of the Organ Transplants Society of the Chinese Medical Association, stated that China has conducted total more than 85,000 major organ transplant surgeries, 74,000 of which are kidney transplants, more than 10,000 are liver transplants, and more than 400 are heart transplants. China has become the second largest organ transplant nation in the world, after the USA. Any organ transplants that are performed abroad are also done in China. The overall level of organ transplant surgery skill in China is among the top in the world. The numbers of major organ transplants recently exceeded 10,000 per year, and last year alone more than 12,000 transplants were completed in China.
According to official data, about 18,500 major organ transplants were performed in the six years from 1994 to 1999, and 67,000 major organ transplants were performed in the five years between 2000 and 2005, an increase of 362%. Less than 200 liver transplant surgeries were done in a nine-year span, from 1991 to 1999, but in 2000 alone, 254 surgeries were completed. The number shot up to more than 3,000 in 2003. More than 4,000 liver transplants were performed in 2005. Currently, more than 500 hospitals in China participate in liver transplants, and an unknown but very large number of hospitals perform kidney transplants.
![]() Oriental Organ Transplant Center (OOTC) in Tianjin City |
A veteran military doctor in Shenyang City revealed on April 30, 2006, "Actually, 'underground' organ transplants are many times that of the number publicized by the government. For example, if the government says that there are 30,000 cases a year, then the real number is about 110,000. There is an abundance of organ sources... Many hospitals under the jurisdiction of the military, while reporting some transplants to the central government and the public, are actually conducting a large number of organ transplants in secret."
1.1 Huge Organ Donor Bank
Most Chinese hospital websites promise to find a matching kidney within one or two weeks, and a matching liver or heart within two weeks or one month. A kidney must be transplanted within 12 hours to 24 hours after leaving the donors body, while a heart or liver must be transplanted immediately after the donors death, or the organs are directly taken from live people. Availability of matching organs therefore cannot be guaranteed based on voluntary organ donation but can only be achieved through premeditated killing. The abnormally short waiting time and the large number of transplants must be backed by a huge organ supply bank, completed with the matching blood type and matching HLA tissue type. What is the organ supply source that maintains such an enormous trade?
There is no existing voluntary organ donation system in China, due to legal and cultural issues. A July 22, 2006 article in the Southern Metropolitan News states, "Up until now, 21 donations of multiple organs have happened in our country, which resulted in 88 donor organs that saved 81 lives. The number of donors in the Guangdong region account for 500f the total." Relevant 2005 data shows the current organ donation among living family members and relatives in China amount to only 1.10f the total number of transplants, and, according to official statistics, system(s) that are not under the jurisdiction of the Department of Health control the other 98.90f the transplants, which is more than 80,000 transplants. The CCP admitted for the first time in 2005 that organs from death row inmates were used in transplants.
Amnesty International records, however, show a different profile. The number of executed prisoners in China averaged 1,680 people per year between the years 1995 and 1999, and amounted to 1,616 between the years 2000 and 2005, testifying that there has been no significant increase in executions. What then is the explanation for available organs more than ten times the number of executed prisoners?
1.2 The CCPs Definition of "Capital Prisoner"
Organ transplants in China entered into a period of full-speed development after 1999, the same year the persecution of Falun Gong began. Out of jealousy and obsession with power, former CCP ringleader Jiang Zemin colluded with the CCP and launched a genocidal persecution of the Falun Gong cultivation group whose practitioners follow the principle of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.
Scores of Falun Gong practitioners went to Beijing to appeal in the early stages of the persecution. Their goal was to tell people in the government and the general public that Falun Gong teaches people to be good. They hoped that the government would end the persecution and restore their freedom of belief. Internal CCP statistics reveal that during the peak of the appeals, about 700,000 Falun Gong practitioners from all parts of the country arrived in suburban Beijing every month. The Bureau of Letter and Calls and Tiananmen Square were turned into places where CCP agents arrested and are still arresting Falun Gong practitioners, who are detained and savagely beaten, and some are even tortured to death. Uncounted large numbers of Falun Gong practitioners have simply disappeared.
Additional CCP statistics show that 670 prisons and 300 forced labor camps in China known to the public hold about 1.8 million detainees. In the past years, these facilities around the nation held large numbers of Falun Gong practitioners, and many facilities greatly exceeded their capacities. The CCPs inside data shows that by the end of April 2001, as many as 830,000 Falun Gong practitioners were illegally arrested.
The CCP had built dozens of secret concentration camps throughout the country in order to "eradicate" Falun Gong. AFP (Agence France Presse) reported on October 1, 2000, that the CCP had built two concentration camps in northeast and northwest China and used them to detain Falun Gong practitioners. Each camp holds 50,000 people. The practitioners were transported to those labor camps via trains, and so far no one has come out alive.
The above-mentioned veteran military doctor from Shenyang City revealed on June 3, 2006, "At least 36 concentrations camps similar to the Sujiatun Concentration Camp exist in China. The largest concentration camp, code-named 672-S, is in Jilin Province. More than 120,000 practitioners and dissidents are held there. The concentration camp in the Jiutai region in Jilin Province is the fifth largest place in the country where more than 14,000 people are detained."
Following the CCP and Jiang groups genocidal policy of, "ruin their reputations, bankrupt them and annihilate them physically," the CCP media demonized Falun Gong with overwhelming lies. Falun Gong practitioners are recklessly arrested, detained and tortured. Jiang Zemins secret order, "Beating [Falun Gong practitioners] to death is nothing and shall be counted as suicide; do not identify the body and directly cremate it," pushed the persecution to a hysteric extreme. Falun Gong practitioners who persist in their belief of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance are barbarically abused in prisons, labor camps, detention centers, mental hospitals and brainwashing classes. They are sexually assaulted and injected with psychotropic drugs. Although the CCP hasnt so far publicly sentenced any Falun Gong practitioners to death, according to one incomplete estimate from the Minghui website, the deaths of 2,949 Falun Gong practitioners as a result of the persecution have been verified through civil channels.
The veteran military doctor said on March 30, 2006, "The Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) regulations dating back to as early as 1962 paved the way for the rampant 'harvesting' of prisoners' organs now taking place. A legal document issued by the CCPs powerful Central Military Commission is said to have given provincial governments authority to establish 'recycling entities' that would 'process those felons in the military zone under its administration, according to the developmental needs of the state or of socialism.'" Following an amendment in 1984, this evolved into the fully legalized extraction of organs from felons... Falun Gong practitioners are no longer regarded as human beings, but as raw materials for commercial products.
The CCP regards Falun Gong practitioners who persist in their belief in Truth-Compassion-Tolerance as class enemies who must be "physically annihilated." That is CCP definition of "capital prisoner."
1.3 Local Persecution Facilities against Falun Gong Practitioners are the Headquarters of CCPs "Live Organ Bank"
Large groups of Falun Gong practitioners secretly detained and deprived of all rights serve as a potential source for the CCP-managed large-scale harvesting and sale of organs. Suspicious blood tests and organ exams are conducted at prisons, labor camps, detention centers, brainwashing classes and other facilities. These tests and exams are necessary measures to match organs and to build an organ bank.
In early 2005, heads of the Harbin Labor Reeducation Bureau came to the Changlinzi Forced Labor Camp and attempted to conduct blood tests on all Falun Gong practitioners. The practitioners firmly resisted, and the blood tests were not completed. Several days later, labor camp authorities talked to the practitioners individually. They threatened them with electric batons and sentence extensions to get them to agree to have their blood drawn. The guards pinned down practitioners who refused to cooperate with them to the floor and forcibly drew their blood.
Reports on the Minghui website indicated recently, that on April 13, 2005, authorities at the Sichuan Province Women's Prison forcibly drew blood from Falun Gong practitioners to run blood tests, claiming to be detecting AIDS. Authorities at the Wumaping Prison in Leshan, Sichuan Province drew blood from all illegally detained Falun Gong practitioners in February 2005. Deputy prison head Tan, in charge of health, personally oversaw the process and beat practitioners who refused to cooperate with the officials.
In August 2004, authorities at the Tiebei Prison drew blood from all illegally detained Falun Gong practitioners without any explanation. Furthermore, all practitioners who refused to "reform" at the Tiebei Prison were taken away on March 30, 2005. Twelve of these were transferred to the Gongzhuling Prison. Prison personnel took their blood upon arrival, while the inmates held there did not have their blood drawn. According to certain Falun Gong practitioners who were illegally detained at the Heizuizi Womens Forced Labor Camp in Changchun, in 2000, 2001 and 2002, camp staff took all the practitioners to the camp hospital to have their blood drawn for medical "exams." They also continued to subject determined practitioners to blood draws at various other times.
In September 2001, authorities at the Baiquan Forced Labor Camp in Liaoyuan City, Jilin Province received orders to have more than 100 illegally held practitioners undergo comprehensive physical exams. The exams included blood tests, EEG, EKG, a liver function test and lung x-rays, among others. All were male Falun Gong practitioners transferred from the local areas, Jilin City and Siping City. In December 2001, they were all transferred to an unknown place.
In 2001, nearly 1,000 male Falun Gong practitioners were held at the No. 2 Forced Labor Camp in Shandong Province, also called the Wangcun Forced Labor Camp. Because the number of detainees grew rapidly, some practitioners were transferred to Jinan City, Qingdao City and Weifang City, among other places. Each practitioner was taken to the Forced Labor Camp Hospital (No. 83 Factory Hospital) for special exams. The doctors carefully examined each practitioner's liver, kidney and other organs with B-ultrasound. They drew lots of blood for testing. The guards often said to the practitioners, "If you don't "reform" the government has lots of ways to deal with you."
During a July 2000 large-scale arrest of Falun Gong practitioners in Guangzhou City, the doctors at the Tianhe Detention Center ran blood tests and checked the liver, heart, lungs, kidneys and eyes of every detained Falun Gong practitioner.
1.4 Geographic Distribution of Facilities Suspected of Involvement in Organ Harvesting of Living Falun Gong Practitioners
According to investigation leads and reports, facilities in at least 28 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, distributed throughout China, are suspected of involvement in harvesting and selling organs from living Falun Gong practitioners. The situation is especially severe in Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Chongqing, Fujian, Hunan, Shandong, Hebei, Hubei, Guangdong, Zhejiang, Yunnan, Sichuan, Henan, Shanxi, Jiangsu, and Xinjiang.
Some hospitals, forced labor camps, detention centers, custody centers and courts in Shanghai, Tianjin, Heilongjiang, Liaoning, Shandong, Sichuan, and Guangdong admitted that they can provide or have provided organs from living Falun Gong practitioners for transplants.
![]() Geographic regions of involvement in harvesting and selling Falun Gong practitioners organs |
(To be continued)
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