Nine Words That Have Saved People
Qinhuangdao Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Liu has a 39-year-old niece inflicted with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE). She was very feeble and had no energy, and in this debilitated state she was unable to go to work. Every month she was given an injection that cost 2,000 yuan. After one year of treatment and tens of thousands of yuan spent, her condition saw no improvement. Specialists advised her to stop the treatment since it had shown no results.
Ms. Liu then told her niece to recite with sincerity: "Falun Dafa is good" and "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good." The niece truly believed in Falun Dafa and recited the phrases silently every day. After 20 days or so, her condition changed. When she returned to the hospital for a checkup, the doctor in charge was very surprised and asked her, "How did you recover so fast? Fewer than one in ten thousand recover from your condition, but now there is no need for you to take medicine any more." Her husband said, "There is a woman about 40 years old that works for the railway who spent more than seventy thousand yuan for treatment in Beijing and was never cured. Several people inflicted with the same illness in Qinhuangdao have all died." Meanwhile, Ms. Liu's niece has recently returned to work.
In August of this year, the mother of Ms. Liu's daughter-in-law was found to have late-stage liver cancer. Her tumor was as big as a fist and her stomach would not hold anything she ate. Ms. Liu's daughter-in-law told her through her tears, "My mother is dying. The doctor said they could only use drugs to keep her alive. It is too late to use chemotherapy because the cancer has spread so much." Ms. Liu went to the hospital to tell her in-law to sincerely recite: "Falun Dafa is good" and "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good" every day. After just one week, the in-law recovered and left the hospital. She stopped vomiting and within a month she was able to walk again. She strolls in the courtyard all the time and is in good spirits. When she went to the hospital for a checkup two months later, the doctor told her, "You have made an excellent recovery. The blood vessels around the problem area are in good condition. It is highly unusual that a person in your condition could recover so fast."
Now, she is able to take care of herself and even works around the house. Her daughter is very happy and relieved.
"It’s a Miracle"
One morning in early November 2006, I received a phone call from a friend who had retired from the unit where I had once worked. She wanted to borrow 1,000 yuan to help her solve a problem. When I went to her home, she looked sad and depressed. She was experiencing heart problems again and needed the money to pay for treatment. In a feeble tone, she said she would return the money when she received her pay at the end of month. Her heart condition had existed for a dozen years but was now getting worse. Doctors had previously recommended by-pass surgery, but she was unable to afford it at that time. With old age setting in, she had missed the best time to have the operation. As it stood, she had been fed intravenously for more than a month and felt pain and a choking feeling when she touched the right side of her chest. She also got breathless when climbing the stairs.
My friend kept her promise and brought the money to my home when she received her pay. She walked slowly and was out of breath. She spoke without much strength but she wanted to return the money and have a chat with me. She said, "I know you all practice Falun Dafa, although the government won’t let you practice. Yet I know you didn’t give up practicing." She told me that her marriage was not good and that her husband always cursed at her and was inconsiderate of her illness. Moreover, her son did not have a regular job and their financial situation was poor.
I told her that marital relationships are predestined and that her son not having a job was because of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). I told her that the CCP has persecuted more than 2,000 Falun Gong practitioners to death and now the Party is stealing internal organs from living practitioners for profit. After she heard the facts, she cursed the CCP and said she wanted to withdraw from it. She has since done so.
I told her, "One woman in our work unit used to take medicine when she was ill, but after she started to practice Falun Gong, she has gotten well." She said, "I know about it. I always read the poster on my door." I told her, "Why don’t you recite ‘Falun Dafa is good’ and ‘Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good’ sincerely when you have time." She agreed and started reciting those words right away. I also gave her some Dafa material.
After we chatted for more than two hours, I found that she had more energy. I asked her, "How do you feel now?" She touched her chest and said, "I don’t have chest pain any more or the swelling feeling either. It is really a miracle. Falun Dafa is really good. I will recite: ‘Falun Dafa is good’ and ‘Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good’ when I get home." When I called her the following evening, she told me that her chest was no longer painful. I told her repeatedly to not forget to recite those two sentences. She said, "I will remember."
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Category: Karma & Virtue