(Clearwisdom.net) I started practicing Falun Dafa in 1995. I was visiting some friends and neighbors at that time, and I overheard a person talking, so I listened. It came from someone's tape recorder and sounded nice. It was Teacher lecturing about the experiments done on plants with a polygraph machine. I was quite surprised after listening to the lecture. I've never heard such a clear and profound Dafa and I wanted to learn it right then. I talked to a friend about learning Falun Gong. We decided to learn it from Teacher Li or one of his students. We met Teacher in September 1995.
My first impression of Teacher, was of a tall, strong and handsome young man. His demeanor was that of an elder, not a young person. I felt like a child by comparison, but I was already over sixty years old. Seven or eight of us gathered around Teacher asking many questions. We were like little children. I was so happy. I did not know what to say, but I remember telling Teacher that I believe in Buddha! Teacher replied with a smile, "It's good to believe in Buddha."
We started to practice Falun Gong after meeting Teacher. The station manager asked me to become an assistant. My house became the practice site and I was very happy and enthusiastic. Our practice site soon grew from a few people to twenty some people, very quickly. There were four or five practice sites later on, in the city and county. We practiced the exercises in the mornings. We studied the Fa and did the exercises in the evenings. We were so diligent that nothing could stop us. My husband and granddaughter benefited both mentally and physically from studying the Fa and practicing the exercises.
My husband enjoyed fishing. I urged him to quit, because it is killing life. He did not listen. One day he went fishing but came home very soon. He was wet all over and I asked him what had happened. He said as soon he walked a couple of steps into the water, it became very deep. The water filled his leather suit very quickly. He wasn't able to float wearing the leather suit full of water. At that moment, he thought about Teacher. As soon as he asked Teacher Li to save him, his body felt light and he began to surge upward. Then, he sold the fish net and started to practice wholeheartedly.
My husband was a well-educated person and very diligent in his practice and Fa study. He had good xinxing and his heavenly circuit was soon opened. He felt light when walking, like riding on a cloud. My husband had hypertension and heart disease in the past. The symptoms came back as soon as he started practicing. Although, he knew it was Teacher eliminating his karma, he was afraid. I said, "Don't be afraid. Teacher is eliminating your karma. You must remain calm and steadfast in your practice and Fa study. Then you can pass all tests." He was still afraid. He became even more afraid when he tripped, fell and could not get up. Our sons and daughters came to help. They suggested that he go to the hospital. He walked to the hospital, but he could no longer walk when he came back from the hospital. The attachment of fear aggravated his illnesses. He finally passed away.
My granddaughter and I depended on each other after my husband's death. She practices the exercises and studies the Fa with us. She is healthy and full of energy, year after year. Her school evaluation says she is a healthy, studious and helpful student. She is ranked number one in her major field of study at her university. She follows the Teacher's requirements and is very well liked by her school teachers and classmates. I think her wisdom comes from the Fa.
My husband was sick in bed when the evil Party began the persecution. The practice site at my house was destroyed and practitioners were unable to come. The police, wearing helmets and holding electric batons, came and harassed me at home. My husband was not allowed to nurse his illness and recuperate. Once, a policeman came to my house stating, "Falun Gong practitioners who do not give up the practice will be punished without limitation. If they die while being beaten, we'll just say they killed themselves."
I was not afraid at that time. I thought, "I'm already over 60 years old. I'm not afraid and I'll keep practicing." I continued to practice after they left. My husband saw me practicing, sat fearfully on the bed and asked me to quit. I told him that I'm not afraid and will continue to practice.
Practitioners who continued their practice of Dafa gathered together to practice the exercises and to share. The persecution continued and some of us went to Beijing to validate Dafa; some of us stayed home to clarify the truth; others posted signs and distributed flyers. Everyone did their best according to their abilities. As a result, some were illegally arrested, sent to a forced labor camp or sentenced. We were not destroyed by this evil environment, instead, we became more rational and mature. Teacher's Fa guided and protected us.
Some of the practitioners were again illegally arrested and sent to the brainwashing center near the end of 2002 and the beginning of 2003. Two could not stand the evil persecution and were "transformed." The county public security bureau used these two people to conduct a "transformation meeting" in the county. They wanted practitioners to write "transformation" letters. Some practitioners, not having a good understanding of the Fa, were fooled by the false propaganda and were "transformed." Steadfast practitioners did not even participate in the meeting. Others left when they found out what the meeting was about. Some who wrote a "transformation" letter asked for their letters to be destroyed because they realized their mistake. Some declared their words and deeds null and void after they understood what they had done. I was also confused and I asked the police to write a "transformation" letter for me, because I did not know how to write. I put my fingerprint on the letter. I regretted it, as soon as I did it. I wrote a solemn declaration.
Later, fully armed police harassed me at home again. They asked me for the books and I denied having any. A policeman said, "Stop denying it. So and so said she gave you all the materials. They are here at your place." I thought that it was a good thing the books were transferred elsewhere. I said, "Just ask her to bring them." The police angrily replied, "You transferred the books elsewhere. Who did you give them to?" I replied, "I can see you are all scared." They were shaken and never came back.
We have continued to do the exercises, study Fa and share as a group. We firmly believe in Teacher and the Fa. We do the three things required by Teacher. More and more practitioners are stepping forward at this time. We have formed an environment for Fa study and sharing with surrounding cities and counties. We are fulfilling Teachers' requirements and walking the divine path of saving sentient beings.
Since I'm not well educated, I asked a practitioner to write this article for me. I do not have a deep understanding of the Fa. Please kindly point out anything inappropriate.
December 1, 2006
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