(Clearwisdom.net) Falun Gong practitioners follow the principles of "Truth-Compassion-Tolerance" to become better people. However, the Women's Labor Camp of Guizhou Province uses all kinds of inhuman means to physically and mentally persecute Falun Gong practitioners to get them to "reform." The means they use are brutal and sinister. The following are just a few examples.
1. The System of "Camp Helper"
The Women's Labor Camp of Guizhou Province specially trains a group of inmates who are drug-addicts to be the main backbone of a special team to deal with steadfast practitioners. As "camp helpers," they choose ruthless, sinister, strong and tall people who express a willingness to beat people and tightly tie them up.
Every practitioner who is placed in this special team is watched in turn by six drug addicts. The special place to deal with steadfast practitioners is a dark room of about 3 square meters in size. Sometimes practitioners are detained in the guard chambers with nothing in the room except two small stools for the camp helpers. Those camp helpers change their shift every 3 hours with 2 people on each shift. They are also required to remain energetic at all times so that they can take turns torturing the steadfast practitioners. Falun Gong practitioners in this special room are forced to stand every day to "face the wall to introspect" 24 hours a day. During this period, the camp helpers also curse, taunt and make fun of the practitioners. When the practitioners even slightly close their eyes or make even a small movement, the camp helpers immediately jump up and beat and kick them. Some practitioners were forced to stand for such a long time that their feet and even their bellies were swollen so much that they could not walk. Some practitioners were beaten until they had black and blue bruises all over their bodies and some practitioners' whole bodies were pinched until the flesh was injured and festered. For unmarried female practitioners, the camp helpers not only pinch their sensitive body parts such as their breasts; they also kick the lower part of their bodies. Many practitioners were beaten until they were covered with bruises all over their bodies. Once, when being persecuted, a female practitioner raised her hand. These camp helpers immediately jumped up and said this practitioner wanted to hit them. Therefore, the head of these camp helpers soaked a rope with water and tied the practitioner up with the rope.
The camp helpers in this special team were told that no matter what method or means they use, as long as they can "transform" steadfast Falun Gong practitioners, their detention term would be shortened. If they "transform" one practitioner, their detention can be shortened by dozens of days. Whoever among the helpers appears to be the cruelest and most brutal will get the greatest reduction in their detention time. Therefore, the camp helpers try their best to create all kinds of vicious means to torture Falun Gong practitioners. For example, they force Falun Gong practitioners to wear winter coats and trousers and be exposed under strong sunshine for a whole day in the summer. Many Falun Gong practitioners have lost consciousness due to heat exhaustion and were still dragged up and forced to continue standing in the blazing sun. In the winter, they would not let the practitioners wear warm clothes. Instead, they had to roll up their sleeves and stand perfectly still in the windiest spot in the yard. Some practitioners were forced to stand in the sewer and bend over at a 90-degree angle.
2. "Toilet Pass" - Another Cruel Means of Torture
In the labor camp, there are strict restrictions on the frequency and the amount of time for Falun Gong practitioners to use toilet. Practitioners can only use the toilet once in the morning, noon and evening and are not allowed to use the toilet at other time. Other non-Falun Gong detainees don't have such a restriction.
Every time a practitioner needs to use the toilet, they have to ask the camp helpers to go to the guard's office to apply for a "toilet pass" for them. After the guards give them permission, two camp helpers take the practitioners to the toilet. One camp helper follows the practitioner to monitor and the other stands outside the toilet to keep two practitioners from meeting each other. The camp helpers often find excuses not to apply for the "toilet pass" or say they could not get it, and thus often cause practitioners to have to suppress their feces and urine. When they cannot obtain a "toilet pass" and can no longer hold it, the practitioners are forced to relieve themselves in their pants.
Since the name "toilet pass" could easily expose their inhuman actions in the labor camp, at the end of 2002, the camp changed the name to "entrance and exit pass," so as to cover up their brutal persecution method.
3. Abusing the "Cash Card" to Make Purchases
Detainees' families give them money, which is deposited into every detainee's account, accessed with a magnetized card. So every detainee needs to use a "cash card" to make purchases.
Falun Gong practitioners who have not "transformed" at the labor camp are not allowed to go to the convenience store themselves to buy daily necessities. They have to follow the regulation of the labor camp to give the "cash card" to the camp helpers to buy their necessities for them and also the camp guard has to inspect the purchase request. Camp helpers will only help practitioners to buy things after the guards inspect and approve the purchase. Due to such a system, the camp helpers often over-use the practitioners' "cash cards."
4. No Regard for Human Life
The highest authority at the Women's Labor Camp of Guizhou Province has issued a "death toll quota" related to the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. Therefore, the perpetrators use all kinds of extreme means to persecute practitioners. In their eyes, if practitioners are persecuted to death, their deaths have no meaning. According to the labor camp, "if practitioners are beaten to death, they will be said to have committed suicide."
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