(Clearwisdom.net) For a long time I have felt that my life has been arranged imperceptibly but inexorably. I have always been looking for a certain type of life. These thoughts gave meaning to my life. Whenever I suffered from setbacks, defeats, or pains, I always wondered if I could find a cultivation method that would allow me to take care of my family, raise my children, and cultivate at the same time. At one time, all I felt about my life could be summed up in one word, "pain". Being a person was painful and being a woman was even more painful. However, I really did not know the purpose of my life, or what I was waiting for.
In the spring of 1989, I started to practice Falun Gong (Falun Dafa). Dafa gave me a brand new understanding about life. I understood that the real purpose of life is to return to the true origin of a person, that is, to return to "Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance."
From this time on, my life fundamentally changed. I did not complain about or malign other people anymore. Instead, I always looked at the positive side of a person or a thing, and became more tolerant and forbearing. Everybody who knew me could see the change in me and said to others, "From the moment she started to practice Falun Gong she began to behave like a different person." When the persecution began, one of my colleagues said to others, "No matter how Falun Gong is described on TV, she has become a good person after practicing." Before, I was very rash and impatient. Afterwards, I was able to maintain a peaceful attitude towards everything.
After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started to persecute Falun Gong practitioners and defame Master and Dafa, most practitioners in our city could not obtain information about Dafa easily. Many practitioners were arrested, imprisoned, or sent for brainwashing. At the same time, some practitioners treated the situation with ordinary people's notions. They did nothing but wait. Fortunately, some practitioners broke through the Internet blockade created by the evil party, and downloaded Master's lectures and information about Falun Dafa around the world. Whenever I received a new lecture or new information, no matter whether it was day or night, I would immediately start to copy it by hand. I had only one thought, that was, I could not let the spread of Master's lectures or truth-clarification information stop. It was my responsibility to pass the information on to other practitioners. Although I was in dangerous situations many times, I was always protected under the merciful guidance of Master.
We were able to obtain information from Dafa materials production centers in other towns, solving the problem of short supplies locally. All train and bus stations had police checking passengers' luggage. While carrying back the materials, we would send forth righteous thoughts for the duration of the trip. Local practitioners were also supporting us with their righteous thoughts. Because of the continuous transportation of the materials, progress in validating the Fa could be made constantly. When fellow practitioners received Master's new articles or lectures, their excitement and happiness were beyond words.
Because of fellow practitioners' industrious efforts, we built the first materials production center in our city. Later on, material centers in our city were set up like "flowers blossoming everywhere." Practitioners gradually became very familiar with using computers, even though they had no previous computer skills at all. Although we had many troubles, we could always solve them under Master's guidance. Living conditions for some practitioners were poor, yet they still saved money to make truth-clarifying materials. Seeing these things would move me to tears.
In recent years, I have saved some money. I thought, "Since my life is for Dafa, I should use my money to make materials to clarify the truth." Therefore, I donated my money to every materials production center to make truth-clarifying materials. I did not limit myself to doing a certain type of work for Dafa. Instead, whenever work was needed, I would do it. Sometimes I behaved as a regional contact person. Sometimes I printed or distributed truth-clarification materials. Sometimes I would clarify the truth to people face to face and ask them to resign from the communist party. I would do whatever was needed.
Master told us,
"Also, with those people that you run into by chance, who you run into in daily life, and the people you run into at work, you should all clarify the truth to them. Even when in your daily life you pass by people so quickly that you don't have a chance to talk to them, you should still leave them with your compassion and kindness. Don't lose those who should be saved, especially those with predestined connections." ("Teaching the Fa at the 2003 Atlanta Fa Conference")
I follow Master's wishes to clarify the truth. I always leave the people that I run into with my compassion. If there is no chance for me to clarify the truth, I send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil in their dimensions. As Fa-rectification pushes forward, I understand more and more that the real purpose of my life is to assimilate to Dafa, validate the Fa and save people.
I no longer have the feelings of pain or selfish concepts I had in the past. As someone learns the truth about Falun Dafa, I feel excitement and happiness like I have never experienced before. My real fortune comes from helping people learn the truth and be saved!
January 24, 2006
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