1. [Changde City, Hunan Province] Mr. Zhou Jingcheng Near Death - 610 Office Refuses Medical Parole
Mr. Zhou Jingcheng has been on hunger strike for two months at the Changdejin City Prison and is dying. It is rumored that the provincial forced labor committee agreed to release him on medical parole, but the provincial 610 Office refused the request.
2. [Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Wang Yanxin and Ms. Zhang Huiru Arrested
On February 20, 2006, Ms. Wang Yanxin was arrested at work (Jiamusi department store). Ms. Zhang Huiru was also arrested that day.
3. [Shandong Province] Additional Information on Ms. Zhang Yuhua's Arrest
Ms. Zhang Yuhua, over 70 years old, a retired worker from the Huanghe Drilling Head Quarters supply branch at the Shengli Oil Field was arrested in the evening on January 21 while handing out truth-clarification materials. She was released several days later, after they had extorted ten thousand yuan from her family. After coming back home her former workplace harassed her daily over the phone. On the evening of February 17, 2006, police arrested Ms. Zhang Yuhua at home and took her to the brainwashing center, located at the oil supply division.
4. [Dazhou, Sichuan Province] Additional Information on Mr. Qian Yufeng's Arrest
At about 9 o'clock on February 15, 2006, Yang Chunming and Chen Aiming, the Heads of the National Security Section of the Ankang Police Sub-bureau of the Xi'an Railway Bureau and a group of policemen, in collaboration with the National Security Bureau of the Dazhou City, went to Dazhou City Iron and Steel Plant where they arrested Mr. Qian Yufeng. Afterward they ransacked his house and confiscated a computer and a printer.
At around 1 o'clock on February 16, the same officers forced their way into Ms. Tao Dafeng's house and confiscated all Falun Gong books, dozens truth-clarification materials and several copies of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party.
Before the Chinese Lunar New Year, police arrested Xiao Chen, his wife and an unnamed practitioner when they were at the Hujia Railway Station, Huanhan City. Because of the news blockade, the name of that practitioner is still not available.
5. [Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province] Mr. Hou Weixin Son Arrested
Mr. Hou Weixin is a retired senior Engineer of the Qinhuangdao City Water Conservation Bureau. On the evening of February 12, 2006, he was arrested and taken to the Hongqi Road Police Sub-station, Haigang District. His home was ransacked and his son's computer was confiscated. It has not been returned. His son was released the next morning after the police extorted 250 yuan from him.
6. [Xianning City, Hubei Province] Mr. Zhang Jian Arrested
Local police arrested Mr. Zhang Jian, a teacher from Dongmen Primary School, Xianan District, while in the classroom on February 21, 2006.
7. [Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province] Mr. Huang Guang Arrested and Sentenced to Forced Labor
Mr. Huang Guang was sentenced to one year of forced labor. He was taken to the Shenzhen No. 2 Forced Labor Camp at the end of 2004. His term of forced labor was extended for an additional three months because he did not renounce his belief in Falun Dafa. He was finally released from the forced labor camp. At the beginning of 2005, when Mr. Huang Guang, who had just been 20 days out of detention, distributed truth-clarification materials while on an errand. He was arrested in the evening and was sentenced to three years forced labor and taken to the No. 2 Forced Labor Camp, Shenzhen City.
Telephone numbers of the Shenzhen City No. 2 Forced Labor Camp:
Kuang Zhongjian, Head: 86-755-28193013
Political Commissar: 86-755-28193228
Yang Ketong, Deputy Head: 86-755-28191527
Shang Hongqing: Deputy Head: 86-755-28193601
Special Office in Dealing with Falun Gong Practitioners: 86-755-28180494
8. [Rongcheng, Shandong Province] Ms. Tang Yunli Arrested and Home Ransacked
At about 10 o'clock on February 22, 2006, about six to seven local policemen and staff from the 610 Office forced their way into Ms. Tang Yunli's home, ransacked the house and stole nearly 3,000 yuan cash.
9. [Yunnan Province] Mr. Li Wenbo Cruelly Tortured
People who had been released recently from the Yunnan No. 2 Forced Labor Camp reported that prison guards beat practitioners. Mr. Li Wenbo, detained at the No. 4 Division, was cruelly beaten, resulting in many bruises. He was unable to walk normally. He was taken to the hospital where a blood test showed an elevated blood count of 27,000. He also had a high fever. Even then, guards still tried to have him renounce Falun Gong and did not allow him to sleep. They continued to torture and beat him.
In November 2005, Mr. Li Wenbo was beaten again until his mouth was full blood, his eyes swollen and red, and his teeth became loose.
10. [Chenzhou City, Hunan Province] Ms. Li Qun'e and Ms. Li Yuejiao Arrested
On the evening of February 19, 2006, Li Songlin from the National Security Division and his subordinates arrested Ms. Li Qun'e and Ms. Li Yuejiao when they were delivering truth-clarification materials to the residential area of the Xiangyong Coal Mine. They are detained at the Yongxing County Detention Center and their families are not allowed to visit.
Related telephones:
Li Songlin, head of the National Security Division: 86-735-5566086 (office),
86-13975588829 (cell)
Yin Shuiping, director of the 610 Office: 86-735-5566099 (office), 86-13973538472 (cell)
Zeng Yigang, Deputy Director of the 610 Office: 86-735-5566099 (office),
86-735-5523599 (home), 86-13342558166 (cell)
Chen Yaohua, Deputy Director of the 610 Office: 86-735-5566099 (office),
86-735-5532009 (home), 86-13787750319 (cell), 86-735-6587251(cell)
Wu Chunyan, staff of the 610 Office: 86-735-5566099 (office), 86-735-5566850
(home), 86-13973519785 (cell)
Xu Lijun, driver of the 610 Office: 86-735-5566099 (office), 86-13975799387 (cell)
11. [Rongcheng City, Shandong Province] Ms. Zhou Yunli Arrested
On the afternoon of February 22, 2006, Ms. Zhou Yunli from the No. 6 Village, Chengshanwei, Rongcheng City, Shandong Province was arrested by the 610 Office and her home was ransacked.
12. [Beijing City] Ms. Han Sumei Detained
Ms. Han Sumei from Fengtai District, Beijing City is now detained at the Fengtai District Detention Center where she is being tortured. Reportedly, this is her eighth arrest.
13. [Mudanjiang City, Heilingjiang Province] Zou Xiaoying And Others Arrested
On February 12, 2006, police from the mn Mudanjiang City Political and Security Division, and police from the Ning'an City Political and Security Division surrounded Ms. Liu Yayuan's home at Ning'an City with several police cars. The police climbed over the wall and broke into the house. They arrested Ms. Zou Xiaoying, Ms. Liu Xianghua and Ms. Liu Yajuan. They stole all the cash and bank deposit books at Ms. Liu Yajuan's home. Ms. Liu Yajuan is detained at the Ning'an City Detention Center while Ms. Zou Xiaoying and Ms. Liu Xianghua were taken to Mudanjiang City. Ms. Liu Xianhua is detained at the Mudanjiang City No. 2 Detention Center. Ms. Zou Xiaoying's whereabouts are unknown.
On September 23, 2005, when Heilongjiang Province was chasing and arresting practitioners Ms. Zou Xiaoying was able to escape. She is now homeless to avoid being arrested and persecuted.
Related telephone numbers:
The City Political and Judiciary Committee: 86-453-6529838, 86-453-6520541
610 Office: 86-453-6548610, 86-453-6549610
City Police Department: 86-453-6924236
Political and Security Detachment: 86-453-6282523
No. 2 Detention Center: 86-453-6282239
Ning'an City 610 Office: 86-453-7666615
14. [Sanmenxia City, Henan Province] Several Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested
A staff member from the Western Railway Station of Sanmenxia City in Henan Province, surnamed Yang, was arrested by the Shanxian Police Department while handing out truth-clarification materials during the Chinese New Year. It is rumored that the practitioner jumped out of the bathroom window at the Shanxian County Police Department to escape and died.
Police arrested the wife of a Shanmenxia Western Maintenance Section employee, while distributing truth-clarification materials during the Chinese New Year holidays.
Police arrested Wang Jiying of the Sanmenxia Railway Maintenance Section and took her to Zhengzhou City. Her whereabouts are unknown.
15. [Anshan City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Liu Suhuan Again Arrested and Near Death
Fifty-seven-year old Ms. Liu Suhuan from Anshan City, Liaoning Province broke her vertebra in 2002 when she was forced to jump out of the window of a building. She had fully recovered within 2 years. In July 2004, she was arrested when she was handing out truth-clarification materials. In prison, her injuries returned and she is dying. The prison has informed the family to pick her up.
16. [Tianjin City] Five Practitioners Arrested
Five practitioners from Goutou Village, Niudaokou Township of Baodi District were arrested at about 9 o'clock on February 20, 2006. They are detained at the Baodi Detention Center where they are being tortured. In the evening on February 20, the homes of these five practitioners were ransacked. Truth-clarification materials and Dafa books were taken from Ms. Li Deting's home.
17. [Zhuolu County, Hebei Province] Additional Information on Mr. Shan Zhihong's Arrest
Mr. Shan Zhihong from Zhuolu County is a retired employee of a bus company. Staff from the Political and Security Division of the Zhuolu County police ransacked his house, which is located in the bus terminal compound, on February 12, 2006. The police found Dafa books and truth-clarification materials at his house. They arrested Mr. Shan Zhihong and took him to the Zhuolu County detention center for questioning. They wanted to know who had given Mr. Shan the materials.
18. [Wucheng County, Shandong Province] Ms. Liu Aiju Arrested
Before 7 a.m. on January 19, 2006, township and county police arrested Ms. Liu Aiju from Ganquan Village, Luquantun Township, Wucheng County. The police broke into her home and dragged her to the police car without giving Ms. Liu time to put on her coat and change her shoes. The police also went to Ms. Ren Junai's home in an attempt to arrest her. Ms. Ren was able to escape. She is in hiding to avoid being arrested and persecuted. One month before this arrest two other practitioners home were ransacked and their Dafa books and audiotapes were confiscated.
Ms. Liu Aiju's family spent more than ten thousand yuan to have her released. However, she is still detained at the Wucheng County Detention Center.
19. [Qihe County, Shandong Province] Dafa Material Processing Site in Qihe County, Ransacked by Jinan Police on February 1, 2006. Four Practitioners Arrested
20. [Mian County, Shanxi] Ms. Du Shuming Detained
Ms. Du Shuming was reported by villagers and arrested by police from the Jiaqi Police Sub-station of Mian County on November 2, 2005 when clarifying the truth in Mianyang Township, Mian County. She is still detained.
Telephone numbers of persons related to persecution of Falun Gong:
Head of the Mian County Police Department: 86-916-3292818 (office)
Wang Weibing, Deputy Head (in charge of persecuting Falun Gong):
86-13991622366 (cell), 86-916-3292868 (office), 86-916-3292866, 86-916-3292899
The National Security and Security Office: 86-916-3292805, 86-916-3292806
Jiaqi Road Police Sub-station, Mian County: 86-916-3292861
Gao Xiaobo of the 610 Office: 86-13571687792 (cell)
21. [Daqing City, Heilong Jiang Province] Ms. Zhang Lijie Arrested by Xinjiang 610 Office
Staff from the Xinjiang 610 Office arrested Ms. Zhang Lijie from the Daqing Oil Distribution Station on February 20, 2006 at her younger sister's (also a practitioner) home. Xinjiang 610 Office suspected that Ms. Zhang Lijie was the originator of a "Letter of Kind Advice" that had been distributed in the area.
22. [Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Liu Shulan and Ms. Liu Dan Taken to Harbin Women's Prison for Torture
On the evening of February 21, 2006, police forced their way into Ms. Liu Dan's home, arrested and took her to Jixi City No. 2 Detention Center. The next day, Ms. Liu Shulan was sentenced to imprisonment, and Ms. Liu Dan were taken to Harbin Women's Prison for further persecution.
23. [Qing'an County, Heilongjiang Province] Family Members Arrested Because of the Implication Policy
On February 20, 2006, a family (parents and one child) was watching a truth-clarification VCD at home. They did not disconnect the TV, so others were able to view the VCD. They were reported and police from the Qing'an County police arrested them.
24. [Gongzhuling City, Jilin Province] Mr. Cong Shaoguo Detained
National Security Division staff, located in Gongzhuling City, arrested Mr. Cong Shaoguo from Wujiazi Village, Bawo Township, Gongzhuling City of Jilin Province around 6 p.m. on February 11, 2006. His home was ransacked. He is detained at a local detention center.
25. [Benxi City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Chen Honglan and Daughter Ms. Yan Shi Arrested
Ms. Chen Honglan and her daughter Ms. Yan Shi have been arrested while clarifying the truth about Falun Gong. Their home was ransacked. Ms. Chen Honglan was sentenced to 2 years forced labor and Ms. Yan Shi to one and a half years. They were taken to Masanjia Forced Labor Camp for further persecution.
26. [Xinxiang City, Henan Province] Ms. Zhao Tinyun Tortured to Death
On January 6, 2006, seven practitioners and one family member from Xinxiang City were arrested, including Ms. Zhao Tinyun. She was tortured to death within eight days of her arrest. Ms. Zhang Meizhen was sentenced to a one-year prison term. Mr. Huang Zhiqiang is still in detention and the others were released. They are under house arrest.
27. [Weifang City, Shandong Province] Information on Ms. Luan Xiuhong's Arrest
Ms. Luan Xiuhong was arrested and is now held at the Anqiu City Detention Center. Li Shenghua, the Head of the Evil Cult Division, Anqiu City extorted 15 thousand yuan from Ms. Luan's family. Li Shenghua threatened that if the family fails to pay the money, Ms. Luan would be sentenced to three years forced labor.
Li Shenghua: 86-536-4264901 (office), 86-536-4383927 (office), 86-13153632267
28. [Yushu City, Jilin Province] Mr. Jiao Shoutong on Hunger Strike for Nearly a Month at Yushu City Detention Center to Protest the Persecution. He Was Sentenced to Forced Labor a Few Days Ago.
29. [Beijing City] Ms. Li Dafan Arrested
Ms. Li Dafan, 56, a retiree from the Property Insurance Branch of the China Insurance Company since 2001, has become homeless since July 2, 2001. If found, she would be taken to the brainwashing class at her workplace. In October 2001, her work place stopped paying her salary and froze her bank deposits.
On February 20, Ms. Li Dafan was arrested in the Haidian District.
30. [Hebei Province] Ms. Peng Yun Held at No. 4 Section of the Hebei Women's Prison. She Was Locked in Confinement Three Times Within Three Years and Suffered Cruel Torture
31. [Beijing City] Song Zhenlan Arrested
On February 22, 2006, Zhi Dongzhi of Hongshicun Brigade, Fangshan District and more than a dozen police from the Chengguan police station of Fangshan District and staff from the 610 Office came in three police cars, to arrest Song Zhenlan at home.
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