(Clearwisdom.net) On April 9, 2006, in Chungshan Park, Falun Gong practitioners from Montreal, Canada reenacted the live human organ harvesting taking place in China, to expose the Chinese Communist Party's bloody atrocity of stealing organs from living Falun Gong practitioners and selling them for huge profits. The group called on the Canadian government to intervene and investigate the related facilities in China where this is taking place, including forced labor camps, prisons, and hospitals.
Ms. He used English and Chinese to explain the reenactment to passersby, telling them about what is happening right now in China. She told the audience that under the rule of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), Falun Gong practitioners' organs are harvested when they are still alive and then sold for huge profits. She explained that the organs for transplantation operations were not cut from dead bodies. They are from living human beings. In Sujiatun Concentration Camp, there were over 6,000 Falun Gong practitioners jailed as a living organ bank.
Reenactment to expose the CCP's atrocities
People are shocked to learn of the CCP's brutality
The Crime is Still Taking Place in Forced Labor Camps
According to the witness who exposed the secret Sujiatun Concentration Camp, there once were about 6,000 Falun Gong practitioners jailed in the camp. In 2004, when the witness left that place, there were only 2,000 practitioners still alive. It is estimated that about 4,000 people's organs were harvested and their bodies cremated to destroy the evidence. Another witness pointed out that over 30 similar concentration camps were built all over China to carry out the same crime.
Though the crime was exposed recently, it actually started sometime in 2000 to 2001. The illegal organ harvesting is still taking place in forced labor camps, prisons and hospitals in many cities and provinces throughout China. The practice reached its peak in 2001 to 2003.
After the Sujiatun Concentration Camp was exposed by the media, the Chinese Communist Party took nearly a month to cover up the evidence. The imprisoned Falun Gong practitioners were transferred to other facilities. Insiders said that the CCP is planning to kill all of them to eliminate the witnesses and evidence.
A Choice Based on Conscience

Signature drive calling on the Canadian Government to investigate the CCP's crimes against humanity
In tears, Ms. He called on the passersby, "Please, for just one minute of your time, facing such a crime in the human world, please sign your name to support us. Please write to your representatives, urging him or her and the Canadian government to publicly investigate these inhuman crimes. Please do this out of your conscience."
Many people watched the reenactment, read the materials and signed their names.
Some boys join the volunteers to distribute truth-clarification flyers
A Western father and his three boys had come to Chinatown for dinner. They passed the practitioners' site. The father asked them to walk by quickly but the boys turned around to look. Later, the father pushed them away and left. Some time later, the three boys returned to the signature table and signed their names and started to help by passing out flyers. They deliberately picked up the Chinese-language newspapers and passed them out to Chinese passersby. About 30 minutes later, they had handed out all the papers. The older boy then said, "Now I am going to eat."
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Category: Organ Harvesting