On April 22, 2006, Russian Falun Gong practitioners held a rally in Moscow to continue to expose the CCP's atrocious crimes of harvesting organs from live Falun Gong practitioners for profit, especially calling for the international community's urgent attention to the atrocities of destroying the evidence of their crimes in cooperation with hospitals in different places by means of massacring Falun Gong practitioners in forced labor camps.
During the entire activity, practitioners introduced to passers-by what Falun Dafa is and the situation of Dafa's spreading in nearly 80 countries, and also told people the truth about the CCP's brutal persecution of Falun Gong over the past 7 years.

Demonstrating the exercises
Exposing the CCP's savage crimes of harvesting organs from live Falun Gong
Many people learned the truth, accepted the truth clarification materials handed by practitioners, and signed their names to support Falun Gong's anti-persecution campaign.
Signing to condemn the CCP's atrocities
A middle-aged man accepted the truth clarification materials, and listened to practitioners' talking about the cruel persecution happening in China, then said seriously that, this is not surprise, it has happened in the former Soviet Union, what do you need me to do? Practitioners said that, "We need the just support of everyone from the international community to condemn the CCP". He then went to the front of our table and signed the petition form to support Falun Gong and to stop the CCP's killing.
A senior citizen came over here to take the truth-clarifying materials and chatted with practitioners for a long time. He said, "The Communist Party and the dictatorship cannot be separated. The CCP will be always the same no matter who is the leader; it is all about maintaining its political power and not serving ordinary people. It is impossible to have any freedom as long as the CCP is there. It can do any evildoing for keeping its power. If people want to have democracy and freedom, the only way is for the CCP to collapse. Today the Russian people can have the freedom of belief and the rights of democracy, although they are imperfect, it is the result of renouncing the Communist Party. " He signed the petition form on his initiative to support Falun Gong, and a few older people also signed the petition to support Falun Gong.
A group of lovely children arrived at the square, and carefully listened to practitioners' talk about the things happening in China. Practitioners told them the stories of Falun Gong practitioners being persecuted by the CCP due to the cultivation of "Truthfulness Compassion and Forbearance" based on the display boards and picture book. After understanding the situation, the children silently went to give their signatures to support Falun Gong's anti-persecution.
Telling the children about the things happening in China
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Category: Organ Harvesting