On May 6, a man claiming to be a "China Society" member tears
Falun Gong banners and begins cursing.
(Clearwisdom.net) On the morning of May 6, 2006, a man claiming to be a "China Society" member violently attacked and damaged a Falun Gong demonstration, one hour after its beginning. The demonstration was to expose the CCP's harvesting organs from live Falun Gong practitioners.
On April 28, 2006, the attacker beat the Falun Gong practitioner on his head
with a long stick causing profuse bleeding
This was the second violent attack and harassment towards Falun Gong practitioners, following the April 28 violent beating of a Falun Gong practitioner who was exposing the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'s brutality in Jakarta's Chinatown. According to Minghui website (Chinese version of Clearwisdom.net), this occurred on the morning of April 28, 2006, when two Falun Gong practitioners in Indonesia were holding a peaceful protest, distributing truth clarification materials about the CCP's organ harvesting. Trying to stop practitioners' clarifying the truth and cover its brutality by depraved means, the CCP sent attackers to assault them in front of a public security agency at Pancoran, the largest Chinatown in Jakarta, Indonesia. The attacker beat the Falun Gong practitioner on his head with a long stick until it bled profusely.
Citizens Eager to Learn the Truth of the CCP's Brutality
Chinese people reading the displayed materials
According to eyewitness accounts, on the morning of May 6, several Falun Gong practitioners held an activity in Pancoran to expose the CCP's atrocities of harvesting organs from living Falun Gong practitioners. The banners included "Oppose Harvesting and Selling Organs," "Stand Together to Stop the CCP's Brutality," "In China, The Source of Organ Transplantation is from the Secret Concentration Camps," and "Stop the CCP's Killing and Harvesting Organs." The big banner read "SOS Stop the CCP Killing Falun Gong Practitioners, Harvesting Organs from Live Practitioners and Cremating Bodies to Destroy the Evidence." Practitioners also demonstrated many truth-clarifying photos including "100 tortures the CCP uses to persecute Falun Gong practitioners."
Before the banners were put up properly and while the practitioners were still organizing their materials, many people were already asking for information. Within a few minutes close to a hundred people crowded around their small display. Some were taking pamphlets, some were looking at their posters and some were reading the banners. The Chinese people passing by were shocked after seeing the pictures showing the CCP's various tortures of Falun Gong practitioners and reading the banners and posters.
Many passing Chinese stopped and stood for a long time, reading and looking at the pictures. However, the crowd didn't block traffic, so dozens of security guards and police officers were also standing off to one side, watching. This situation lasted for about an hour.
A man claiming to be a "China Society" member tears Falun Gong
![]() After tearing apart a Falun Gong banner, the disruptor makes a scene and begins cursing |
![]() The disruptor violently interferes with the peaceful demonstration |
This peaceful activity, which exposed "the worst brutality in the world" frightened the CCP. After the activity had gone for nearly an hour, a thug, who claimed to be from the "China Society," suddenly came over with several companions. They immediately ripped down the posters and banners, tore up the banners and stepped on the Falun Gong pamphlets with their feet. They interfered with Falun Gong practitioners' activity which had been approved by the police, who had issued a permit. The violent attack also exposed the CCP's depraved means violating human rights.
Two hours after the attack, Local Falun Gong contact person Mr. Hok told the reporter that the attack was not an unplanned, random behavior, and the degree of the damage was predetermined by the attacker's boss. The local Falun Gong practitioners have decided to begin legal action to bring the perpetrator to justice and report to the Indonesian National Commission on Human Rights.
The Attack was not an Unplanned, Random Behavior, and the Degree of Damage was Predetermined by the Attacker's Boss.
Reporter: What is the difference between these two assaults?
Hok: The disruptors are different. But they take orders from the same organizations. The guy from Pancoran, who actively collaborated with the attacker last time, was not present this time. He was called to the police station later. There is a power behind this incident supporting the attackers. The power is special and the attackers are just tools. What power is it? It is easy to guess. Throughout the entire world, only the CCP persecutes Falun Gong and worries about Falun Gong's truth clarification events everywhere, and only the Chinese embassy is capable of inciting Chinese communities to reject Falun Gong.
The attack was well planed and not random. The degree of the damage was pre-decided. During the attack, one attacker said to other attacker "Don't beat the person." Obviously, they didn't want the bleeding incident to happen again.
Our materials were very welcomed. In one hour, we distributed close to 1,000 pamphlets. The Chinese people passing by were shocked after seeing the pictures showing the CCP's various tortures of Falun Gong practitioners and reading the banners and posters. I know that they felt sad for the cruelty currently taking place in their beloved homeland.
Reporter: The disruptors committed violent sin in public, knowing their behavior breaks the law. So, there must be a power behind the incident and supporting them.
Hok: This is obvious. The average Chinese here are unwilling to play rough. They would rather call upon police officers to come and maintain order. It is impossible that they would be so aggressive without some special support. Ordinary thugs would not behave like this. Only when they are backed by the CCP would they dare to be so rough.
We have decided to begin legal action to bring the perpetrator to justice. This perpetrator, who didn't dare to tell their names, is suspected of interfering with authorized demonstrations, for which the highest possible penalty is a one-year sentence. In addition, the perpetrator deliberately damaged the demonstrators' tools and created a threatening atmosphere.
In the assault on April 28, the perpetrator is suspected of interfering with authorized demonstrations, beating people on the head until they bled, and provoking hatred towards Falun Gong. They collected 87 signatures against Falun Gong. I made a survey and found that many those who signed names on the anti-Falun Gong forms didn't even know what Falun Gong is. I believe that they had been used. They will take the responsibility for this. From this incident, we can also see how the CCP infiltrates and controls the oversea Chinese communities. Police have already promised to investigate this incident and those Chinese. We have already reported this case to the police department and other legal organizations. We also reported it to the Indonesian National Commission on Human Rights. The constitution protects citizen's freedom of speech, and we believe that justice is with us.
Reporting to the Indonesian National Commission on Human Rights
National Human Rights Commissioner Dr. Ruswiati Suryasaputra (with back to
camera) listens to the report of disruption.
On the morning of May 8, the local Falun Gong practitioners had already reported to the Indonesian National Commission on Human Rights about the CCP's disruption of their truth-clarification activities in Pancoran. After a careful review of the video recording of the incident, Commissioner and Chairperson of the Sub-Commission on Special Group Protection, Dr. Ruswiati Suryasaputra, said that the National Commission on Human Rights agreed to take the following actions in the near future:
1. The Commission will pay attention to incidents where Falun Gong has encountered serious interference and sabotage in the Pancoran Chinatown.
2. The National Human Rights Commission has the right to request the police to thoroughly investigate the interference, sabotage, bloody attacks and infringement of human rights on Falun Gong activities in Pancoran Chinatown, to bring the perpetrators to justice and to prevent future escalation of the situation and disregard for human rights and the law laid down by the country.
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Category: Organ Harvesting