1. [Jiling Province] Practitioners Held at the Tiebei Prison Have Been Transferred to the Gongzhuling Prison
Confirmed information received on the morning of April 2, 2006, indicated that about 50 practitioners held in the Teibei Prison in Jilin Province have been transferred to the Gongzhuling City Prison. The authorities didn't explain the reason. The date for the relocation was April 1.
2. [Qingyuan County, Liaoning Province] Seven Practitioners Arrested
Between 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. on March 28, 2006, Fushun City police arrested seven practitioners from Qingyuan County, Fushun City, Liaoning Province, and put them into the Tianqiao Police Station that is specially set up to persecute practitioners in Qingyuan County.
At night, policemen tortured practitioners during interrogation. Some practitioners were beaten. Practitioner Mr. Sun Hongchang was severely injured. He could not walk and just lay on the floor. During the afternoon of March 31, two policemen pulled him into a minivan and sent him to the Dashagou Detention Center in the County.
Practitioner Mr. Li Hengliang was also transferred there.
The evening of March 29 Mr. Wang Qingcai was released after his family paid 5,000 yuan in so-called "deposit money."
On around March 29, Ms. Sui Yinghua was sent to the Dashagou Detention Center for persecution.
The whereabouts of Ms. Huang Yuping, Mr. Zheng Guangfa, and Ms. Jin Guangzhi are unknown. It is said that Ms. Huang's non-practitioner husband was also arrested that night. His whereabouts is also unknown.
3. [Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province] Practitioner Mr. Tang Zengye from the No. 3 Factory Arrested at 10:00 a.m. on April 2, 2006, by the Daqing City Police Department.
4. [Mishan City, Heilongjiang Province] Practitioner Mr. Sun Yishan Arrested
At around 3:00 p.m. on March 16, 2006, four unidentified persons nabbed practitioner Mr. Sun Yishan of Chengzihe Township, Mishan City. They ransacked Sun his home and found some unbound Falun Dafa books. Afterwards they called Li Gang from the National Security Team at the Mishan City Police Department. Li Gang and other officers confiscated all Dafa materials. Mr. Sun escaped, but has to live in exile to avoid arrest.
Chengzihe Township Police Station: 86-467-5472113
Chief of the Minshan City Police Department: 86-467-5223477 (Office)
Li Gang, a policeman from the National Security Division of the City Police Department: 86-467-5229088, 86-13946806333 (Cell)
5. [Panjin City, Liaoning Province] Abuse of Mr. Sun Jian and Mr. Hou Yunfei in the Nanshan Prison in Jinzhou City
Mr. Sun Jian was deprived of sleep at the Nanshan Prison for over 25 days. He lost several teeth from beatings. Though he was a young man in his 30s and weighed 220 pounds when he went to prison, he now looks like a skinny old man. He could not even straighten his back.
Mr. Hou Yunfei has been moved out of the prison hospital and sent to the Prison Electric Furnace Factory for forced labor. He is still in poor health and cannot do much work.
6. [Liaoning Province] Practitioners Mr. Tian Yunhai and Ms. Zang Yumei Secretly Sentenced in a Dalian City Court
At 9:00 a.m. on February 15, 2006, practitioners Mr. Tian Yunhai and Ms. Zang Yumei were secretly tried in the Ganjingzi District Court in Dalian City. No relatives were notified and the verdict is unknown.
Wang Lijuan, the judge: 86-411-86568836 (Office, room 506)
Wang Jian, the District Prosecutor: 86-411-86579991 (Office)
7. [Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province] Practitioner Ms. Wang Yu'e Arrested
During the evening of March 29, 2006, practitioner Ms. Wang Yu'e of Nansunjia Village, Canzhuang Town, was taken away. Authorities from the Canzhuang Town Police Station did this because Ms. Wang had posted Falun Dafa truth-clarifying materials. She is presently being held in Zhaoyuan City's Linglong Brainwashing Center.
(Country code: 86; Area code: 535)
Canzhuang Town government: 8322001
Luan Lixin, Town Chinese Communist Party Secretary: 8322003
Zhao Shuguang, Deputy Secretary of the Party and Head of the Town: 8322004
Li Bingjie, Deputy Secretary: 8322110
Yang Zhijun, Deputy Secretary: 8322878
8. [Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province] Practitioner Ms. Wang Huilan Arrested; Goes on a Six-Day Hunger Strike and Fined a Thousand Yuan
During the morning of March 22, 2006, agents Zhang Weiqiang and Yang Yugang from the National Security Division in the Zhuozhou City Police Department arrested practitioner Ms. Wang Huilan from Zhuozhou City and ransacked her house. She went on a hunger strike for six days. Police extorted 1000 yuan from her family and released her later.
9. [Heilongjiang Province] Practitioner Ms. Xiao Xue Arrested
At past 9:00 a.m. on April 2, 2006, personnel from Daqing City's Longguang Police Station and from the city's police department arrested practitioner Ms. Xiao Xue in the Longnan Shiji Jiayuan Community.
10. [Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province] Practitioner Tang Zengye Arrested at His Own School
Around 10:00 a.m. on April 2, 2006, personnel from the Longnan Police Station arrested practitioner Mr. Tang Zengye from Daqing City. He had his own Drawing School in the Shiji Jiayuan Community. They said he was arrested on a "business law" violation. It is said that they followed Mr. Tang for several days.
11. [Xuchang City, Henan Province] The No. 3 Detention Center Aids and Abets the Brutal Mistreatment of Practitioner Mr. Xiao Zhentong
Personnel from the No.3 Detention Center in Xuchang City treated practitioners most cruelly. Shi Baolong, the Brigade head; Xu Shuiwang, the team chief; Nie Long, a drug abuser; and others criminals often tortured practitioner Mr. Xiao Zhentong, a farmer from Yanlianzhuang Village, Juntai Town, Yuzhou City, only because Mr. Xiao shouted "Falun Dafa is great" at dinner time. They tortured him with "rope trying." (http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2004/9/18/52553.html).
They beat practitioners Ma Fei and Chen Shaomin every day. They severely beat or shock practitioners' ankles. Practitioners were covered with bruises.
12. [Anyang City, Henan Province] Ms. Zhang Daike Arrested and Her Son Implicated
Practitioner Ms. Zhang Daike from Anyang City, Henan Province, was arrested on March 1, 2006, when she was taking care of her husband in a hospital. More than 20 policemen suddenly broke in and ransacked her house in her absence. They found some truth-clarifying materials at her home and then arrested her in the hospital. She is currently being held at a detention center in the city. Ms. Zhang's employers stopped paying her pension and also suspended her son's salary.
13. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Practitioner Ms. Ning Yuying Transferred to the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp
In December 2004, practitioners Ms. Ning Yuying; Ms. Qin Cuixia; Ms. Zhang Wenhua; and Ms. Liu Lin, Liu Chengjun's sister from Shenyang City, were arrested when they were making truth-clarifying materials in Beijing's Tongzhou District. Ms. Ning was sentenced to 10 years of imprisonment in December 2005. She was secretly transferred to the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp in Shenyang City in early 2006. Information about the other practitioners arrested with her is not clear.
14. [Beijing] The Liu Xianglang Couple from Tsinghua University Arrested and Their Whereabouts Unknown
It is known that during the evening on March 19, 2006, Fu Hongyi and Li Jingtao from the No.1 Section of the Haidian District Police Department led more than 10 officers and broke into the home of the Ms. Liu Xianglan couple at Tsinghua University. They took away Ms. Liu Xianglan, her husband, and a visitor. They ransacked their home and confiscated a computer. Their whereabouts are so far unknown.
15. [Beijing] Practitioner Mr. Bao Weizhong of Tsinghua University Has Been Missing Since November 2005.
16. [Beijing] Policemen from Jinzhan Township's Chaoyang District Persecute Practitioners
After Jinzhan Township Police Department agents received the order from their superiors, they assigned Jin Liandong from the township's 610 Office, police officer Tao Yongqiang, and security guards from West Village to persecute practitioners. They promised that anyone who reports practitioners would be rewarded and their information would be kept secret.
Tao Yongqiang, police officer: 86-13522290149 (Cell)
Wei, agents from the Sunhe Township Police Department: 86-13911934756 (Cell)
Geng Xiaoling, Party secretary for Qianweigou Village, Sunhe Township: 86-10-84312090(Office)
17. [Beijing] Disappearance of Practitioner Mr. Liu Xianhua Prior to the CCP's Two Conferences
Fengtai District Police Department: 86-10-63811992, 86-10-63897537
Kandan Police Department: 86-10-63816814
18. [Beijing] Practitioner Ms. Zhan Aiping and Chao Transferred to the No.7 Section of the Beijing Police Department
Practitioners Ms. Zhan Aiping and Chao from the Haidian District of Beijing have been locked in the Haidian District Detention Center. It was reported that they have recently been transferred to the No.7 Section of the Beijing Police Department for further torture.
19. [Hebei Province] Practitioners Detained at Shijiazhuang City Forced Labor Camp Brutally Beaten
Personnel from the No.2 Team of the No.2 Division in the Shijiazhuang City Forced Labor Camp (Male Team) forced steadfast practitioners Mr. Zhang Haiduo, Mr. Zhao Wei, Mr. Wang Shengbiao, Mr. Zhang Sanxins and Mr. Zhang Wenqiang to sit facing walls for a long time. Prisoners were ordered to watch them.
In the beginning of June, police guards Bian Shuqiang, Dong Xinguo and Zhang Li used a rubber tube to brutally beat about seven practitioners. They included Mr. Zhang Jianwen, Mr. Lu Feng, Mr. Wang Bingjunm and Mr. Ma Huijun. These practitioners had announced the invalidity of their three statements. At the same time, the officials transferred about 10 prisoners from another team to reinforce the persecution.
20. [Weifang City, Shandong Province] Mr. Wang Ruide Detained and Money Extorted from His Family
Mr. Wang Ruide is a practitioner from Bozhuang Village, Mu Village, the Fangzi District, Weifang City, Shandong Province. He makes a living by transporting bricks. On March 24, 2006, someone reported him when he was clarifying the truth in Zhuli Town. Agents from the Zhuli Town Police Department "illegally detained" him and impounded his vehicle at the Fangzi District Police Department.
His family went to the police department and requested them to release Mr. Wang Ruide. But Wang Zongqiang and Li Chao, in charge of Mr. Wang's case, demanded that his family to pay 25,000 yuan; otherwise Wang Ruide would not be released.
Wang Zongqiang: 86-536-7918036 (Home)
21. [Gaomi City, Shandong Province] Retiree Ms. Li Hongxiang Sentenced to Three Years of Forced Labor
Practitioner Ms. Li Hongxiang retired from the Gaomi City Rubber Factory. In the morning on March 14, 2006, four policemen arrested her from her home and searched her house. Afterwards, they sent her to the Gaomi Detention Center. On the morning of March 29 she was transferred to the Wangcun Forced Labor Camp for a three-year term.
22. [Shanxi Province] Practitioner Mr. Wang Baoshan Incarcerated in the Houma City Detention Center
Prior to the CCP's Two Conferences, Luxi Police Station head Jing Jiangang instructed Zhao Jianlin to track and arrested practitioner Mr. Wang Baoshan. They confiscated Mr. Wang's computer, printer, MP3, cell phone, and truth-clarifying materials. Mr. Wang is still being held at the Houma City Detention Center.
(County code: 86. Area code: 357)
Houma City Police Department: 4224025
Political and Security Section of the police department: 4222991
Houma City Detention Center: 4219428
Luxi Police Station in Houma City: 4215589
Director's Office: 4229951
Office on duty: 4224530
23. [Fujian Province] Fuzhou City Education Bureau Officials Again Force Students to Slander Falun Dafa
A certain primary school held an activity called 'anti-cult hand by hand' to slander Falun Dafa. The students were required to answer questions according to the booklet containing slanderous remarks about Falun Dafa.
24. [Chongqing] Authorities Try to Accelerate the Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners
A reliable source reported that the police department, the National Security Bureau, and all levels of the regime's departments in Chongqing City plotted to launch a large scale raid of Falun Gong practitioners in March and April 2006. They planned to search houses and confiscate all Dafa books and truth-clarifying materials, in violation of the Chinese constitution. They even prohibit practicing the exercises at home. The order has been issued to all town and village regime departments.
25. [Yuci City, Shanxi Province] Practitioner Mr. Tang Huafeng Arrested
At 9:00 a.m. on March 2, 2006, agents from the 610 Offices in Yuci City and Shanxi Province colluded with many policemen and illegally arrested Mr. Tang Huafeng, who was teaching. They also searched his house and confiscated his computer, Dafa books, and truth-clarifying materials. One month has passed, but no one knows his circumstances and his family members are forbidden to see him.
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