(Clearwisdom.net) The 13th of May, 2006, was the seventh annual World Falun Dafa Day. UK Falun Gong practitioners celebrated the holiday with various programs including singing and dancing at St. Martin's Square in the center of London. Onlookers happily accepted leaflets and gave warm applause to the practitioners who were performing.
Falun Gong was made public on May 13th, 1992. For fourteen years it has been spreading in China and abroad by word of mouth, purifying people's minds and bodies. Now the practice has spread to nearly eighty countries and regions across the world. The first annual World Falun Dafa Day was established on May 13th, 2000, shortly after the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started to persecute Falun Gong.
Practitioners performed dances entitled, "Falun Dafa is good," "Fast Spinning Falun," and "Praising Lotus Flowers." They also sang a song called, "Singing Praises of Master," wishing their revered Master a happy birthday.

Practitioners also demonstrated the Falun Gong exercises, which caught the attention of shoppers and tourists. Some asked practitioners for details of practice sites, hoping to learn Falun Gong.
Young disciples demonstrate the fifth Falun Gong exercise, the sitting
As the inhuman persecution of Falun Gong practitioners by the Chinese Communist Party is still being carried out, the atmosphere of the festivity had a touch of grief because of the 2,800 Falun Gong practitioners in China who have been persecuted to death by the evil party. There is also continued concern for practitioners in China who are still being locked up in places such as labor camps, concentration camps and brainwashing classes.
A practitioner sings a song entitled, "Set Them Free"
Practitioners hung photographs depicting Falun Gong's spread around the world, practitioners in all countries practicing together, and evidence of Falun Gong practitioners being cruelly persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party. The brutal persecution shocked people and they expressed their indignation at the CCP's evilness. Many signed the petition calling for justice, condemned the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong and called on the UN and the UK Government and international organizations to thoroughly investigate labor camps and other places in China where Falun Gong practitioners are imprisoned.
Many signed the petition condemning the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong
A woman from Malaysia and an English woman said to the practitioner distributing leaflets, "We know that Falun Gong is being persecuted by the CCP and we support Falun Gong practitioners."
While distributing leaflets, Joan, a practitioner from Manchester met an English man and they talked for a long time. After that, the man told Joan: "I think that many people will learn Falun Gong. The leader of the next Chinese regime will probably permit Falun Gong to become a part of the Chinese people's way of life."
Joan told us that when she was peacefully protesting in front of the Chinese Consulate in Manchester not long ago, she met a young couple whom she had met before when taking part in an activity in another city. The young man told Joan: "As soon as I get permanent residency in the UK, I will stand with you outside the Consulate to protest against the CCP which is so evil."
Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200605/33194.html
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