(Clearwisdom.net) At around 8:00 p.m. on March 5, 2002, Falun Gong truth clarification videos including "Falun Dafa Around the World," and "Self-immolation or Staged Act?" were broadcast for about fifty minutes on eight channels of the Changchun City cable TV network. The Changchun City Cable TV Network Company has 300,000 subscribers and more than one million viewers. The incident created shockwaves in the public, and many people learned the truth about the persecution of Falun Gong. Jiang Zemin, who started the persecution, was frightened and issued a secret order "kill [those responsible for the incident] without pardon." Soon, police officers from Jilin Province illegally arrested more than 5,000 Falun Gong practitioners in Changchun City. During the arrest, at least six Falun Gong practitioners were beaten to death, and fifteen practitioners were illegally sentenced to between four years and twenty years in prison.
March 2002 - Illegally detained Falun Gong practitioner Lei Ming
Thirty year-old Dafa practitioner Lei Ming lived in Baishan City, Jilin Province. In order to clarify the truth to people deceived by the CCP's propaganda, on March 5, 2002, Lei Ming and other Dafa practitioners broadcast Falun Gong truth clarification videos in Changchun City. Police arrested him and savagely tortured him after Jiang Zemin issued the secret order, "kill without pardon." Lei Ming was unlawfully sentenced to seventeen years in prison by the Changchun City Intermediate Court. He was sent to Jilin Prison, where he was barbarically tortured for two years until he was on the brink of death. In 2004, Lei Ming was released on medical parole but was disabled from torture. Currently his muscles are still atrophied and he cannot walk, nor can he take care of himself.
1. Cruel Tortures at the Changchun City Police Department![]() Qingming Street Police Station in Changchun City |
![]() Changchun City Police Department |
Lei Ming was taken to the Qingming Street Police Station on March 5, 2002. Within less than one hour many officers from the Changchun City Police Department came to Qingming Street Police Station. They put Lei Ming in a car and drove him to the Changchun City Police Department, took him to a room on the sixth floor, and tied him to a iron chair. The metal iron chair is much taller than a regular chair; one needs assistance to get on it. After he sit on the bench, Lei Ming's feet were off the ground and afixed to the legs of the torture device. A metal bar was inserted through the two holes on both arms of the chair and pressed tightly against Lei Ming's abdomen. The police officers locked the metal bar in place and handcuffed Lei Ming's hands behind his back to the back of the chair. One officer suddenly shocked the back of Lei Ming's neck with an electric baton with a sharp tip. [The photo below is a re-enactment of the torture by Falun Gong practitioners]
Lei Ming was locked on the iron chair with his feet off the floor. A metal bar across the chair pressed tightly against his abdomen, and he was handcuffed behind his back
2. Savage Torture at Division 1 of the Changchun City Police DepartmentAt this time, several police officers entered the room and untied Lei Ming from the chair. They blindfolded him and carried him downstairs and into a car. After he got into the car, Lei Ming heard sirens from numerous police cars leaving at once. They sounded as if they were a squad. Lei Ming was not told where he was being taken.
After about thirty minutes, the cars stopped and the police removed the blindfold from Lei Ming's eyes. Lei Ming guessed it was around 10:00 p.m. It was dark and he barely saw the outline of a building. The police dragged Lei Ming out of the car and into a room, where a iron chair, electric batons, plastic bags, a large metal barrel and electric stove were placed. Judging from the decoration of the room, it seemed like an old, long since deserted hotel without a heating system. The police carried Lei Ming onto the iron chair. They tied his feet with thin ropes and again inserted the metal bar through the two holes under the iron chair's arms and locked it in place. They pulled his arms back over the top of the chair back and cuffed his hands. The police then connected the handcuffs to the low column on the chair with a cowhide belt so Lei Ming's arms were stretched to the extreme. Two police officers violently yanked the belt downwards and tried to buckle it at the innermost hole on the belt. Lei Ming felt searing pain as the handcuffs ground against his wrist-bones and his arms were stretched maximally backwards. Lei Ming struggled with all of his strength. The police could not buckle the belt. One exasperated officer fiercely kicked the handcuffs and finally got the innermost hole on the belt. Lei Ming almost became unconscious from pain and was soaked in sweat. He could not describe his feeling at that moment with words. He could not move at all.
Lei Ming was handcuffed behind his back, with his arms pulled back over the chair. A belt connected the handcuffs to the chair column, and two police officers vehemently pulled the belt.
The police officers were panting heavily after they locked Lei Ming in the chair. It was cold in the room. The officers turned on the electric stove and chatted with each other. One section head named Gao blasphemed Master. Although Lei Ming was still in great pain he immediately stopped Gao in a loud voice, "Shut your mouth!" Gao exploded in fury. He ran up to Lei Ming and slapped his face until he was exhausted. Two police officers, each holding an electric baton, approached Lei Ming and tore open his shirt, exposing his chest and neck. They then pulled down Lei Ming's pants, exposing his genitals and thighs. The two police officers proceeded to shock Lei Ming's neck, mouth, chest, genitals, rectum and thighs. While Lei Ming screamed, they shocked him until the batteries ran out and then re-charged the batteries.
The police shocked Lei Ming's neck, mouth, chest, genitals, rectum and thighs with electric batons
Another two officers arrived and wrapped Lei Ming's head in a plastic bag. They tightened it so that Lei Ming could not breathe. He almost suffocated. The officers then loosened the bag. Lei Ming took a few breaths before they quickly tightened the bag again. They repeated it until the batteries in the electric batons were recharged. Then the first two officers took over. The officers thought their tortures weren't brutal enough, so they put a flattop screwdriver on the electric stove. Then they put the red-hot screwdriver on Lei Ming's neck, which caused pieces of flesh and skin to detach.
The police wrapped Lei Ming's head in a plastic bag and burned Lei Ming's neck with a red-hot screwdriver, which caused pieces of flesh and skin to fall off
Lei Ming gritted his teeth and bore the pain. The police immediately shocked Lei Ming's burnt wounds with electric batons and then poured water on the same spot. Lei Ming felt like he was going to die. The pain intensified and the room was shrouded in an atmosphere of terror. The police then put a large metal barrel on Lei Ming's head and banged it with a large metal bar, making a deafening noise.
The police also inserted one end of a wooden stick into Lei Ming's rectum and placed the other end on a chair column before he started to shock Lei Ming's rectum with an electric baton, which greatly worsened the pain.
With a large metal barrel on his head, the police fanatically banged on the barrel with a large metal bar, creating deafening noise. The police also shocked Lei Ming's rectum with electric batons
About five hours later, Lei Ming was still in the same amount of pain as at the onset of the tortures. He stopped sweating, however, although his shirt was soaked in sweat. Lei Ming pulled his hands upward and eventually broke the belt. The police tried to buckle him again but they couldn't. One officer grabbed Lei Ming's hands from his back and yanked them upward so that Lei Ming was forced to bend forward and his chest touched his thighs. Lei Ming's abdomen was in contact with the metal bar and he was held in this posture for about five minutes. The police brought a rope and tried to tie him up but they couldn't tighten it, no matter how hard they tried. They opened the handcuffs and handcuffed him to the arms of the chair. After being stretched for a long time, Lei Ming's right shoulder was dislocated and his right arm swung about. His hands were extremely swollen, and his fingers had doubled in size.
The police yank Lei Ming's hands up, which are handcuffed behind his back, so that Lei Ming is forced to bow and his chest touches his thighs
The police tortured Lei Ming for an entire night, without a moment's break. In the end, the police were exhausted and left to go sleep. Only two officers remained on watch, and they gradually fell asleep. Lei Ming thought of leaving. He used his left hand to remove the handcuff ring from the arm of the chair, but he couldn't do the same with the right ring because of his dislocated right shoulder. He then used his left hand to remove the right handcuff ring and succeeded after a while. He lifted his legs so his hands could touch the ropes on his legs. He untied the thick rope, but the thin rope was too tight. His fingers were so swollen that he could not untie the thin ropes. The metal bar that affixed his legs in place was also locked. The two officers woke up and saw that Lei Ming had removed the handcuffs. They proceeded to beat and kick Lei Ming.
Police officers beating and kicking Lei Ming, who was still affixed to the chair
Lei Ming was detained in this room for two days, after which the police transferred him to a hotel and brought the iron chair with them. Lei Ming was locked on the iron chair for another two days at the hotel for a total of four days and four nights. After another round of barbaric torture, the police sent Lei Ming to the Tiebei Detention Center.
When they arrived there, the officials removed Lei Ming's clothes for a physical examination. The guards saw the wounds all over Lei Ming's body and immediately refused to accept him. The Changchun City Police Department agents spoke with the guards. Later the guards changed their minds and accepted Lei Ming. Lei Ming took a shower and had his hair cut first thing after he entered the cell, and when he removed his clothes and revealed the wounds all over his body, all the inmates dropped their jaws. Some inmates could not even bear to look at him. Lei Ming had charred patches of skin from electric baton shocks and burn wounds on his neck as well as wounds on his wrists, arms and ankles. The head inmate said, "I had never before believed that Falun Gong was persecuted so severely, but today I totally believe it. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is going down!"
Police officers Liu Huibin, Jang Tao, Gao Hang and section head Gao also persecuted Lei Ming.
Atrocities Against Dafa Practitioners Who Broadcast Truth Clarification Videos During the Trial
In mid-September 2002, Changchun City People's Intermediate Court illegally tried fifteen Falun Gong practitioners. The police dragged the individual practitioners into different rooms inside the courthouse and fanatically beat them and shocked them with electric batons. Practitioners Chen Yan Mei and Liu Chengjun, whom police had shot in the leg were beaten for a very long time. Later, Liu Chengjun, Chen Yanmei and Liang Zhenxing were carried into prison cells. Regarding the police atrocities during the trial, one official at Jilin City Prison said, "All that has transpired in court has nothing to do with us! The [officials from] Changchun City Police Department are responsible for them."
Changchun City Intermediate People's Court
Hou Mingkai: The 610 Office Posted a 50,000 Yuan Reward for His Capture, and He was Tortured to Death Within Two Days
Dafa practitioner Hou Mingkai was 35 years old and he lived in Changchun City. He participated in the truth clarification videos broadcast in Changchun City in March 2002. The 610 Office posted a 50,000 yuan reward and two-level upgrade promotion for his capture. Hou Mingkai was arrested on August 21, 2002 and was tortured to death within two days. His body was secretly cremated on August 23, 2002.
Six Practitioners Died in the Large-scale ArrestIn March 2002, local police arrested Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li Rong from Changchun City. The police claimed she took part in broadcasting the videos. She was tortured to death within a very short time, in late March or early April.
Thirty four year-old practitioner Ms. Shen Jianli, a teacher at the Department of Applied Mathematics of Jilin University was arrested on March 6, 2002. She was tortured to death in late April 2002. Her husband Zhen Weidong is also a Falun Gong practitioner who was likewise being illegally held. Their then four-year-old child is living with their friend.
On the evening of March 11, 2002, 34-year-old practitioner Mr. Liu Haibo was arrested. Carrying out the arrest at his home were officers from Kuancheng District Police Department in Changchun City. He was tortured until past 1:00 a.m. the next day. The police stopped when they found that Liu Haibo's heart had stopped beating and sent him to the 120 Emergency Center, but he was already dead.
On March 16, 2002, a male practitioner in his 30s was beaten to death at the Criminal Police Division of the Jincheng Police Department in Changchun City. He sustained numerous wounds throughout his body. His internal organs were ruptured from the beating, and the beatings had severely deformed him.
On March 18, 2002, 34-year-old practitioner Mr. Liu Yi was beaten to death at the office of the Criminal Police Division of Luyuan District Police Department in Changchun City.
On March 20, 2002, police officers from the Changjiu Road Police Station arrested 54-year-old practitioner Ms. Li Shuqin. She was tortured to death at the No. 3 Detention Center in Changchun City.
Liu Chengjun Passed Away After 21 Months of Brutal Torture in PrisonPhoto published on Chinanews.com on April 1, 2002
There were numerous blood spots in the room, and Liu Chengjun clearly could not sit up straight at this point
At 4:00 a.m. on December 26, 2003, Liu Chengjun, one of the instrumental practitioners who organized the broadcast passed away at Sino-Japan Friendship Hospital affiliated with Jilin University in Changchun City.
On March 24, 2002, Liu Chengjun was arrested. The police intentionally fired two shots into Liu Chengjun's thighs while he was already in handcuffs and shackles, which caused critical injuries. In early May 2002, Liu Chengjun was transferred to the Tiebei Detention Center, where he was savagely tortured on the iron chair for fifty two days. He was carried into the courtroom during the illegal trial. In mid September 2002, Liu Chengjun was illegally sentenced to nineteen years in prison and was sent to Jilin Prison.
In late October 2003, Liu Chengjun had become deformed from torture and had difficulty speaking. He was sent to the Jilin City Central Hospital for emergency treatment. The hospital issued a Notice of Critical Condition, and yet the 610 Office persecutors transferred him to the Jilin Province Police Hospital. The doctor at the police hospital diagnosed Liu Chengjun with uremia and also issued a Notice of Critical Condition. On November 4, 2003, the Jilin Prison officials reluctantly released Liu Chengjun on medical parole, but a stamp of approval from the Debiao Police Station from Liu Chengjun's native Nongan County was required, because Debiao Police Station agents had issued Liu Chengjun's residence permit. Officials at the Debiao Police Station were afraid to take responsibility. The officials reported to the Nongan County Police Department. The Nongan County 610 Office refused to stamp the papers, and eventually the medial parole documents at Jilin Prison became void.
Mr. Liu Chengjun passed away at 4:00 a.m. on Friday, December 26, 2003 at the Sino-Japan Friendship Hospital affiliated with Jilin University in Changchun City after twenty one months of ruthless torture. That same day, the Jilin Prison officials gathered together a large group of guards who cremated the body at 11:00 a.m., despite strong protest from Liu Chengjun's family. Witnesses saw blood dripping from Liu Chengjun's nose, ears, thighs and other parts of the body.
Liang Zhenxing: Secret Torture Chamber - Suffered Tortures
Illegally detained Liang Zhenxing, on March 2002
According to a source in Mainland China, another practitioner named Liang Zhenxing, who took part in the broadcast, was taken to the Tiebei Detention Center in Changchun City before the illegal trial in September 2002. He was interrogated every two to three days. Prior to each interrogation he was blindfolded and led to a torture chamber. Each time he returned with wounds all over his body. To his knowledge, the secret torture chamber is probably located near Jingyue Pond where he endured various types of tortures.
Broadcasting Truth Clarification Videos is Upholding People's Right to KnowDuring the past seven years, the wicked CCP and Jiang's group spared no means in savagely persecuting Falun Gong practitioners, which led to the death of practitioners, most of whom were mainstream Chinese citizens. On the other hand, the wicked CCP engaged all TV stations and other propaganda machines throughout China to twist the truth, frame innocent Falun Gong practitioners and deceive the Chinese people. The whole world was and still is deceived by lies of the CCP dictatorial regime. People didn't know that such vicious persecution against a group of spiritual believers was taking place in this era of human civilization.
One Chinese man said angrily after learning about the persecution, "This is more brutal than the German Nazis' persecution of the Jews, because they are persecuting a group of the best people in the world - people who follow Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance."
If the Jews could break through Hitler's cover-up while being senselessly massacred, and if they had had exposed the truth through various media channels, they would have effectively stopped the fascist atrocities, and people would see them as heroes. Today, Falun Gong practitioners, followers of the truth, are resisting the persecution through peaceful means. The practitioners in China visit villages at night to distribute flyers and post banners. They risked their lives to expose Jiang's lies and the bloody facts, while at the same time demonstrating the beauty of Dafa, only to help people know what is happening next to them. They want to gain people's understanding and support while they condemn the wicked CCP and Jiang group's fascist behaviors to prevent more people from being harmed.
Many readers in Mainland China wrote to the Minghui website and expressed their admiration of Falun Gong practitioners. One reader wrote, "Not everyone can become a hero. Please forgive my cowardice, but I still have a conscience. You are doing a very right thing and [you are] awakening more and more people. I hope you will continue." "This big, metal room needs more sunlight!" "I think if everyone in today's society can conduct themselves like Falun Gong practitioners, there would then not be so many people who violate the law. How wonderful it would be if everyone could discipline himself, cherish virtue and become a truly good person with high moral standards!"
Falun Gong practitioners suffered with fortitude and rationality. They even shed blood, but their sacrifices are not made in vain. The morally bankrupt CCP cannot casually wipe away the standard for judging good and evil deeply imbedded in the veins of each descendant of the Chinese civilization with 5,000 years of history. People are stepping forward to uphold justice, and Falun Gong practitioners will continue their efforts until sincerity, compassion and tolerance fills the human world.
Changchun City: area code 431
Qingming Street Police Station in Changchun City: 8932168
Changchun City Intermediate People's Court
Address: No. 1 Jingyang Square,Zip code: 130062
Main switchboard: 7685400-5408, 7685410, 7600123, 7681381, 7631202, 7631205 7650973,
Jilin Province High People's Court
Address: No. 1399 Great Jingyang Road,
Zip code: 130062
Main switchboard: 8556000,
Fax: 8556825
Report Center: 7617802, 7697055
Changchun City Police Department
Address: No. 67 Renmin Ave, Zip code: 130000
Main switchboard: 8986842, 8986830, 8908000
Jilin Province Detention Center
Address: No 3516 Great Yatai Street, Changchun City,
Zip code: 130000
Phone: 2692299, 2692255, 2692266, 2673105
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